
The mystery of the Indus Valley Civilization’s script is now solved!

Reading Andrew Robinson’s excellent compilation of the academic work done on the unsolved ancient languages and scripts in his great book, Lost Languages, he cites that the name of phoenician navigator Thales of Miletus (Aegean circa 600 B.C.) may have been derived from a word, thala, rooted in very ancient northwest India, where the iron age dravidian Brahmi language writers translated their word thala into Sanskrit using two signs, one for tha, a U shape, and one for la, an l shape, which when put within the U shape forms an ancient Indus script sign (a triton?), apparently the linguistic root of the word used for maritime powers, thalassocracies, with powerful ancient port cities, such as Kususthali (port of the legendary Kush), now submerged in the Gulf of Kutch (Kush), off the coast of northwest India, a very ancient thalassocracy for sure, submerged when the Ice Age ended almost a thousand years before Thales the phoenician navigator’s days.

That Brahmi script from the time of Ashoka (and Thales) was obviously syllabic, not alphabetic, however the ancient vedic Sanskrit writing which is composed of semitic lettering is, spelling-out the word Kususthali, the port city of Kush, surely proving that Sanskrit writing developed directly when the semitic alphabet was applied to the Indus Valley language, probably when Abraham sent Keturah and their kids off to the east, perhaps even having spelled out the great river of the ice age Indus Valley Civilization, now extinct, the Sarasvati river, Sarah’s wadi, Sarah’s river, quite respectful I’d say on Keturah’s part if this well-founded conjecture is correct.

Andrew Robinson mocked the notion ’though that semitic writers could have been responsible for the Sanskrit alphabet of India, but ironically he does acknowledge that the signs of archaic vedic Sanskrit greatly resemble those of the Phoenicians and Hebrews, both having actually utilized the semitic alphabet, Keturah having brought it to India circa 2000 B.C., and Phoenicians circa 1500 B.C., such as Cadmus, having helped apply it to the mediterranean languages, and no doubt sailing all over the world, like Thales of Miletus, who utilized “twelve wind maps” according to Plato, a mystery to him circa 350 B.C., which however was according to the methodology explained in article #2 at, the methodolgy which also is the geometric principle of modern nautical mile mapping, as well as, the source for the numerology of the hindu yugas of time.

In Mesopotamia, Thallath was the ancient chaldean goddess of the open sea, the etymology clearly that of the brahmi word thala, and the word thalossocracy, and the name of Thales, the Phoenician, whose parents of navigators’ stock could have picked up the name, as I said, because of the Phoenicians’ extensive voyages, or by common trade and sharing of ideas by the Phoenicians based in Tsyria (same as Syria, Tyrus, Tyre) overland with the Chaldeans of Mesopotamia to the east, all to say that there are biblically validated reasons that the root word for maritime empire was the same in the chaldean language, and as now proven, Sanskrit too, the code is broken, the Indus Valley Civilization’s language with script was that which later would be written in Sanskrit, utilizing the semitic alphabet of the Hebrews, borrowed also by the canaanite Phoenicians.