Views 2016

Aurametrix Environmental Health blog
Aurametrix Health Technologies blog
Aurametrix IBS blog
Aurametrix Olfactics blog

December 29, 2016: Believe in Miracles and Yourself End of the year is a very special time as Holiday lights melt away our inner Grinch and we start to believe in miracles and new beginnings...

November 18, 2016: Who is afraid of IBS? I don’t mean to brag, but I’ve got irritable bowel syndrome, says a character of a sitcom. Irritable bowel syndrome used to be a rare condition, but became a problem of epidemic proportions, until the disease "came out of the closet". Then Internet searches and doctor visits started to dwindle down and less than halved compared to earlier decades. Is IBS no longer a problem?...

November 7, 2016: What the future will hold Elections are bad for your health. More than half of Americans, independently of their party preference, are stressed about upcoming elections, especially the oldest and the youngest voters. Social media is one of the major factors making this stress even worse...

October 31, 2016: What we learn from Halloween What can we learn from Halloween? A lot, judging by numerous scientific studies and less scientific surveys....

August 21, 2016: The future of Brain, Brawn and Beauty In the future all humans will be tall and beautiful look-alikes, as in GATTACA. Or they will split into frail beauties and sturdy beasts...

June 12, 2016: Seeing through the Skin Human skin emits light (albeit the glow is extremely weak) and a wide variety of small molecules that may be sometimes "sniffed" by dogs or even other humans. These chemicals tell a story about our health and wellness, things we eat and drink, touch and breathe. ...

May 13, 2016: Friday the 13th Our health depends on a multitude of environmental factors, day in and day out. And today is a special day - Friday the 13th. How should you feel on this day?...

April 27, 2016: Food the Restore a Heart We know that diet, exercise and low-stress life will keep the heart healthy. But sometimes things happen that are beyond our control. Thanks to more coordinated, faster emergency response and improved treatment, heart attacks aren't as deadly as they used to be. But survivors still face a substantial risk of further cardiovascular events. How to restore after a heart attack and prevent another one? ...

April 1, 2016: Technology, Dreams and Jokes As Sigmund Freud suggested, jokes often expose unconscious desires. Perhaps the technologies listed below, too, have a grain of our desires wrapped in a smile? ...

April 1, 2016: IoT marches on: Key Fool's day Announcements Technology keeps marching ahead. And the future gets smarter with the Internet of Things. Here are a few announcements made today, on April 1 2016 ...

February 17, 2016: Personalized Metabolomics While genomic data and proteomic analyses do not tell the whole story of what might be happening inside our body, metabolic profiling can give a snapshot of how the body works, providing a glimpse into the chemistry between us and our microbiomes ...

January 17, 2016: From Limping to Leaping Anno bisesto, anno funesto” (leap year, gloomy year), say Italians. “Leap year was ne’er a good sheep year.” agrees an old Scottish proverb. "Високосный год "Урожай" соберет" (leap year will gather the "Harvest") warns a Russian saying implying that there will be plenty of disasters - calamities, catastrophes and cataclysms. But usually there are not...

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