
Low potassium diet

The Daily Value for potassium is 3500 milligrams.

People with certain kidney problems, however, have to limit potassium foods.

Food items that have more than 10% DV of potassium per serving should be excluded from low potassium diets.

    • Up to 4 % DV = 0-140 mg, low potassium

    • Up to 7 % DV = 141-250 mg, medium potassium

    • Up to 14% DV = 251-500 mg, high potassium

    • Over 20% DV = 700 mg or more, very high potassium

Potassium in grean leafy vegetables can be reduced by soaking for 4-8 hrs

The best cooking is simple cooking - for example, baked chicken breast instead of chicken kiev or curried chicken, plain rice or pasta (no cream or fancy sauces), homemade oil and vinegar dressing for salads.

Avoid salt substitutes, some artificial sweeteners, bran, nuts, whole grain, milk, raisins, carrots, greens or beans, chocolate, prepared sauces, avocado, tomatoes, potatoes, oranges, bananas, cantaloupe.