
Course: BMI-325 Programming for Biomedical informatics with Lab

(6 contact hours, 5 credit hours)

Instructor: Irene Gabashvili

Office hours: By appointment

Class Schedule: Thursday: 10am-12:50pm (105);

Thursday: 1pm-2:50pm (203, 201, Physics Lab from 2pm:250pm)

Course Description:

This course teaches programming concepts for biomedical informatics. The programming techniques cover implementation of algorithms for searching and processing biosciences data; data structures to represent, store and manipulate such data; and statistical programming. Basic programming for high throughput computing such as Clustering, Grid and Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) are discussed. Advanced topics such as bioinformatics web services programming are covered. Lab exercises enforce the programming principles covered using primarily the Perl programming language. Bioperl, BioJava, Biopython, BioXML and SAS programming will be also discussed. Prerequisite: BMI312 / 6-5

Course Schedule - 15 Week: