Biting Policy

Biting is a difficult and uncomfortable issue to deal with for parents. If your child is the victim, you may feel angry and outraged. If your child is the biter, you may feel embarrassed or frustrated. Take heart! Most toddlers who bite do so only a short while. Paying close attention to the reasons (teething, frustration, attention, imitation, tiredness, independence, leadership, etc.) will help come up with some useful solutions. Soon your toddler will have learned important new skills for communication and getting along with others.

If a biting problem arises in which a particular child is regularly offending other children, we will immediately inform the parent and discuss basic behavior modification techniques to implement. At the same time we will review details of past biting incidents.

Little Giggles Daycare reserves the right to discontinue childcare for any child whose behavior is detrimental to the general well being of other children receiving care here.