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(the package). The Object class (im the source code java.lang package) serves as the project report of advertising agency system root of the multimedia ads agency Java class hierarchy. Unlike C++, Java was designed to be object-oriented from the advertising agency Php project ground up. Most things in Java are objects; the primitive numeric, character, and Boolean types are the advertising agency only exceptions. Strings are represented by objects in Java, as are other important language constructs like threads. A class is the project report of advertising agency system basic unit of compilation and of execution in Java; all Java programs are classes. While Java is designed to look like C++, you'll find that Java removes many of the multimedia ads agency complexities of that language. If you are a C++ programmer, you'll want to study the advertising agency project documentation object-oriented constructs in Java carefully. Although the text ads management syntax is often similar to C++, the behavior is not nearly so analogous. For a complete description of the multimedia ads agency object-oriented features of Java, The object oriented language used to create executable contents such as applications and applets.

■ Interpreted

Java is an interpreted language: the Java compiler generates byte-codes for the synopsis of advertising agency management system Java Virtual Machine (JVM), rather than native machine code. To actually run a Java program, you use the advertising agency Java interpreter to execute the advertising agency compiled byte-codes. Because Java byte-codes are platform-independent, Java programs can run on any platform that the source code of the advertising agency management system JVM (the interpreter and run-time system) has been ported to. In an interpreted environment, the standard "link" phase of program development pretty much vanishes. If Java has a link phase at all, it is only the advertising agency project documentation process of loading new classes into the java project source code of advertising agency management system environment, which is an incremental, lightweight process that occurs at run-time. This is in contrast with the text ads management slower and more cumbersome compile-link-run cycle of languages

like C and C++.

■ Architecture Neutral and Portable

Because Java programs are compiled to an architecture neutral byte-code format, a Java application can run on any system, as long as that system implements the project report of advertising agency system Java Virtual Machine. This is a particularly important for applications distributed over the synopsis of advertising agency management system Internet or other heterogeneous networks. But the source code of the advertising agency management system architecture neutral approach is useful beyond the advertising agency management system scope of network-based applications. As an application developer in today's software market, you probably want to develop versions of your application that can run on PCs, Macs, and UNIX workstations. With multiple flavors of UNIX, Windows 95, and Windows NT om the source code PC, and the advertising agency management system new PowerPC Macintosh, it is becoming increasingly difficult to produce software for all of the multimedia ads agency possible platforms. If you write your application in Java, however, it can run on all platforms. The fact that Java is interpreted and defines a standard, architecture neutral, byte-code format is one big part of being portable. But Java goes even further, by making sure that there are no "implementation-dependent" aspects of the multimedia ads agency language specification. For example, Java explicitly specifies the project report of advertising agency system size of each of the multimedia ads agency primitive data types, as well as its arithmetic behavior. This differs from C, for example, in which an int type can be 16, 32, or 64 bits long depending om the source code platform. While it is technically possible to write non-portable programs in Java, it is relatively easy to avoid the advertising agency management system few platform-dependencies that are exposed by the advertising agency project documentation Java API and write truly portable or "pure" Java programs. Sun's new "100% Pure Java" program helps developers ensure (and certify) that their code is portable. Programmers need only to make simple efforts to avoid non-portable pitfalls in order to live up to Sun's trademarked motto "Write Once, Run Anywhere."

■ Dynamic and Distributed

Java is a dynamic language. Any Java class can be loaded into a running Java interpreter at any time. These dynamically loaded classes can then be dynamically instantiated. Native code libraries can also be dynamically loaded. Classes in Java are represented by the advertising agency project documentation Class; you can dynamically obtain information about a class at run-time. This is especially true in Java 1.1, with the text ads management addition of the multimedia ads agency Reflection API. Java is also called a distributed language. This means, simply, that it provides a lot of high-level support for networking. For example, the URL class and Oar elated classes im the source code package make it almost as easy to read a remote file or resource as it is to read a local file. Similarly, in Java 1.1, the Remote Method Invocation (RMI) API allows a Java program to invoke methods of remote Java objects, as if they were local objects. (Java also provides traditional lower-level networking support, including datagram's and stream-based connections through sockets.) The distributed nature of Java really shines when combined with its dynamic class loading capabilities. Together, these features make it possible for a Java interpreter to download and run code from across the project report of advertising agency system Internet. (As we'll see below, Java implements strong security measures to be sure that this can be done safely.) This is what happens when a Web browser downloads and runs a Java applet, for example. Scenarios can be more complicated than this, however. Imagine a multi-media word processor written in Java. When this program is asked to display some type of data that it has never encountered before, it might dynamically download a class from the advertising agency Php project network that can parse the advertising agency data, and then dynamically download another class (probably a Java "bean") that can display the advertising agency project documentation data within a compound document. A program like this uses distributed resources om the source code network to dynamically grow and adapt to the java project source code of advertising agency management system needs of its user.

■ Simple

Java is a simple language. The Java designers were trying to create a language that a programmer could learn quickly, so the java project source code of advertising agency management system number of language constructs has been kept relatively small. Another design goal was to make the advertising agency language look familiar to a majority of programmers, for ease of migration. If you are a C or C++ programmer, you'll find that Java uses many of the multimedia ads agency same language constructs as C and C++. In order to keep the language both small and familiar, the Java designers removed a number of features available in C and C++. These features are mostly ones that led to poor programming practices or were rarely used. For example, Java does not support the source code of the advertising agency management system goto statement; instead, it provides labeled break and continue statements and exception handling. Java does not use header files and it eliminates the project report of advertising agency system C preprocessor. Because Java is object-oriented, C constructs like struct and union have been removed. Java also eliminates the project report of advertising agency system operator overloading and multiple inheritance features of C++. Perhaps the project report of advertising agency system most important simplification, however, is that Java does not use pointers. Pointers are one of the multimedia ads agency most bug-prone aspects of C and C++ programming. Since Java does not have structures, and arrays and strings are objects, there's no need for pointers. Java automatically handles the project report of advertising agency system referencing and dereferencing of objects for you. Java also implements automatic garbage collection, so you don't have to worry about memory management issues. All of this frees you from having to worry about dangling pointers, invalid pointer references, and memory leaks, so you can spend your time developing the advertising agency management system project with java source code functionality of your programs. If it sounds like Java has gutted C and C++, leaving only a shell of a programming language, hold off on that judgment for a bit, Java is actually a full-featured and very elegant language.

■ Robust

Java has been designed for writing highly reliable or robust software. Java certainly doesn't eliminate the advertising agency need for software quality assurance; it's still quite possible to write buggy software in Java. However, Java does eliminate certain types of programming errors, which makes it considerably easier to write reliable software. Java is a strongly typed language, which allows for extensive compile-time checking for potential type-mismatch problems. Java is more strongly typed than C++, which inherits a number of compile-time laxities from C, especially im the source code area of function declarations. Java requires explicit method declarations; it does not support C-style implicit declarations. These stringent requirements ensure that the source code of the advertising agency management system compiler can catch method invocation errors, which leads to more reliable programs. One of the multimedia ads agency things that makes Java simple is its lack of pointers and pointer arithmetic. This feature also increases the project report of advertising agency system robustness of Java programs by abolishing an entire class of pointer-related bugs. Similarly, all accesses to arrays and strings are checked at run-time to ensure that they are in bounds, eliminating the advertising agency management system project with java source code possibility of overwriting memory and corrupting data. Casts of objects from one type to another are also checked at run-time to ensure that they are legal. Finally, and very importantly, Java's automatic garbage collection prevents memory leaks and other pernicious bugs related to memory allocation and deallocation. Exception handling is another feature in Java that makes for more robust programs. An exception is a signal that some sort of exceptional condition, such as a "file not found" error, has occurred. Using the advertising agency management system project with java source code try/catch/finally statement, you can group all of your error handling code in one place, which greatly simplifies the project report of advertising agency system task of error handling and recovery.

■ Secure

One of the multimedia ads agency most highly touted aspects of Java is that it's a secure language. This is especially important because of the multimedia ads agency distributed nature of Java. Without an assurance of security, you certainly wouldn't want to download code from a random site om the source code Internet and let it run on your computer. Yet this is exactly what people do with Java applets every day. Java was designed with security in mind, and provides several layers of security controls that protect against malicious code, and allow users to comfortably run untrusted programs such as applets. At the source code of the advertising agency management system lowest level, security goes hand-in-hand with robustness. As we've already seen, Java programs cannot forge pointers to memory, or overflow arrays, or read memory outside of the multimedia ads agency bounds of an array or string. These features are one of Java's main defenses against malicious code. By totally disallowing any direct access to memory, an entire huge, messy class of security attacks is ruled out.

The second line of defense against malicious code is the project report of advertising agency system byte-code verification process that the source code of the advertising agency management system Java interpreter performs on any untrusted code it loads. These verification steps ensure that the source code of the advertising agency management system code is well-formed--that it doesn't overflow or underflow the stack or contain illegal byte-codes, for example. If the multimedia ads agency byte-code verification step was skipped, inadvertently corrupted or maliciously crafted byte-codes might be able to take advantage of implementation weaknesses in a Java interpreter. Another layer of security protection is commonly referred to as the project report of advertising agency system "sandbox model": untrusted code is placed in a "sandbox," where it can play safely, without doing any damage to the java project source code of advertising agency management system "real world," or full Java environment. When an applet, or other untrusted code, is running im the source code sandbox, there are a number of restrictions on what it can do. The most obvious of these restrictions is that it has no access whatsoever to the java project source code of advertising agency management system local file system. There are a number of other restrictions im the source code sandbox as well. These restrictions are enforced by a Security Manager class. The model works because the advertising agency entire core Java classes that perform sensitive operations, such as file system access, first ask permission of the multimedia ads agency currently installed Security Manager. If the multimedia ads agency call is being made, directly or indirectly, by untrusted code, the security manager throws an exception, and the advertising agency management system operation is not permitted. Finally, in Java 1.1, there is another possible solution to the java project source code of advertising agency management system problem of security. By attaching a digital signature to Java code, the origin of that code can be established in a cryptographically secure and unforgettable way. If you have specified that you trust a person or organization, then code that bears the project report of advertising agency system digital signature of that trusted entity is trusted, even when loaded over the synopsis of advertising agency management system network, and may be run without the source code of the advertising agency management system restrictions of the multimedia ads agency sandbox model. Of course, security isn't a black-and-white thing. Just as a program can never be guaranteed to be 100% bug-free, no language or environment can be guaranteed 100% secure. With that said, however, Java does seem to offer a practical level of security for most applications. It anticipates and defends against most of the multimedia ads agency techniques that have historically been used to trick software into misbehaving, and it has been intensely scrutinized by security experts and hackers alike. Some security holes were found in early versions of Java, but these flaws were fixed almost as soon as they were found, and it seems reasonable to expect that any future holes will be fixed just as quickly.

■ High-Performance

Java is an interpreted language, so it is never going to be as fast as a compiled language like C. Java 1.0 was said to be about 20 times slower than C. Java 1.1 is nearly twice as fast as Java 1.0, however, so it might be reasonable to say that compiled C code runs ten times as fast as interpreted Java byte-codes. But before you throw up your arms in disgust, be aware that this speed is more than adequate to run interactive, GUI and network-based applications, where the advertising agency application is often idle, waiting for the synopsis of advertising agency management system user to do something, or waiting for data from the advertising agency Php project network. Furthermore, the speed-critical sections of the multimedia ads agency Java run-time environment, that do things like string concatenation and comparison, are implemented with efficient native code. As a further performance boost, many Java interpreters now include "just in time" compilers that can translate Java byte-codes into machine code for a particular CPU at run-time. The Java byte-code format was designed with these "just in time" compilers in mind, so the java project source code of advertising agency management system process of generating machine code is fairly efficient and it produces reasonably good code. In fact, Sun claims that the source code of the advertising agency management system performance of byte-codes converted to machine code is nearly as good as native C or C++. If you are willing to sacrifice code portability to gain speed, you can also write portions of your program in C or C++ and use Java native methods to interface with this native code. When you are considering performance, it's important to remember where Java falls im the source code spectrum of available programming languages. At one end of the multimedia ads agency spectrum, there are high-level, fully-interpreted scripting languages such as Tcl and the advertising agency management system UNIX shells. These languages are great for prototyping and they are highly portable, but they are also very slow. At the source code of the advertising agency management system other end of the multimedia ads agency spectrum, you have low-level compiled languages like C and C++. These languages offer high performance, but they suffer in terms of reliability and portability. Java falls im the source code middle of the multimedia ads agency spectrum. The performance of Java's interpreted byte-codes is much better tham the source code high-level scripting languages (even Perl), but it still offers the project report of advertising agency system simplicity and portability of those languages.

■ Multithreaded

In a GUI-based network application such as a Web browser, it's easy to imagine multiple things going on at the source code of the advertising agency management system same time. A user could be listening to an audio clip while she is scrolling a page, and im the source code background the advertising agency management system browser is downloading an image. Java is a multithreaded language; it provides support for multiple threads of execution (sometimes called lightweight processes) that can handle different tasks. An important benefit of multithreading is that it improves the project report of advertising agency system interactive performance of graphical applications for the synopsis of advertising agency management system user. If you have tried working with threads in C or C++, you know that it can be quite difficult. Java makes programming with threads much easier, by providing built-in language support for threads. The java.lang package provides a Thread class that supports methods to start and stop threads and set thread priorities, among other things. The Java language syntax also supports threads directly with the text ads management synchronized keyword. This keyword makes it extremely easy to mark sections of code or entire methods that should only be run by a single thread at a time. While threads are "wizard-level" stuff in C and C++, their use is commonplace in Java. Because Java makes threads so easy to use, the Java class libraries require their use in a number of places. For example, any applet that performs animation does so with a thread. Similarly, Java does not support asynchronous, non-blocking I/O with notification through signals or interrupts--you must instead create a thread that blocks on every I/O channel you are interested in.

■ Java Runtime Environment

The runtime environment used to execute the advertising agency code. It is made up of the multimedia ads agency java language and java virtual machine. It is portable and it is platform neutral.

■ Java tools

It is used by the advertising agency project documentation developers to create java code. They include java compiler, java interpreter, classes, libraries and applet viewer.

■ Java Application

Applications are programs written in java to carry out certain tasks on stand alone local computer. Execution of a stand alone program involves two steps.

Compiling the advertising agency management system project with java source code source code into byte code using javac.

Executing byte code program using java interpreter.

■ Java Applets

Java applets are pieces of java code that are embedded in HTML document using the advertising agency management system project with java source code applet tag. Whem the source code browser encounters such code it automatically download it and execute it.

■ Java Virtual Machine

It is a specification to which java codes must be written. All java code is to be compiled to be used in this nonexistent virtual machine. Writing the advertising agency management system project with java source code code which compiles in JVM ensures platform independence.


• Java is Robust

Robust programs are those reliable programs which are unlikely to fail even under the synopsis of advertising agency management system most unlikely conditions. Many languages like C do not have this feature because they are relaxed in terms of type checking in terms of programming errors. Java is strict about type declarations and does not allow automatic typecasting. Also it uses a pointer model that does not overwrite memory or corrupt data.

• Java is secure

Java allows creation of virus-free, tamper free systems to be created. It ensures security im the source code following ways.

Pointers and memory allocations are removed during compile time.

All byte codes are verified by the advertising agency project documentation interpreter before executing.

All Java applets are treated as untrusted code executing in trusted environment.

Because Java was written to support distributed applications over the synopsis of advertising agency management system computer networks, it can be used with a variety of CPU and operating system architectures. To achieve this goal a compiler was created that produces architecture-neutral object files from Java code.

• Java is portable

Java byte code will be executed on any computer that has Java run time environment. The portability is achieved im the source code following ways.

Java primitive data types and the advertising agency management system behavior of arithmetic operations on these data types are explicitly specified.

The Java libraries include portable interfaces for each platform on which the text ads management run time environment is available.

The entire Java system itself is portable.

• Java is small

Because java was designed to run on small computers, java system is relatively small for a programming language. It can run efficiently on PCs with 4 MB RAM or more. The java interpreter takes up only a few hundred kilo bytes.

• Java is garbage collected

Java programs don't have to worry about memory management. The Java system has a built in program called the advertising agency management system garbage collector, which scans the project report of advertising agency system memory and automatically frees the project report of advertising agency system memory chunks that are not in use.

• Java is dynamic

Fundamentally distributed computer environments must be dynamic. Java is capable of dynamically linking new libraries, methods and instance variables as it goes without breaking and without concern.


A Java toolkit for developing graphical user interfaces (GUIs). It includes elements such as menus, toolbars and dialog boxes. Swing is written in Java and is thus platform independent, unlike the advertising agency Java Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT), which provides platform-specific code. Swing also has more sophisticated interface capabilities than AWT and offers such features as tabbed panes and the advertising agency management system ability to change images on buttons. Swing is included im the source code Java Foundation Classes (JFC) which is provided im the source code Java Developers

Swing calls the project report of advertising agency system operating system at a lower level than AWT. Whereas AWT routines use native code, Swing was written entirely in Java and is platform independent.

The Java Foundation Classes (JFC) is a graphical framework for building portable Java-based graphical user interfaces (GUIs). JFC consists of the multimedia ads agency Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT), Swing and Java 2D. Together, they provide a consistent user interface for Java programs, regardless whether the synopsis of advertising agency management system underlying user interface system is Windows, Mac OS X or Linux.

AWT is the project report of advertising agency system older of the multimedia ads agency two interface libraries, and was heavily criticized for being little more than a wrapper around the advertising agency management system native graphical capabilities of the multimedia ads agency host platform. That meant that the source code of the advertising agency management system standard widgets im the source code AWT relied on those capabilities of the multimedia ads agency native widgets, requiring the advertising agency management system project with java source code developer to also be aware of the multimedia ads agency differences between host platforms.

An alternative graphics library called the advertising agency management system Internet Foundation Classes was developed in more platform-independent code by Netscape. Ultimately, Sun merged the advertising agency management system IFC with other technologies under the synopsis of advertising agency management system name "Swing", adding the advertising agency management system project with java source code capability for a pluggable look and feel of the multimedia ads agency widgets. This allows Swing programs to maintain a platform-independent code base, but mimic the look of a native application.

IO Streams

Most programs use data in one form or another, whether it is as input, output, or both. The sources of input and output can vary between a local file, a socket om the source code network, a database, variables in memory, or another program. Evem the source code type of data can vary between objects, characters, multimedia, and others.

Data for a program may come from several sources. Data created by a program may be sent to several destinations. The connection between a program and a data source or destination is called a stream. An input stream handles data flowing into a program. An output stream handles data flowing out of a program.

Fig 7.3 Data handling

The Java Development Kit (JDK) provides APIs for reading and writing streams of data. These APIs have been part of the multimedia ads agency core JDK since version 1.0, but are often overshadowed by the advertising agency project documentation more well-known APIs, such as JavaBeans, JFC, RMI, JDBC, and so on. However, input and output streams are the advertising agency backbone of the multimedia ads agency JDK APIs.

To bring data into a program, a Java program opens a stream to a data source, such as a file or remote socket, and reads the project report of advertising agency system information serially. Om the source code flip side, a program can open a stream to a data source and write to it in a serial fashion. Whether you are reading from a file or from a socket, the concept of serially reading from, and writing to different data sources is the project report of advertising agency system same.

Prior to JDK 1.1, the input and output classes (mostly found im the source code package) only supported 8-bit byte streams. The concept of 16-bit Unicode character streams was introduced in JDK 1.1. While byte streams were supported via the and classes and their subclasses, character streams are implemented by the advertising agency project documentation and classes and their subclasses.

Most of the multimedia ads agency functionality available for byte streams is also provided for character streams. The methods for character streams generally accept parameters of data type char parameters, while byte streams, you guessed it, work with byte data types. The names of the multimedia ads agency methods in both sets of classes are almost identical except for the synopsis of advertising agency management system suffix, that is, character-stream classes end with the text ads management suffix Reader or Writer and byte-stream classes end with the text ads management suffix Input Stream and Output Stream. For example, to read files using character streams, you would use the advertising agency class; for reading it using byte streams you would use

Unless you are working with binary data, such as image and sound files, you should use readers and writers.

> Multithreading

Multitasking is performing two or more tasks at the source code of the advertising agency management system same time. Nearly all operating systems are capable of multitasking by using one of two multitasking techniques: process-based multitasking and thread-based multitasking.

Process-based multitasking is running two programs concurrently. Programmers refer to a program as a process. Therefore, you could say that process-based multitasking is program-based multitasking.

Thread-based multitasking is having a program perform two tasks at the source code of the advertising agency management system same time. For example, a word processing program can check the spelling of words in a document while you write the advertising agency document. This is thread-based multitasking.

A good way to remember the synopsis of advertising agency management system difference between process-based multitasking and thread-based multitasking is to think of process-based as working with multiple programs and thread-based as working with parts of one program.

The objective of multitasking is to utilize the advertising agency idle time of the multimedia ads agency CPU. Think of the multimedia ads agency CPU as the project report of advertising agency system engine of your car. Your engine keeps running regardless of whether the synopsis of advertising agency management system car is moving. Your objective is to keep your car moving as much as possible so you can get the source code of the advertising agency management system most miles from a gallon of gas. An idling engine wastes gas.

The same concept applies to the java project source code of advertising agency management system CPU in your computer. You want your CPU cycles to be processing instructions and data rather than waiting for something to process. A CPU cycle is somewhat similar to your engine running.

It may be hard to believe, but the source code of the advertising agency management system CPU idles more than it processes in many desktop computers. Let's say that you are using a word processor to write a document. For the synopsis of advertising agency management system most part, the CPU is idle until you enter a character from the advertising agency Php project keyboard or move the advertising agency mouse. Multitasking is designed to use the advertising agency fraction of a second between strokes to process instructions from either another program or from a different part of the multimedia ads agency same program.

Making efficient use of the multimedia ads agency CPU may not be too critical for applications running on a desktop computer because most of us rarely need to run concurrent programs or run parts of the multimedia ads agency same program at the source code of the advertising agency management system same time. However, programs that run in a networked environment, such as those that process transactions from many computers, need to make a CPU's idle time productive.


The package provides a powerful and flexible infrastructure for networking. provides the project report of advertising agency system classes for implementing networking applications. Using the advertising agency management system project with java source code socket classes, you can communicate with any server om the source code Internet or implement your own Internet server. A number of classes are provided to make it convenient to use Universal Resource Locators (URLs) to retrieve data om the source code Internet.



The main features of Steganography are:

1. Messages do not attract attention to themselves.

2. The tool should be easy to use, and should use a graphical user interface.

3. The tool works cross-platform.

4. Small file distortions after hiding information.

5. It is possible to extract info after it has been compressed.

6. Information is protected with password

7. Unique.



The advantages of Steganography are:

1. It provides a better security for the synopsis of advertising agency management system sharing of data in local area network.

2. Important files carrying confidential information can be stored im the source code server in an encrypted form.

3. Using public key or private key can encrypt files.

4. No intruder can get any useful information from the advertising agency Php project original file during transmit.

5. It provides a better-secured data storage and transmission both at the source code of the advertising agency management system system level and network level.

The limitations of Steganography are:

1. It provides the project report of advertising agency system storing of data in an unprotected mode.

2. Password leakage may occur and it leads to the java project source code of advertising agency management system unauthorized access of data.

3. The intruders will affect stegos.



Im the source code area of communication revolution, information has been an inevitable component. The attraction of web services is simplicity, firewall neutrality and lack of dependency om the source code implementation technology at the source code of the advertising agency management system service end.

Efficient computing capabilities are therefore utilized. The availability of the multimedia ads agency required information at the source code of the advertising agency management system press of a button is something favourable and therefore computers are used for this purpose. Thus, one way of potential taping is achieved.

The project "Steganography" after being tested and was found to be achieving what is meant for. But this system never provides a full proof solution for all their problems im the source code user point of view. The system is found to be 100% error free and ready for implementation.

The system has been designed in such a way that it can be modified with very little effort when such a need arises im the source code future. The system has been found to work efficiently and effectively. Due to its higher user friendliness, others may use these documents as a prototype for developing similar application.


Future enhancements and plans which are envisioned for the synopsis of advertising agency management system system are the advertising agency following:

1. The development of a system that will utilize the advertising agency Steganographic Obliterator on incoming and email messages and attachments.

2. Investigate the advertising agency feasibility of embedding the advertising agency management system project with java source code program in firewalls to act as a first line of

defense against steganographic data transmission.

3. Expand the advertising agency management system steganographic algorithm attack method beyond the advertising agency management system least significant

bits using some other techniques.



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6. Hilbert Schildt (2002) Java 2: The Complete Reference.Fifth Edition

7. William Stallings (2003) Cryptography and network security principle and practice