Autopay Agreement Terms & Conditions

New Policy: As of April 1, 2019 - We are offering to credit the majority of un-utilized months paid after a completed auto-pay contract term (whether that be the 3, 6, or 12 mo. autopay a client selected) toward the beginning of a new Autopay contract, as long as the client thus continues on Autopay after the un-used months from the prior term are credited.

Months are determined by the calendar, meaning from the 1st to the last day of the month (not from any day in any month until that same date the next). The client must have not utilized more than one month; thus, there must be two un-utilized months for a prior autopay term (3, 6, or 12) for this new policy to be applicable. This means if there were two months where a client did not attend classes in their prior completed autopay term, then we would credit one month before they would be billed again for a continuing/renewing autopay. Please note, since we are a non-profit, we are very limited in resources meaning that, as stated for any account issue, we will usually respond within a month of an email being sent. Please email and cc:

*As a local, community non-profit, our mission is to promote health & wellness in our community! And so, we are offering this new policy of crediting forward un-unused months to our clients to show that we very much want you to utilize and take advantage of the wide array of offerings we have to support your health and lifelong wellness. We want to give you every reason to keep promoting your health & wellness, and to come back if you've fallen off. We are doing this to show you that we are serious about wanting you to come, and that the co-op indeed exists for these purposes. Please do note: This new policy we are offering is not something we have seen anywhere, ever before. We are offering with this something far above and beyond what would be expected of any fitness or wellness membership or autopay pass. Please be kind and courteous, as we are striving to offer you and our community above and beyond what is normal or expected by doing this. Please stay on your autopay, and know that we will credit you the majority of your un-used months after your autopay term is complete; it may take us some weeks to respond and manually enter those months, but we will do what we promise and when we do get to addressing your account as long as the initial term that runs automatically has passed, we can then manually add back those months and make sure the system won't charge you until after they complete. In essence, we would be at the time when we set up for the credited months to begin inputting a new autopay contract of your choice to start once your credited months are complete.

***Note: If you were on Autopay prior, and you would like to come back- regardless of the prior situation, email us and we will work with you to figure out a solution to do what we are able to bring you back :) Email us at and cc:

Thank you for wanting to make the commitment to your health and wellness, and for allowing your local non-profit, the Idaho Yoga Co-op Non-Profit Inc., to support our whole community positively in striving to reach our highest potential. Your health and wellness is of the utmost importance in creating a positive life of radiant health and long-term wellness, and a key for uplifting our entire community. Thank you for supporting yourself, your community, and the Idaho Yoga Co-op Non-Profit Inc. in enabling us all as individuals and as a community to reach our highest potential via a foundation of physical, mental, emotional (and for those interested, spiritual) health and wellness.

Please do read our Autopay Unlimited Pass Contract Terms and Conditions (applies to all Autopay passes, and would apply for the respectable 3 month and 6 month passes accordingly):

This Autopay contract is for 12 months (or for the 3 or 6 month terms selected, at corresponding prices per month), auto-renewing at this low rate, unless client emails two months preferably, or at minimum one month in advance, to not renew. Client can continue their initial, original low non-profit rate with auto-renew. No transfers, refunds, or cancellations are allowed under the terms and conditions (which can always be seen by logging into your mindbody account). Please seek to utilize your Autopay pass often, as if you are feeling as if you haven't used it enough, you can easily come more or continue coming again and derive great benefit far beyond the number of classes you take, while you only really need to take 4 or more classes a month to have your Autopay pass easily be the most affordable option on offer at our very low non-profit rates. Do note, this autopay pass is already at the lowest rate that we have ever witnessed across the entire United States. Focus on your health and wellness, and preventative aspects of wellness you are accumulating with each and every thing that you do, including classes and workshops that you attend, etc. (please don't limit yourself and actually undermine the larger purpose of simply achieving greater wellness by feelings of not utilizing the pass enough for it to be worth it- it's already the most affordable rate in the country, at about 1/3 or less the rate of any comparable pass the country over. We even offer more than most locations across the US. Just come, and know that every time you come you are helping yourself, and with each time that you come, it gets easier to come again and to work it into your schedule more and more. Oftentimes, it is simply coming or starting to come again that is the hardest part, but you can do it!! Simply show up and know that you can always do as much as you chose in nearly all of our classes- that is the beauty of yoga. You are giving to yourself much more than a relative price breakdown of the cost per class you attend each month. And instead of thinking that your health and wellness has to be the cheapest possible, consider the wider-ranging effects on yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and even in your spirit from each class you take, and the overall service we provide to you and the larger community.

Consider that as an auto-pay pass holder, you are indeed what keeps the co-op open and in operation, as without these incredibly low-cost autopay pass options, our non-profit would not sustain the continued revenue needed to pay our expenses. Indeed a vast amount has been put into the co-ops, and the reality is that in keeping the co-ops open for the long run, the non-profit will be paying back the large investments put into it for as long as ten years, or until 2028/2029.

In the US, we already spend nearly $10k per person on health care costs per year, with a paltry $270 spent on preventative care, flip your thinking and avoid the real, much larger costs and those that have a greater effect on your life in every way and let the co-op support you in others in a myriad of ways to improve physical, emotional, mental, nutritional, and personal health. Spending an incredibly small amount each month can save you from accumulating tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt from health care costs, if not even save your life, not only allowing you to live longer, but to have a worthwhile quality of life for as long as you live. We always say that our greatest inspiration are our instructors in their 60's and 70's- the greatest role models around, living what they promote, and giving us all much to look forward to. They are indeed a testament to the power of yoga and all of the wellness services the Idaho Yoga Co-op Non-Profit Inc. provides. Give to yourself, and know that we truly appreciate your support, as does the waves of those affected by your support outward from you, in offering more wide ranging and donation-based workshops and special offerings in our community. You are supporting yourself and your entire community, albeit even an international community, via supporting the Idaho Yoga Co-op Non-Profit Inc.

Please note, Idaho Yoga Co-op Non-Profit Inc. management travels for work often, nearly always, domestically and internationally, and can often only address account issues every few weeks, or even monthly. Please continue to come and enjoy your Idaho Yoga Co-op Non-Profit Inc. at any of our three locations, if you know that any issue with your account is waiting our resolution, and your account is not outstanding due to any disregard on your part. Firstly, please try to have instructors resolve issues (making note that you don't have two accounts in the system, or that you indeed didn't sign up only for a one month trial when wanting to sign up or be signed up for Autopay- if so, please have an instructor sign you up for Autopay or do so online). With recent credit card issues, card providers have been issuing new cards more frequently to cardholders. Since our mindbody online system is one of the most widely used across the nation, encoding your credit card information for security, you are now able to log in, as our instructors, into mindbody to change your credit card information. If you have been issued a new card, or have an account payment that has not gone through, please log into MINDBODY and edit your credit card information on your profile. If the system does not balance your account within 48 hours, please do email us, and we will make sure your account is reconciled with the new card info, if outstanding. If for some reason you are unable to update your credit card information in your Mindbody account profile, please do send us an email at as well as with a picture of the front and back of your card for our management to update as soon as we are able. It may take us some time, but if you have sent us this updated information, please keep coming and let your instructor know you have emailed us the information to update your account.

We are only able to offer this low of a rate (as far as we know, the lowest rate in the entire US for any similar service) with the length of commitment associated with the low Autopay rate we offer per month. And this is why we have rates set accordingly for a 1 month trial, 1 month regular unlimited pass (after a client has already done the trial month at the lower intro rate), 3 month autopay, 6 month autopay, and our lowest rate at the 12 month autopay option. Our autopay accounts are very important for the continuation and operation of the Idaho Yoga Co-op Non-Profit Inc. far into the future, so that we can continue to be a leading example of a community non-profit, with local and international partnerships, providing so much for the lowest cost available in the country.

Thank you for supporting your community. Our low non-profit rates on Autopay allow us to offer more for the community and to more people in our community as well as lower the price that health and wellness can be available for all in our community and in our surrounding areas. The Idaho Yoga Co-op Non-Profit Inc. and your community thanks you for your support and for the support of all around you in health and wellness! Your commitment to health and wellness allows others such an opportunity, especially via Autopay above all other options, in supporting our ongoing community efforts, all of our weekly schedule and workshop offerings, and the continued long-term operation of the Idaho Yoga Co-op Non-Profit Inc. in our community and surrounding areas.

Please note this contract is auto-renewing, at this rate, unless you email us at and and specifically state that you would not like to auto-renew your autopay pass- this discontinuation of auto-renew with only become effective one month from the date that you email us. Our mindbody system autopay is set to continue for the full term of the contract the client selected, there are no cancellations or suspensions available. We are not able to alter the autopay you have selected from running its full term in our Mindbody system. This is why we have more options available for our passes than any yoga studio or wellness center that we have seen in the entire country- there are punch pass options (available in 3, 5, 10, 20, and 30 class packs- this is more than any other wellness center offers with all of these passes being valid for one year- most businesses the country over offer punch passes that are only valid for 3 months average, with some offering 6 month validity- we have the longest validity of punch passes in the county- as most centers cannot stay open offering passes that are valid for one year). We also have the two week trial pass, one month trail pass, single one month unlimited (for those who have already tried the trail pass), 3 month autopay, 6 month autopay, and the most affordable 12 month autopay pass. You can always email us at any time stating to not have your autopay pass not set to auto-renew, which will be effective one month from the date you email us- this is only for the pass to not autorenew (all passes are automatically set to run the entire course/amount of time selected based off which autopay pass was chosen- this cannot be altered). If you email the Idaho Yoga Co-op Non-Profit Inc. stating you want to cancel your auto-pay pass, you may not receive a response, as we cannot and do not cancel auto-pay passes for which the client selected, it is not possible for us to do so. In being a non-profit organization, we do not have the capacity to address issues that cannot be altered, such as clients wanting to alter in any way (cancel or suspend) their autopay pass- the auto-pay pass is set to automatically run its course. If you do email the Idaho Yoga Co-op Non-Profit Inc. asking to cancel or suspend your pass, you may not hear back from us, as the terms of this pass are stated clearly in your account and on our website; we are not always able to respond to every email where we simply forward the terms and conditions of the contract the client chose. Most all want their contract to renew, especially at our low non-profit and special sale rates that many sign up with at the Idaho Yoga Co-op Non-Profit Inc. If there is a special rate or offer available, lower than the auto-pay rate for which you signed up for the same autopay option of 3, 6, or 12 months, you can always email us and state that you would like to sign up for this special now, to start the date that your current auto-pay pass expires, thus, renewing for the length of time you chose with the new autopass rate you would like to sign up for once your current autopay pass fulfills its set run-term.

Thank you for supporting your local Idaho Yoga Co-op Non-Profit Inc. and for supporting your community as a whole as we strive to continue to provide a positive space for health and wellness in our area of the US, and locally and internationally via our partnerships, assisting all to reach their highest and fullest potential. Congratulations on choosing to support and put your health and wellness first!!!! We are here to support you, and we are certain it will pay off and offer rewards far greater than you can imagine in every facet of your life and the lives of those you touch far, far into the future! We are committed to health and wellness in our community, and we are truly grateful for your support!!

In lifelong wellness,

The Idaho Yoga Co-op Non-Profit Inc.

JH Yoga Co-op ~ 3 Month Example Contract:

There are more JH options available now from single month passes to one year passes outright. We also have a 12 month autopay pass available now!

A 3 month Autopay pass. Three month term must be completed for this reduced price auto pay pass. If something arises and there is a month or more the pass is not used, you can email us at the end of the term at if you wish to continue Autopay, and we will suspend you pass payment after it’s term completes, and credit you the majority of the unused period that was unused until you will be charged again. All Autopay passes auto-renew. You can email us a month prior if you would like to cancel, though the pass will have to run it’s three month course, and we will set a cancel date a month from the date of the email. All Autopay passes automatically renew. We will credit forward after the term completes, unused portions of the pass is something arises- we do this after the contract completes its term. Otherwise, no contract suspensions or early cancellations (we don’t have the administrative capacity to handle such, other than the one time edit of a credit at the end of the term once it completes for the majority of the consecutive unused portion of a pass- we offer this in case life arises or there is injury, so that you ultimately won’t lose the amount of time you paid for- it can be credited back after the term, as long as you stay on Autopay. It’s the easiest option all around for our non-profit cooperative). There is always the month to month option under services to pay for one month at a time, or a 3 month pass outright. Or a six month or a year for that matter! Email us a month prior to set a cancel date. If you want to cancel at the end of this 3 month term, emails us two months in or at the time of the 2nd payment, or prior to set the Autopay to cancel at the end of its term. Valid at all locations as a visitor pass in TV- Teton Valley, Victor- and in IF- Idaho Falls. Thank you for supporting via Autopay your local non-profit cooperative!