Management Committee

Members of the management committee of the Community Centre are all trustees of the registered charity known as Hunmanby Community Centre. The Community Centre building is owned by Hunmanby Parish Council and leased to the trustees. The Parish Council has responsibility for maintaining the fabric of the building and for its utilities. The trustees look after everything else.

Some committee members represent village organisations (in brackets below) while other members are on the committee simply as residents of Hunmanby. The committee meets once a month at the Centre.

Chair: John Gorton                   

Secretary: Sue Leyland

Treasurer: Gillian Alders (Yorkshire Countrywomen's                                                    Association)


Belinda Barclay

Bob Hartwell

Stephen Jackson

Val Monaghan

Maxine Smart (Hunmanby Drama Club)


Maintenance:   Maxine Smart 

Funding/Grants:   Sue Leyland

Bookings/Income Supervisor:  Gillian Alders

Live Events: Val Monaghan

Live Events Publicity: Sue Leyland

Parish Council Representative: Vacant