Live Gigs Wall of Fame

Wow, look at the amazing acts we've hosted in Hunmanby since we started with our programme 'BRINGING THE ARTS TO HUNMANBY' in 2011. Check out our upcoming Live Events HERE.

A shout out to our favourite Sound Engineer, Bob Walker, who provides fantastic sound to any bands who don't provide their own. His expertise is always really appreciated by the bands and by the audience. Thanks Bob!

Yes, the Poet Laureate really did come to Hunmanby.

Snake and The burden of Paradise returned in October 2019 and performed to a full house again.

Holy Moly, back by popular demand and a sell out!

Merry Hell returned in December 2021. They were as brilliant as ever.

This set had everyone dancing. Great fun and great music.

Kris Drever May 2019 and November 2023. A lovely guy and a great musician. 

Sold out twice. Our audiences know class when they see it!

Build a Rocket. Amazing performance from Serena Manteghi in October 2019.

Fire & Rain performed in November 2019 and earned a standing ovation in front of a full house. They returned in October 2021 & July 2023 and we sold out. Lovely to have such a talented local group of musicians for our first Post Covid event.

Stony played in February 2020 and brought the house down. Fantastic as usual. Sadly, this was our last music event before Lockdown 1.

Not one Poet Laureate, but two! Simon Armitage came to Hunmanby in March 2022, two years after Covid prevented his original visit and nine years after we hosted Carol Ann Duffy. He read from his poetry, answered questions from the capacity audience and signed books.

The Burner Band came from Leeds in April 2022 and we just loved them. Great musicians and a great sound.

Winter Wilson

We hosted Kip Winter and Dave Wilson in July 2022 and what a lovely couple they proved to be. Their music wasn't bad either! Great songs, beautifully sung. What a voice Kip has. Brilliant.

The Slocan Ramblers from Canada

September 2022

A brilliant evening. The capacity audience loved them.

Chris While & Julie Matthews October 2022

Wonderful voices and songs which each told a story.

Lauren Housley and her band wowed our audience in December 2022. We were nearly sold out, despite temperatures of -3C and lying frozen snow! Thank you to the band and to the audience for making it!

The Burner Band returned in February 2023 and again in January 2024 with their always lively set and went down a storm on both occasions.

David Broad and the Meanwood Valley Stompers lived up to their name in September 2023. Great fun.