Sri Subramanya

षडाननं चन्दनलेपिताङ्गं महोरसं दिव्यमयूरवाहनम् |

रुद्रस्य सूनुं सुरलोकनाथं भ्रह्मण्यदेवं शरनं प्रपद्ये ॥

ShaDAnanaM chandanalepitAnggaM mahorasaM divyamayooravAhanam |

rudrasya soonuM suralokanAthaM BrahmaNyadevaM sharanaM prapadye ||

I seek refuge in Lord Subramanya who is Brahman and son of Lord Shiva, has six faces, is Lord of the heaven, rides a peacock and applies sandal paste all over His body.


Subramanya is the second son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati and the younger brother of Lord Ganesha. The word “Subramanya” is derived from Sanskrit and Tamil: “Su” in Sanskrit means “good” or “benevolent”. “Brah”, short for “Brahman”, in Sanskrit means “eternal” or “supreme reality”. “Mani” in Tamil means “jewel”. Thus, the word “Subramanya” means the “Benevolent god who shines like a jewel”.

In Tamil Nadu, he is called “Murugan”. “Murugu” in Tamil means “young and very handsome”. He is the god of war, also known as a “Deva Senapathi”: The General or Commander-in-Chief for the army of Devas. Although there are hundreds of temples in Tamil Nadu for Lord Muruga, six temples (Aarupadai Veedu) are the most well-known.

Physical Attributes

  • Holding a vel (spear) signifying shakti (strength)
  • Holding his rooster flag
  • Often shown with his peacock mount
  • Often shown with his consorts, Valli and Devasena (Devayanai)

Subramanya, or Murugan, carries the vel (spear) in one hand and uses his other hand to bless devotees. His vehicle is the peacock, which represents the destroyer of harmful habits and the conqueror of sensual desires. The peacock grips a serpent with its feet, which symbolizes the ego and desires. This depiction of Subramanya points to the way of reaching bliss in life.


  • God of war
  • Strength
  • Valor
  • Knowledge
  • Spirituality
  • Kindness

Ways of Worship and Types of Devotees

Devotees chant Rudram and Chamakam during Subrahmania’s abhishekam since he is the son of Lord Shiva. Devotees also chant “Skanda Shashti Kavacham”, “Kandar Anubhuti” Sthothrams and other bhajans before the final arathi.

The celebration of “Kavadi Aattam” is performed during the Thai Poosam day in the Tamil month of Thai. This is the day that Goddess Parvathi gave Murugan the vel to fight and win the war against the asuras (demons), Tarakasura and Surapadman. Kavadi Aattam is a symbolic dance of the devotees carrying a physical burden, Kavadi (wooden structure), on their shoulders. They do this dance to ask Murugan to release them from material bondage.

Avatar of/Related to

His consort, Devayanai, is the daughter of Indra, the king of the Devas. His other consort, Valli, is the daughter of Nambirajan, king of hunters. They were both the daughters of Lord Vishnu. Amritavalli was reincarnated as Devayanai and Sundaravalli was reincarnated as Valli.

Regions most worshiped

Subramanya, or Kartikeya, is found as a primary deity in temples within the Tamil community in India, United States, UK, Sri Lanka, Mauritius, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, and South Africa.

Well-Known Stories

  • These stories related to the birth of Murugan and the six famous Murugan temples:
  • After Sati’s death, Lord Shiva was very disturbed and chose to reside in the Himalaya mountains as an ascetic in deep meditation. The asuras (demons), Tarakasura and Surapadman, had previously obtained a boon from Lord Shiva that their death would only come at the hands of his son. They had requested this boon because they knew Shiva would not remarry or have children after the death of his wife. They went around tormenting and troubling other devas, feeling completely invincible. Troubled by the asuras, the devas went to Manmatha and asked for his help. He helped arrange the wedding of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi. They both got married and eventually had two children, Ganesh and Kartikeya.
  • The demon Taraka (who represents ego) was eventually defeated by Lord Kartikeya. Taraka had requested to be placed at the feet of god, so Kartikeya put him as a rooster in the emblem of his flag. This signifies that the ego must always be suppressed and kept subdued. Similarly, Kartikeya defeated the demon Surapadman. He also requested to be placed at the feet of god, so Kartikeya used him as his mount in the form of a peacock. The “Thiruchendur” temple is believed to be the location where Lord Murugan killed the asura Surapadman and restored the kingdom of devas to Indra.
  • The wedding of Kartikeya and Deivaanai is believed to have taken place at the location where the “Thiruparankundram” temple stands.
  • As Kartikeya grew older, Lord Shiva wanted him to learn the meaning of the word ‘Om’. He instructed him to go to Lord Brahma and learn from him. Kartikeya went to Lord Brahma but was not satisfied with what he was told. He went back to Shiva and ask him “What is the meaning of ‘Om’? Lord Shiva smiled and responded “You should tell me what you have learned, son. You said you are not satisfied with the answer Lord Brahma gave you. I want to see what you have learned. Kartikeya replied “I will tell you my interpretation if you give me the title of ‘guru’. Lord Shiva agreed and then Kartikeya explained the meaning of the “Pranava Mantra” (Om). After hearing this, Goddess Parvathi was overjoyed and said, “You have become a guru (swami)!” After that, she addressed her son as “Swaminatha”. That is how he came to be known as Swaminatha. The “Swamimalai” temple in Tamil Nadu is believed to be the place where this episode occurred.
  • The “Pazhamudircholai” temple in Tamil Nadu is believed to be the place where Lord Murugan proposed to Valli.
  • The “Thiruthani” temple in Tamil Nadu is believed to be the place where they got married.
  • Once, sage Narada took a mango to Lord Shiva and Parvathi in the Himalayas. He presented the mango to Parvathi, who wanted to give the fruit to both her sons. But sage Narada intervened and said that the fruit must be eaten by one person; it cannot be eaten by two people. Narada suggested a competition between both brothers and the winner would be awarded the mango. He suggested that the first person to go around the world three times would win the mango. Both brothers agreed to the condition and started their race. Murugan sat on his peacock and flew away. Ganesh only had a tiny little mouse as his animal. He thought about it for some time, then took 3 circles around Shiva and Partathi. He said that they are his universe, so circling them three times was the same as circling the world three times. He claimed his prize and started eating the mango.
  • When Muruga came back after circling the earth three times, he found Ganesha eating the mango. He became very sad and ran away from home. He started living in a place called “Pazhani” in the Himalayas. Goddess Parvathi went to him and consoled him by saying that earning the fruit was not the true goal. He helped Murugan his importance and power within and guided him towards enlightenment. The “Pazhani” (Palani) temple is believed to be the location where this conversation between Goddess Parvathi and Lord Murugan occurred.

Fascinating Facts

  • Subramanya is an ancient god of Hinduism that can be traced back to the Vedic era. He is found in many medieval temples all over India. There are references of Kartikeya in the works of Panini (~500 BC), Mahabhasya (written by Patanjali), and in the Arthashastra (written by Kautilya).
  • Kalidasa’s epic poem, the “Kumarasambhavam”, literally means “Birth of Kumara” and details the story of Kartikeya’s birth. “Tolkappiyam”, one of the most ancient texts of Tamil literature, mentions “Ceyyon”, the “red one” who is identified with Murugan.

Other Popular Names

  • Murugan
  • Kumaran
  • Skandan
  • Karthikeyan
  • Pazhani Andavan
  • Cheyyon
  • Saravanan
  • Senthil
  • Velan
  • Swaminathan
  • Arumugham
  • Shanmukhan
  • Dhandapani
  • Kadhirvelan
  • Kandhan
  • Vishaka
  • Mahasena
  • Devasenapathi
  • Thagappanswami
  • Manian

Popular/Well-known Prayers

  • Skanda Shashti
  • Kandar Anuboothi
  • Thiruppugazh
  • Thirumurukartruuppatai
  • Various bhajans in all languages