Sri Dattatreya

दत्तात्रेयम् महात्मानम् वरदम् भक्तवत्सलम् ।

प्रपन्नार्ति हरम् वन्दे स्मर्तृगामि सनोवतु ॥

dattatreyam mahAtmAnam varadam bhaktavatsalam |

prapannArti haram vande samrtRugAmi sanovatu ||

I pray to and take refuge in Lord Dattatreya. He is the most learned teacher. He is the greatest Mahatma and Eternal Soul. Lord Dattatreya protects the poor and distressed and always blesses His devotees.


Dattatreya is considered to be an avatar (incarnation) of the Divine Trinity: Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, collectively known as Trimurti. He is beyond the Trinity, but, can also be equally expressed through the Trinity. This is the essential principal manifested through Lord or Guru Dattatreya: pure consciousness expressed through equated qualities. He is a creator like Brahma, preserver like Vishnu, and can also be the destroyer or transformer like Shiva, who are personifications of the supreme consciousness (Brahman) in this cosmic cycle.

Lord Dattatreya was born to Sage Atri and his pious wife Anasuya because of the boon she received from the Trinity. The name Dattatreya can be divided into two words “Datta” (meaning given) and “Atreya” referring to the sage Atri, his physical father.

Physical Attributes/Symbolism

  • He is always depicted as a simple monk.
  • He can be depicted with three heads and six arms or a regular human form.
  • The 3 heads represent: Brahma, Vishnu,and Shiva.
  • The hands represent: pairs of hands holding the symbolic items associated with Trimurti. The jaapmaala (rosary) and water pot of Brahma, the conch and sudarshana chakra (disc) of Vishnu, and the trishula (trident) and two headed drum of Shiva.
  • He is surrounded by four dogs and a cow. The four dogs symbolize the four Vedas (eternal knowledge). In Tantric tradition, they symbolize the human shortcomings, namely: ignorance, aversion, attachment, clinging to life/material world. The cow represents Mother Earth or the Panch-Bhuta’s (5 cosmic elements) that silently nourish all living beings without asking anything in return. In essence he is the one from whom the eternal knowledge flows, he is the one who sustains this creation, is a part of it but at the same time beyond the worldly attachments.


  • His three heads also signify Gunas (human qualities): Sattva (Purity), Rajas (Drive/Action) and Tamas (inertia/laziness). He is beyond the three Gunas in his un-manifest divine form. This manifestation teaches us that as a human, a proper balance of these qualities is essential to live a fulfilling life.
  • His three heads also symbolize eternal time: past, present, future. It also signifies the three states of human consciousness: awake, dream state and dream less deep sleep. Our human existence is but a mere speck in this cosmic time frame, out of which only 2/3rds of life is spent in an awake state to understand and make the best of it.
  • His depiction as a sage teaches us to forgo and not be captivated by worldly desires, which are transient.
  • He is called the Guru (teacher). He is the giver of truth & eternal wisdom and incarnates as per the time and need in any plane of existence.
  • His face shows benevolence. He always protects and blesses his devotees.

Ways of Worship and Types of Devotees

Guru Dattatreya is worshipped differently in different Hindu Traditions.

The popular Dattatraya traditions are Nath, Avadhuta, Bhakti, & GuruCharitra. Devotees who follow these various traditions range from monks who practice Yoga and live an ascetic life to common people who pray, read sacred books, meditate, sing devotional songs, perform rituals, oblations and/or give to charity to receive his blessings.

The birth of Guru Dattatreya,wWho incarnated on the full moon day (pournimā) of the Hindu lunar month of Mārgshīrsha, is celebrated as Datta Jayanti.

Avatar of/Related to

Lord Dattatreya is considered to be an avatar (incarnation) of the Divine Trinity: Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, collectively known as Trimurti.

Sripad Shri Vallabha, Shri Narsimha Saraswati, Shri Manikya Prabhu, Sri Swami Samartha, Shri Sai Baba of Shridi are considered avatars of Guru Dattatreya.

Regions most worshiped

Maharashtra, Goa, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka and Gujarat states in India.

Fascinating Facts

  • Lord Dattatreya is considered as a Guru of environmental education, gained enlightenment by his observation from surrounding, which provided him 24 teachers that explain the problems of mundane attachments, and teach the path towards spiritual self-realization of the Supreme.
  • While performing penance, young Guru Dattatreya’s footprints have been preserved on a lonely peak in the Girnar Mountain Range located in Junagadh, Gujarat, India.
  • Shri Dattatreya is credited as author of Tripura Rahasya (treatise on Advaita Vedanta), which he gave to Parashurama. His references are found in Ramayana & Mahabharata.
  • Avadhūt Gita is attributed to Guru Dattatreya.

Other Popular Names

  • Guru Deva: Supreme Teacher
  • Datta: He who has been bestowed with the spiritual experience of the nirguṇ (Nonmaterialised), he who has experienced that the ‘Self’ is Brahman.
  • Digambar: Sky Clad. One who is all pervading.
  • Avadhut: One who destroys ego.

Popular/Well-known Prayers

  • Digambara Digambara Shripad ShriVallabh Digambara
  • Dattatraya Aarati
  • ghorakaShTa uddhAraNa stotrawritten by Shri VAsudevananda Saraswati Swami
  • Datta Gayatri Mantra
  • Gurugita