Sri Sathyanarayana

सौभाग्यसन्ततिकरम् सर्वत्र विजयप्रदम् ।

यस्मिन्कस्मिन्दिने मर्त्यो भक्तिश्रद्धसमन्वितः ॥

saubhAgyasantatikaram sarvatra vijayapradam |

yasminkasmindine martyo bhaktishraddhasamanvitaH

On any day when a mortal prays to Lord Satya Narayana with utmost faith and devotion,

He blesses that individual with a long and happy married life, a healthy and happy progeny and makes one successful in every endeavor.


Satyanarayana means (Satya: truth / Narayana: highest being) the highest being who is an embodiment of the eternal Truth. His is a manifestation of Bhagwan Vishnu.


  • Truth and existence
  • Energy and sustenance
  • Purest and highest manifestation of Ishwara
  • Purity and truth in action

Ways of Worship

Sri Satyanarana Pooja is one of the most popular rituals performed by many Hindu households. This pooja is often performed during or after any auspicious occasion or major/successful moment in life. This pooja is done to get the grace of Satyanarayana.

Often this pooja is performed with the person doing a vrat (fasting/sacrifice).

The pooja itself is done by devotees listening to the Sri Satyanarayana Swami Katha (narrative). This story consists of five chapters. Each chapter reads like a story filled with symbolism.

  1. Origins of the pooja – from Skanda Purana: Vishnu narrates to Narada the importance of praying to Satyanarayan to help absolve suffering and obstacles.
  2. Benefits of the pooja: Story of a poor Brahmin who received good fortune from performing this pooja, and then in turn used his wealth and gains to help others.
  3. Trials from dishonoring the pledge to perform this pooja: A merchant keeps avoiding and procrastinating on this ritual and faces many hardships through life till he fulfills his promise to complete the pooja.
  4. Satyanarayana’s grace and Prasad: Continuation of previous story with merchant, and how taking Bhagwan’s Prasad was the ultimate blessing and benefit.
  5. Importance of Pooja: Story on how anyone who performs the pooja with full faith and devotion gets the true material and immaterial benefits.

Regions most worshiped

Satyanarana pooja is a very popular ritual all over India, including states of: Gujarat, Punjab, Chandigarh, Haryana, Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Bihar, and more.

Popular/Well-known Prayers

Satyanarayana Katha

Satyanarayana Aarti