Sri Durga

सर्व-मङ्गल-माङ्गल्ये शिवे सर्वार्थसाधिके ।

शरनण्ये त्र्यम्बके गौरि नारायणि नमोस्तु ते ॥

sarva-ma-nggala-mAnggalye shive sarvArthasAdhike |

sharaNye tryambake gauri nArANi namostu te ||

Salutations to You, O radiant and fair complexioned Devi, the one who represents auspiciousness of all that is auspicious, the one who is the consort and the true energy of Lord Shiva, the one who is three eyed and who represents the perfect means of accomplishing all desires and the one who gives refuge to all her devotees.


Sri Durga is a powerful Goddess representing strength (Shakti) and the energy of the Universe. As the consort of Shiva, one of aspect of the holy trinity (Durga-Lakshmi-Saraswati), Sri Durga is believed to be the power behind the creation, preservation, and destruction of the Universe. This cycle occurring countless times through infinity.

Physical Attributes/Symbolism

  • Sri Durga is depicted as riding a lion or tiger, as a form of overcoming fear and controlling her unlimited power.
  • She is shown having several arms holding weapons of war as well as holding symbols of peace such as a lotus bud, a conch shell and a blessings mudra (hand gesture).
  • One of the weapons in her hand, the bow and arrow symbolizes energy. The thunderbolt signifies firmness and resolve.
  • The disc (Sudarshan Chakra) represents a weapon to destroy evil and inspire righteousness.
  • The sword symbolizes absolute knowledge free from doubt.
  • The lotus bud in Sri Durga’s hand assures the devotee success in their endeavors in due course of time provided they continue a righteous path (dharma) in this world of temptations.


Even though Goddess Durga is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient, she is very relatable and personal for her devotees. She is visualized as “Ma” or “Mata” (Mother Durga) and prayed to by devotees to give them courage, determination, and justice. Foremost she is worshiped for her ability to give protection to all human beings and keep them from harm.

Just like all mothers universally, Ma Durga is nurturing, compassionate and protective to her children, but is as all mothers she is fully capable of dispensing discipline and correcting wrong behavior. In some forms, Sri Durga has a beautiful benevolent countenance. In another form, she is depicted as Kali, with her tongue dripping blood, her hair disheveled and agitated. Symbolically, she is ready for battle to restore dharma and conquer the forces of evil.

Avatar of/Related to

Durga is another form of Parvati. Parvati is the consort of Bhagwan Shiva.

Regions most worshiped/Ways of worship

Durga is worshipped all throughout India in different forms and ways. The two most popular regions with Durga worship are Bengal and Guajarat.

In Bengal, Durgotsava is celebrated typically in September or October as a 10-day festival. Durga Puja celebrates the battle of Durga-Mahishasura where she emerges victorious. Her power and grandeur is celebrated, symbolizing victory of good over evil.

These dates coincide with Vijayadashami (Dussehra). In Gujarat, Durga is celebrated through Navaratri (nine-nights) where her various forms are worshipped and celebrated. These events symbolize self-reflection and destruction or conquering of the personal demons within each of us: ego, arrogance, greed, jealousy, anger, etc. All these festivals are celebrated by dancing, prayers, and grand preparations.

Well-Known Stories

Once, a malevolent king, Mahishasura, worshipped and did severe penance to Brahma. He was blessed with the boon that he could not be killed by any man or animal. But Brahma warned him that a woman would be the end of him. Mahishasura let his power and ego get the better of him and believed that no woman could cause him any harm. He used his power and attacked all beings and terrorize all the lands with his army.

To put a stop to his rampage, the Gods and all-powerful beings tried to defeat him. But, due to his boon, he remained undefeated. They all approached Bhagwan Vishnu for help to overthrow Mahishasura and his reign. Then, Vishnu-Shiva-Brahma all combined their powers, thus came Durga. All Gods and celestial beings gave their most powerful weapons to her. With all supreme powers and weapons, Durga faced Mahishasura over a period of fifteen days and put an end to him with her trident.

Fascinating Facts

  • It is believed that Bhagwan Ram prayed to Mahishasura Mardini before facing Ravana in war.
  • Each of her various weapons signifies that not all weapons can destroy all evil. Each situation must be handled with its own specific needs and circumstances.

Other Popular Names

  • Durga: the one who is unconquerable
  • Bhavani: giver of life
  • Shakti: power
  • Bhairavi: ferocious
  • Mahishasura-mardini: defeater of Mahishasura (any evil power)

Popular/Well-known Prayers

  • Yaa devi sarva bhuteshu – (Devi stuti) prayers for the nine forms of Maa Durga
  • Shakti Mantra
  • Om Aim Hreem Kleem Chamundaye Vichche