Social Studies Connection

History and Future of Biotechnology

Biotechnology has been used for many centuries. From the Caveman era and through the Victorian period. All around the world people were looking at nature, and trying to replicate the processes they find. People in the past were making antibiotics using biotechnology without even knowing. Today it is also being worldwide for a wide variety of purposes. The present and future of biotechnology is important, but we should still learn about the history of it. Why? because the history of biotechnology shows us how far we have come, in the interpretation and application of science through nature. Many of the first uses of biotechnology are still being used to today. From making medicine to insecticides, biotechnology surrounds us like a swarm of bees. It is only right to learn about its past.

From 500 B.C. humans have been using biotechnology to create antibiotics; from things found in nature. As they studied about our planet and all that is within it, they found ways to use that knowledge to create things we could use. We owe a great thanks to those who looked at something as common as a flower, and made a vaccine that saved thousands of lives. The processes of life in organisms is something we have studied for centuries, and will continue to study. Life is something as humans we will never truly understand, but that hasn't stopped scientist from trying to learn all that they can. Nature is like a large library with no end, so how do scientist know where to start? Most products that were made using biotech, had a purpose that corresponded to a problem. Like the first vaccine being made in 1761, was due to a large outbreak of a disease. Even today most research into biotech happens when there is a major problem that needs to be solved. Like the production of food in a more efficient way for the rapid increase in population. Many countries and states have begun using biotechnology in the 20 first century. Most of these countries have a large need for biotechnology in Food production and the creation of medicine. Some of the places that use biotechnology on a larger scale are : USA, Singapore, Brazil, China, India, South Africa, Japan, Canada, Sweden, Denmark.

What do all of these places have in common? Most of these places have a large amount of farming land. Due to the fact that biotechnology is mainly used in food production for both animals and plants. Making pesticides and altering the genetic coding of fruits and vegetables, are ways in which biotech is used. Why would we need to alter genetic coding? Because the soil type and quality changes throughout the seasons. With our increasing population we need to be able to grow some fruits and vegetables year round. For instance bananas and apples aren't seasonal fruits, you can find them anytime of the year in large quantities. You may also notice that some of these countries are developing countries. Because of the increased use of biotechnology many jobs have been created, rejuvenating the economy. A large part of this list, are countries who are technologically advanced. Almost all these countries have a large population that is ever changing in diversity and size. Because of these fluctuations these countries must find new ways to increase the production speed of necessary resources,which includes: food, medicine, machinery, Waste cleanup.

As you can see biotech is used in a large variety of places and ways. Each of the ways we use biotechnology helps in the improvement of life. It also allows us to adapt to our ever changing surroundings. As we make major advances in biotechnology, more dates are added to the history of biotechnology. I believe this is a timeline that will never end, because we will never know everything about biotechnology. Everyday we increase our knowledge of biotech, around the world and even in your own backyard. The future of biotech is bright, almost as blinding as the sun.