Key terms to know

Vocabulary about Biotechnology

  • Proteins: Large complex molecules consisting of amino acids that are body needs to function.

  • Polymearse chain reaction (PCR): a scientific technique that allows scientist to amplify a single copy of DNA across several orders of magnitude. Making thousands to millions of copies of DNA.

  • Nucleus: the brain of the cell.

  • Bacteria Transformation: Is the alteration of a cell by the uptake, incorporation, and exogenous genetic material (DNA).

  • Cloning: the creation of an organism with completely same genetic makeup.

  • DNA: deoxyribonucleic acid is the formal name. It has the double spiral shape and is in all living organisms. It carries genetic material.

  • Molecular biology: a branch of biology that focuses molecular sized organisms, for example cells.

  • DNA extraction: a process of purification from a sample using both physical and chemical methods. isolating the DNA.

  • Genetic engineering: The direct manipulation of an organisms genome with the use of biotechnology.

  • Yeast: a single celled fungi that is often used in the creation of some foods. (bread, cake, etc.)

  • Genetically modified organism: an organisms whose genetic material has been altered with the use genetic engineering techniques.

  • DNA fingerprinting: the isolation and making images of sequences of DNA. used mostly by forensics.