Gene Therapy

What is it

  • Altering DNA within cells to treat or cure a disease, Taking out or inactivating a defective gene that is not functioning properly, Replacing a mutated gene.

How it is used

  • To replace missing or defective genes.

  • Deliver genes that speed the destruction of cancer cells.

  • Deliver bacterial or viral genes as a form of vaccination. This is one of the more common ways of using gene therapy.

  • Provide genes that promote the growth of new tissue. If a limb has been cut off new tissue needs to form over the cut. Often times doctors will use gene therapy to speed up the growth of the tissue, so that the injured area doesn't become infected.

  • Deliver genes that stimulate the healing of damaged tissue. Patients that have been severely burned often need this type of gene therapy to replace the burnt skin with a fresh layer.

How it connects with Biotechnology

  • By altering a bio molecular process with the use of advancements in technology, makes gene therapy an example of biotechnology. Before scientist can add genes to DNA they have to study both of them. This allows scientist to see how they interact with each other.

How adenovirus vectors are used in gene therapy