Background info

Biotechnology is also used to create specifications of food. for instance longer shelf lives is due to a reconstruction of a certain bacteria into one that can slow down the rotting process. select breeding is when scientist add genes to an animal's DNA that allows that animal to adapt to a completely different living area then what they are used to. It also changes the type of food they need. This allows farmers to breed more animals in area that is found in large amounts in Texas or anywhere else. Some of the changes are for the better, but some may actually lower our standard of living. It all depends on what we change and what we add. That is why more research on biotechnology is needed.

Biotechnology isn't something we completely understand and has recently grown in demand and research. I hope you have learned a little bit more about biotechnology.


As a child whenever you went to the doctor you knew you were getting a shot. When you went to the dentist to get your teeth cleaned didn't they use a machine to take pictures of your teeth, or have you ever taken a pill when you were sick? All of these are examples of things we do in our everyday life that have one thing in common, Biotechnology. What exactly is biotechnology? It is the study and recording of biological processes for industrial use and much more. Biological processes are any type of process that occurs in a living organisms and are made up of many different chemical reactions. For example : animals breathing, the way we break down food, disposing nutrients, how blood flows through the heart. All of these processes may seem very simple but, are very complex.

By studying these processes we not only learn about the vast world around us, but also about everything's structure.Nature is said to be a scientist sketchbook; all Everything has a structure or a pattern; each of these is specifically made for that biotic or abiotic factor. For instance a snowflake is made of multiple fragmented pieces, or its a fractal. By studying all these structures we are able to create and manipulate a large variety of things. The most common way of studying these structures is genetic engineering; which is the process of adding genes to DNA molecule to change the information it contains. This allows scientist to reconstruct DNA to do what they need it to do. They can create medicine to combat a certain disease or make a plant that is insect repellent.