Marilyn Monroe

The American actress, singer, model and sex symbol Marilyn Monroe was born on June 1, 1926 in Los Angeles, California as Norma Jeane Mortenson (but baptized Norma Jeane Baker). Who her father was is uncertain. Her mother, Gladys Pearl Baker, was a manic-depressive, as the maternal grandparents had also been.

Norma Jeane was placed in various foster homes and orphanages, where she fared badly and was early subjected to sexual abuse. The difficult childhood of course made a deep mark on her and the outer glamor of her Hollywood career in fact concealed a very unhappy and insecure woman.

The actress Marilyn Monroe was, of course, very much a product of the American film industry. With her hair dyed blond and her name changed to Marilyn Monroe she soon became a celebrated actress and sex icon. The more famous films she starred in include "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" (1953), "Bus Stop" (1956), "Some Like it Hot" (1959) and "The Misfits" (1961).

Marilyn Monroe was married to three men, among them baseball player Joe DiMaggio (the marriage lasted for nine months) and writer Arthur Miller. Marilyn had no children, but had several miscarriages. It is also known that she had an affair with the U.S. President John F. Kennedy.

On the night of August 5, 1962 Marilyn Monroe died, 36 years old, after an overdose of drugs. Rumors have circulated that she was killed so that the affair with Kennedy would not be revealed. But it is likely that in a period of severe depression she took an overdose of drugs in combination with alcohol.

Her birth chart looks like this:

Marilyn Monroe, June 1, 1926, 09:30, Los Angeles, California, USA

(Source: Astro Databank)

Norma Jeane's unfortunate and traumatic childhood is reflected in the T-square between Saturn in Scorpio in the Fourth House, Neptune in Leo in the First House and the Moon in Aquarius in the Seventh House. Here we sense also her predisposition for severe depression (Saturn squaring the Moon).

At the same time Neptune in Leo in the First House and the Ascendant in Leo mirror the celebrated Hollywood star with a generous and boundless personal appeal (Neptune - film, boundlessness; Leo - standing on a stage, generosity, charisma). The Ascendant in Leo indicates warmth and generosity and gives the image of a person who likes to have fun and loves to be the center of all attention.

The Ascendant ruler, the Sun, forms an otherwise "unaspected island" together with Mercury in Gemini in the Tenth House but on the Eleventh House cusp. The Eleventh and Fifth House axis relates to show business - where her short but intense adult life came to be enacted. The Sun and Mercury in communicative Gemini indicates curiosity, intelligence and versatility.

Venus in Aries, in conjunction with Chiron and Pars Fortunae and in sextile with the Fifth House ruler Jupiter in Aquarius in the Seventh House, rules the Midheaven in Taurus, ie. her career and fame as a female sex symbol.

Her tragic death is clearly reflected already in the birth chart. Neptune (overdose of drugs and alcohol) in the First House (her personality and body) rules the Eighth House (death) with Uranus (suicide) in conjunction with Mars (accident), both in Pisces (medication, alcohol, overdose).

There is much more to say about Marilyn Monroe's horoscope and her life story. Welcome to complement and expand my understanding of the horoscope!

© Mats Bergman 2013