Britney Spears

The American pop icon and teen idol Britney Spears was born in McComb, Mississippi on December 2, 1981, but came to grow up in Kentwood, Louisiana. Even as a little girl, she began to perform as a singer and dancer, and soon - with the help of her mother - she was a professional child artist.

After having signed a contract with a record company at the age of 17 she issued her 1998 debut album, "Baby One More Time", which became an instant bestseller. Soon, she was established as a teen idol. The first album was followed by a tour and a series of awards and soon came next album (in 2000): "Oops I Did It Again", followed by a highly acclaimed world tour.

Her career has since rushed on in express speed and the young mega star has been able to bask in all the glory she could wish for. From the outset, the mother played a leading role in backing up her daughter's career, and the two have even written and published a couple of books together. According to her mother, Lynne Spears, Britney was very early talking, singing and dancing and she was full of energy and good at gymnastics - talents that she (largely with the mother's help) early on could develop and turn into a successful mega career within the American entertainment industry.

But the success has also had a devastating price in the form of some severe crises and mental breakdowns for which she received treatment and help. She also lost custody of her two sons after a divorce.

Britney Spears' horoscope:

Britney Spears, 2 December 1981, 01:30, McComb, Mississippi, USA

(Source: Astro DataBank)

The most prominent sign is Venus-ruled Libra (the Ascendant and Saturn/Pluto in the First House) and Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius (with the Sun, Mercury and Neptune in the Third House plus Uranus exactly on the House cusp). The Sun in the Third House of communication and media, and the Moon in Aquarius in the Fifth House of creativity and artistry gives a good first description of the artist. Most of the planets in her horoscope are in the northern hemisphere (below the horizon), and show that her own identity and her personal resources play a major role and importance for her external success.

The Moon is in its waxing phase and suggests a progressive person who believes in her own ability. The Moon is also the mother, who in Britney's case meant a lot for the promotion of her career and her early launch as a teen star. This is reflected in the horoscope by the Moon's placement in the Fifth House of creativity and by the Tenth House of career and success in Moon-ruled Cancer, where we also find the North Lunar node.

Her Ascendant in Libra reflects her exterior charm and beauty. The Ascendant ruler Venus is in the Fourth House of home and family, and once again points to the important role of her mother. Venus is in mutual reception with Saturn in the First House, i.e. they are in each other's signs and therefore support each other. The Saturn/Pluto conjunction in the First House shows great ambition and power behind her exterior charm. Saturn rules the Fourth House (the foundation, home and family), while Pluto rules the Second House of the assets, resources and talents, and here we also find optimistic and successful Jupiter on the House cusp. The conjunction between Pluto and Jupiter demonstrates her grandiose appearance and how she always goes to extremes. It also suggests that she needs to keep her ego in check.

Uranus in Sagittarius is exactly on the Third House cusp and it is in this Jupiter-ruled house that we find both the Sun and Mercury and Neptune. It reflects very clearly how Britney Spears through her mega career is primarily a media phenomenon, how her artistry and fame are primarily mediated through electronic media (the Third House). Uranus on the House cusp ensures that she is constantly on the move and it also reflects the various crises and "scandals". Uranus also rules the Fifth House where it disposes her Moon.

Neptune - the planet of music, dance and celebrity - in the Third House may also reflect something of the mental breakdowns when everything went overboard. The square to Mars in Mercury-ruled Virgo in the Twelfth House shows a great creative potential, but also points to the risk for emotional outbursts as well as resorting to alcohol and drugs.

Saturn and Pluto in the First House - her powerful personality - forms a T-cross with the Lunar nodes in Cancer/Tenth House and in Capricorn/Fourth House. It mirrors much of her career and her life path. The Ascendant ruler Venus – her femininity, sexy appeal and friendly charm - in Capricorn in mutual reception with Saturn in Libra, forms a conjunction with the South Lunar node in the Fourth House and is - along with the Moon - the basis for her career advancement and success in the Tenth House. Here – in the Tenth House - we also see Pars Fortunae ("the Part of Fortune") in Sun-ruled Leo – the artist and idol as a shining example for all the world's teenage girls. Happiness and joy and self-realization for Britney Spears seems to be in her large outer success with all that it implies in her life.

© Mats Bergman 2013