Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein appears as the archetype of the brilliant scientist. The name Einstein itself has even become synonymous with "genius". His discoveries and theories in physics came to change the world fundamentally. The simple formula E = mc ² opened the door to a whole new era. Humans learned to extract energy - and energy in huge amounts - directly from the interior of matter. Atom bombs and nuclear energy became part of our reality.

How was he as a person then, this science giant? Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 in the southern German city of Ulm on the Danube River in Baden-Württemberg. His parents were secular Jews of the middle class. His father started an electro-technical factory after the family had moved to Munich. The young Albert showed an early interest in science and eventually came to study physics and mathematics.

After working as a teacher for a few years, he took employment as a bookkeeper in 1902 at the patent office in Bern in Switzerland. It was during that time, in the years 1902-1909, that he alone worked out the pioneering theories which later would bring him such fame. In the following years, while working as a professor in Zurich, Prague and Berlin, he further developed his theories. In 1916 he presented the general theory of relativity. Einstein was also politically committed as a democrat and pacifist.

After Hitler came to power in 1933 Albert Einstein left Germany and emigrated to the United States, where despite his pacifism he became involved in the production of the atomic bomb - it was urgent to produce such a bomb before the Nazis did. After the war, however, Einstein was sharply opposed to the development of nuclear weapons.

As for family life, in 1903 he married a former classmate, Mileva Maric. They had three children together. Having lived apart for a long time the couple finally separated in 1919. That same year, Einstein married his cousin Elsa Lowenthal, who later accompanied him to America, where she died however within a few years. Albert Einstein himself died in Princeton in the United States in 1955 at the age of 76.

His birth chart looks like this:

Albert Einstein, 14 March 1879, 11:30, Ulm, Germany

(Source: Astro DataBank)

Dominant signs are Pisces (with the Sun and MC) and Aries (with Mercury, Saturn, Venus and Pars Fortunae). The great pioneer of science can be seen already by the close conjunction between Mercury, Saturn and Pars Fortunae in Aries in the Tenth House of career and fame. The Sun in Neptune-ruled Pisces mirrors the intuitive mind of the great thinker. It is well known that it was through intuitive insights that Einstein penetrated the mysteries of reality and matter.

Strangely and remarkably - hold on to your hat! - all the ingredients of the magic formula E = mc² are to be found in his emphasized Tenth House:

The sun represents the light and energy (E)

Saturn is the mass or matter (m)

Mercury is movement, in this case the speed of light squared (c²)

Leveling Venus will conveniently stand for "equal" (=)

In other words, energy equals mass multiplied with the speed of light squared (E = mc²).

The great scientist is of course shown primarily through Uranus-disposed Jupiter in Aquarius in the Ninth House of study, research and philosophy. Also the North Lunar Node is in scientific and revolutionary Aquarius in the Eighth House while Uranus itself is in Mercury-ruled Virgo in the Third House.

That Albert Einstein was more intuitive than purely rational in his research and approach is also reflected in the distribution of the four elements, where the Water element predominates, followed by Fire and Earth, while the Air element surprisingly occurs more sparingly. However, when it does, it is very focused on science - Jupiter and the North Lunar Node in Aquarius.

A prominent house in the horoscope in addition to the Tenth (career, success, fame) is also the Sixth (work, health, daily routines) where we find the Moon in the adventurous Jupiter-sign Sagittarius – to Einstein the exploration of existence and reality was an ongoing adventure and very much a part of his everyday life. Most of the planets are concentrated in the fourth quadrant, and the southern hemisphere (the upper part of the chart) which indicates a person who wants to make their mark on the world and for which the external successes are important. This is also emphasized by the Moon in its waning phase - there is a need and a willingness to share their own knowledge and insight.

The Ascendant in the Moon-ruled Water sign Cancer and the Sun in Neptune's sign Pisces emphasize Einstein's sensitive and intuitive nature as well as his pacifist attitude. Meanwhile, the Sun gains considerable strength and power through sextiles both with Mars exalted in Capricorn and Pluto in Taurus.

Mars-disposed Mercury in Aries in the Tenth House reflects Einstein's independent and innovative thinking and the fact that he managed to present his theories in public and give them such impact. The close conjunction with Saturn shows good concentration and authoritative communication. Mars and Saturn are in mutual reception, i.e. in each other's signs, and therefore support and color each other. Mars' trine to Pluto in Taurus provides additional powerful energy. Mars on the Eighth House cusp is also in conjunction with the North Lunar Node in Aquarius - again a reflection of the great scientific pioneer. The trine to Pluto suggests Einstein's involvement in the creation of the atomic bomb and nuclear energy. Mars rules the Eleventh House where we also have Neptune and Chiron in Taurus.

Jupiter in Aquarius in the Ninth House is in opposition to Uranus in Virgo and square to Pluto in Taurus. Here is a revolutionary force and excitement that was expressed both in Einstein's scientific achievements and his political and humanitarian commitment. His goal and desire was to influence and fundamentally change the world, something that is also expressed by Uranus' trine with Chiron in conjuction with the MC ruler Neptune.

Finally, Pars Fortunae - the greatest happiness and self-realization - was for Einstein of course intimately associated with the presentation of his pioneering theories, reflected by the close conjunction with Mercury and Saturn in Aries in his Tenth House.

© Mats Bergman 2013