
Welcome! My name is Mats and I am a Swedish astologer. Here I have collected interpretations of the birth charts of a number of famous people.

The interpretations are intended to demonstrate the validity of astrology - that a person's character and traits are actually reflected by the planetary positions and interrelationships at birth. That this is so is of course highly remarkable and cannot be explained by the current scientific paradigm.

Astrology therefore demonstrates together with life itself that our existence and reality are far more wondrous than academic science is ever able to shed its light on.

I have tried to make the presentations and interpretations as simple and clear as possible. To follow the reasoning, it is still an advantage of course to have a basic understanding of the elements of astrology. The horoscope shows the planets' relative positions in relation to the zodiac and the twelve astrological houses. The interpretation is based on the symbolic meanings of the planets and zodiacal signs and how they relate to each other in each case.

In the navigation column on the left you will find in alphabetical order the famous people whose birth charts are presented.

Please enjoy!

Mats Bergman

All interpretations © Mats Bergman 2013

Ourania - Patroness of Astrology

In Swedish