Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

Jacqueline Lee Bouvier "Jackie" Kennedy Onassis was born on July 28, 1929 in Southampton, Long Island, New York. She died of a cancer disease on 19 May 1994. During her life, she was married to two of the world's most powerful men - U.S. Senator, later President, John F. Kennedy and then the rich Greek shipowner Aristotle Onassis.

Her family belonged to New York's high society and the young Jacqueline studied at prestigious private schools, and then at the Sorbonne University in Paris. In 1953 she married the young Senator, John F. Kennedy. After her husband's election victory, the couple moved into the White House in 1961. "Jackie" was then 31 years and mother of two children. As the "First Lady" she won the admiration for her good taste and style. She proceeded to renew the decor in the White House residential part and came through her positive attitude and pleasing appearance to contribute much to the presidential couple's popularity.

Although Jacqueline did not mind being in the spotlight and being interviewed and photographed, she still strove for as much privacy as possible for herself and the children.

Childbearing was filled with difficulties and traumas. Besides miscarriages she gave birth to a stillborn child (in 1956) and a boy who died after two days (in 1963). The two surviving children were both delivered by Caesarean section.

1963 was Jacqueline Kennedy's dark year. First, her infant son died in August, then her husband was murdered in the attack in Dallas in November. Jacqueline was highly admired for the courage and strength she displayed in connection with the tragic murder. After the president's death, she withdrew from public life to take care of her children. In 1968 she married Aristotle Onassis. But more tragedy ensued. Her new husband's only son died in a plane crash in 1973 and Onassis himself suffered poor health and died in the year 1975.

Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis then worked as an editor for a publishing house while she lived in a free relationship with Maurice Tempelsman, a Belgian industrialist and diamond merchant. She lived in Manhattan's fashionable Upper East Side of New York to her death in 1994. She was buried at Arlington National Cemetery outside Washington, DC, next to her first husband, the President John F. Kennedy.

Her horoscope:

Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, 28 July 1929, 14:30, Southampton, New York, USA

(Source: Astro DataBank)

Most prominent signs are Aries (Moon, Uranus, Fifth and Sixth Houses) and Leo (the Sun, Mercury, Pars Fortunae and MC). The Fire element dominates and demonstrates an enthusiastic and motivated person with many goals and aspirations and with an attraction to challenges and adventures.

The spread of planets in the chart (western and southern hemispheres dominates) indicates that she wanted to play a role in public life, that social life was important to her and that she reached satisfaction through success in the public arena.

Among the houses dominate the Fifth (creativity, children), the Eighth (death, transformation, intense experiences), the Ninth (Education) and the Tenth (social status, public life).

The Fifth house of children is in Mars-ruled Aries and shows Jacqueline Kennedy's difficulties with childbirth. The two surviving children were both delivered by Caesarean section (Mars). This is reinforced by the Moon (maternity) and Uranus (crises) in Aries in this house.

That she was married to two of the world's most powerful men is clearly reflected by the planet Jupiter in Gemini in the Seventh House of marriage. The North Lunar node's placement in close conjunction with the Descendant indicates that this was part of her destiny. Jupiter in Gemini the Twins - the two mighty spouses in her life - rules through Sagittarius the Second House of assets, resources and finances and disposes the planet Saturn in this house, which in turn forms an opposition to the Seventh House ruler Venus in Gemini in the Eighth House. This whole pattern reflects how Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis attracted external resources through marriage with successful men who could offer her financial security.

The North Lunar node's conjunction with Chiron suggests that her fate was linked to difficult experiences of the painful sides of life. Perhaps emotional wounds from past lives (the South Lunar node in Scorpio in close conjunction with the Ascendant) needed to be actualized and have the opportunity to heal in this life.

The Ascendant and horoscope ruler Pluto is in Cancer (family, motherhood) in the Eighth House of death and transformation. The planet is unaspected except for a trine to the Ascendant and the South Lunar node - it also rules and sextiles the North Lunar node. Without a doubt transformation and death were important themes in the dramatic and tumultuous life of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. With the Ascendant in Scorpio, one can also understand that she amid the public limelight still preferred privacy for herself and her children.

At the same time the Midheaven in Sun-ruled Leo demonstrates that she also liked to shine in the public arena. With the Sun itself, Mercury and Pars Fortunae in Leo, she could also inspire others through her sunny and generous personality. Neptune's close conjunction with the Midheaven reflects her role as a style icon and role model and even her artistic ambitions to renew the White House interior decoration. Neptune in this position also indicates how she lost (Neptune) her public position as "First Lady" (Midheaven in Leo) at her husband's tragic death in his mid-career.

The Fire Trine between Midheaven in Leo, Moon in Aries and Saturn in Sagittarius is disposed by three masculine planets: the Sun, Mars and Jupiter. It seems to allude to how the men in her life came to shape her female roles - as the mother (Moon), as a style icon and the "First Lady" (Midheaven/Neptune) and finally as the hard-hit but yet strong and composed widow (Saturn).

© Mats Bergman 2013