3D vision

conultatnt: https://robertcastle.com/tag/cv/

khw1701 demo

Calvin Kalman _aruco https://youtu.be/Wdxpue20--s

Ting Kwok Chan, Ying Kin Yu, Ho, Cheun Kam and Kin Hong Wong , "Robust hand gesture input using computer vision, inertial measurement unit (IMU) and flex sensor", 2018 International Conference on Mechatronics,Robotics and Automation ICMRA at Hefei University of Technology, 18-21 May,2018 2018.

CUHK CS dept. 2018


https://youtu.be/3zmR82BS3ow (new) (hand track, vision+ imu+wireless)

old https://youtu.be/m3-0fvhzRGQ (hand track, vision+ imu)

https://youtu.be/qjkVq3MqIFY (finger motion)

ocr aruco


hand ocr



Visual Inertial Odometry

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuA5vHRhqO8

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMAISVy-6ao

3. https://medium.com/super-ventures-blog/why-is-arkit-better-than-the-alternatives-af8871889d6a


[1] S. Sabatelli, M. Galgani, L. Fanucci, A. Rocchi, "A Double-Stage Kalman Filter for Orientation Tracking With an Integrated Processor in 9-D IMU", Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE Transactions on, vol.62, no.3, pp.590-598, March 2013

[2] D. Jurman, M. Jankovec, R. Kamnik, M. Topič, "Calibration and Data Fusion Solution for the Miniature Attitude and Heading Reference System", Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, vol.138, no.2, pp.411-420, August 2007

A Review and Analysis of Eye-Gaze Estimation Systems, Algorithms and Performance Evaluation Methods in Consumer Platform This summarises the recent work on gaze estimation in handheld device. I believe we have the good start for the head pose estimation as this can be used as compensation to eye tracking.

This paper's work in 2015 is similar to what I wish to do for the eye-gaze-based authentication

Exhaustive linearization for robust camera pose and focal length estimation

different sovlepnp variants implemented in OpenCV:


pose sfm

    • code

      • https://docs.opencv.org/3.3.0/dc/d2c/tutorial_real_time_pose.html

IMU and Kalman

  1. https://www.kudan.eu/kudan-news/an-introduction-to-slam/ 2016 with videos, a good introduction to slam

  2. http://www.ece.ust.hk/~eeshaojie/ismar2017peiliang.pdf (Monocular Visual-Inertial State Estimation for Mobile Augmented Reality) 2017, HKUST, slam sfm+ Karlamn

  3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3649364/ (Extended Kalman Filter-Based Methods for Pose Estimation Using Visual, Inertial and Magnetic Sensors 2013, pose using checker board)

  4. http://appliedmaths.sun.ac.za/~wbrink/students/LHughes2014.pdf (Enhancing Mobile Camera Pose Estimation Through the Inclusion of Sensors, msc thesis, pose using checker board, p79)

  5. http://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_cvpr_workshops_2015/W12/papers/Tiefenbacher_Off-the-Shelf_Sensor_Integration_2015_CVPR_paper.pdf 9using passive markers for pose estimation, UKF)

    1. http://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/17/10/2164/htm (Pose Estimation of a Mobile Robot Based on Fusion of IMU Data and Vision Data Using an Extended Kalman Filter, sensor 2017, cityu HK, object recognition known model (section 3.2)., EKF, ransac)object recognition, known model,EKF

  6. https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1411/1411.2335.pdf (AN IMPROVED TRACKING USING IMU AND VISION FUSION FOR MOBILE AUGMENTED REALITY APPLICATIONS 2014) EKF, CAD known model to get pose , mixed with IMU complimentary filter

  7. https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2Fs10846-010-9490-z.pdf (Fusion of IMU and Vision for Absolute Scale Estimation in Monocular SLAM 2011) Klein and Murray’s SLAM algorithm- bundle adjustment, plus IMU (different sampling scheme)

  8. http://www.control.isy.liu.se/research/reports/LicentiateThesis/Lic1370.pdf (Pose Estimation and Calibration Algorithms for Vision and Inertial Sensors 2008, phd thesis) p12, may be known model

  9. http://www.mit.edu/~shayegan/files/vision_based_pose_estimation_of_quads.pdf (Vision-Based Pose Estimation of Quadcopters using UKFs2014) posit, knwon model, ukf for Quadcopters

  10. https://venturi.fbk.eu/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/PorRicCia_EESMS_2012.pdf (Visual-inertial Tracking on Android for Augmented Reality Applications 2012 )vision using G. Klein and D. Murray, “Parallel tracking and mapping on a cameraphone,” in Proc. Eigth IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR’09), 2009

  11. http://jultika.oulu.fi/files/nbnfioulu-201609142782.pdf (POSE ESTIMATION USING TWO LINE CORRESPONDENCES AND GRAVITY VECTOR FOR IMAGE RECTIFICATION msc thesis 2016) line correspondences

    1. khwong




http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~khwong/c174_pt_line_trifocal_kalman.pdfPose estaimtion

POSE estimation
