Revolutionary War Veterans

Andrews, Benjamin, Mass. Military Capt. Thomas Lee's Independent Co.

Blanchard, David, N.H. Military

Durgin, Trueworthy, N.H. Military

Edson, Nathan, Ct. Military

Gage, Stephen, (Unk. service)

Gould, David (Battle of Bunker Hill)

Heath, Jonathan, Lieut., N.H. Military

Heath, Nathan'l, Mass. Military

Heath, Starling, N.H. Military Starling Heath military pension

Hitchcock, Lyman, Major, N. Y. General Orders, 14 October 1777

Hoyt, Joseph, Evans N.H. Military. On Memorial Day (1914), in Cabot Village Cemetery, a monument was dedicated to the memory of Joseph Hoyt, Revolutionary soldier. Joseph Hoyt moved to Cabot, Vermont in 1797, from Deerfield, NH, and died in Cabot in 1815. After many years, his great granddaughter, Fidelia Hoyt Simonds, 0f Chicago, Ill., moved his remains, and those of his wife, from neglected, unmarked, and almost forgotten graves, to the village cemetery. Other descendants raised money to erect a large granite monument. Joseph Hoyt was a brave and stalwart soldier. At the battle of Bennington, his captain, Nathan Sanborn, was shot. Unmindful of himself, and at the peril of his own life, he carried him upon his shoulder from the battlefield.

Lyford, Fifield, N.H. Military

Lyford, Thomas, Lieut., N. H. Military

McDaniel, Jeremiah, Ensign, Vt. Military

Merrill, Amos, Mass. Military

Osgood, Thomas, N.H. Military. Born in Barre, Mass., Aug. 1, 1761. Married, first, Sarah Kirtland, who died, Jan. 23, 1817. He was town clerk at Cabot, Vt., from 1796 to 1832. He was a soldier during the Revolution Married, second, Mrs. Shepley. Died in Cabot, Nov. 10, 1843.

Osgood, William (Sr.), N.H. Military

Randall, Jonathan, N.H. Military Jonathan Randall military pension

Stone, Matthias (Deacon)

Warner, Samuel, 1754 1834 enlisted in Capt Amos Walbridge's company, Col. Charles Webb's regiment for three years. In 1820, his pension was allowed for three years actual service, as sergeant Connecticut line. In 1843, his widow received a pension. He was born in Stafford, Conn., died in Cabot, Vt .

Webster, Nathaniel, N.H. Military

Whittier, Lieut. John

This region was sparsely settled at the time of the American Revolution. The men who settled Cabot were predominantly Revolutionary War military veterans. Many came from other states, including Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and New York. Others were from settlements in southern Vermont. The Bayley-Hazen Military Road made Cabot and other wilderness towns accessible. When Cabot was organized in 1788, six commissioned officers and one private were sworn in as the first town officials, by Walter Brock, Justice of the Peace.

Moderator: Capt. Jesse Leavenworth

Selectmen: Lieut. Jonathan Heath, Lieut. Thomas Lyford, and Lieut. David Blanchard

Town Treasurer: Maj. Lyman Hitchcock

Constable: Ensign Jeremiah McDaniels

Surveyor of Highways: Pvt. Edmund Chapman

Collector of Taxes: Ensign Jeremiah McDaniels