Watergate atoms

Post date: Dec 27, 2013 6:02:02 PM

Watergate molecule mass 18, President Nixon, and the 18 families of the periodic atomic table

RD-blog-number--3029 by Herb Zinser

The Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family expresses atomic social and political science messages VIA atomic, bio-physics bio-computer output devices known as humanoid. These atomic aggregates are enclosed in a dermatology package using BFS technology = Batavia, FermiLAB Science participation in Nature's B.F.Skinner bio-physics box experiment ...... of water molecule political science expressions ... in the extension region of water applications ..... washing cotton clothes, washing dinner plates, and the most famous water molecule activity center for WASHING is Washington, DC.

They WASH everything.... physical objects, English language symbols, accounting system numbers, Wall Street financial systems,etc. They wash everything to make sure its nice and CLEAN.

Thus in a sense ..... a scientists could look at the region as a water molecule continuum with water social science expressions VIA water containers in a atomic/ molecular dermatology box with EARTH LAB experimental specimen label: humanoids.


Thus we have atomic WATERMAN ......and the WATERMEN are Senators, Congressmen and the newspaper reporters that work for the water molecule atomic mass 18 publication ... Washington Post newspaper that reported on water molecule political activities like WATERGATE and LOGIC GATE and brain Logic Gate self-awareness tests.

Water in your body - Nestle Waters


Our body is composed of an average of 60% water. What is the distribution of the water that we find in the human body ?

Water in the Body - ChemCraft/The Dehl Group


Now let's take a closer look at the importance of water in our own bodies. ... The human brain is about 85% water and our bones are between 10 to 15% water.

The National Geographic Magazine even LEAKED a secret VIA the ZINJAN skull project of the Leakey family ...... that is water atmonic mass 18 was discovered 1.8 million year ago in Africa in the biology search for bio-math biology logarithms life.

Biology word partition --> bio log y --> bio logarithms.

Thus the log ratio of the water molecule 18 to 180 to 1800 .... to 1.8 million years ZINJAN skull and water molecule memory systems.

The water molecule geographic message processing region of Washington, DC provided an important signal via the signaling EVENT: Watergate. Washington, DC is known as the water molecule continuum ROC = Region of Convergence .... with water molecule agents .... Watermen ( Congressman and Senators) converge by their water molecule atomic instinct to Nature's premier Watering HOLE's in Georgetown and Washington, DC.

This atomic water molecule instinct is displayed by Nature as African elephants seek watering holes in the dry grasslands during a drought.

THe signaling EVENT:

Watergate scandal

Water molecule scandal

Water molecule logic gate scandal

The Watergate scandal was a political scandal that occurred in the United States in the 1970s as a result of the June 17, 1972, break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate office complex in Washington, D.C.,

Below, water gate and

Hydroelectric judicial power

Hydroelectric judicial power

Super-symmetry physics mirrors .... gives the enhanced architecture of the water molecule and its social and political activities via the EXTERNAL display structure shown below.

Water molecule DISPLAY site ... .with the DEMO of the Demo party --> Demo part atomic particles --> Via the Demo of the Democratic Party of water molecule humanoids.


This Margaret MEAD atomic nuclear family experiment expressed several concepts about the evolution of modern REALITY and societal PERCEPTIONS.

The WATERMAN, President NIXON was president of water molecules and commander-in-chief of water molecules. He was authorized BY Nature and the periodic atomc table of Sartre existetialism to investigate water molecule expression criminals in humanoid FORMAT.

Let's look at water agent NIXON ,his thermodynamics of water at temperature 37 degrees Celsius and his WATER molecule authority.

Richard Nixon

.........rd agent for science ... Nixon

Richard Milhous Nixon (January 9, 1913 – April 22, 1994) was the 37th President of the United States, serving from 1969 to 1974, when he became the only president to resign the office. Nixon had previously served as a Republican U.S. Representative and Senator from California and as the 36th Vice President of the United States from 1953 to 1961.


Normal human body temperature, also known as normothermia or euthermia, ..... 37°C (98.6°F) - Normal internal body temperature (which varies between about ...


The IBM System/370 (S/370) was a model range of IBM mainframes ..... IBM (June 1970), IBM System/370 Principles of Operation, First Edition, GA22-7000-0.


The IBM 3410 magnetic tape subsystem was used with the IBM System/370 mainframes but also extended tape storage capability to ...

System/370 mainframes but also extended tape

System/370 mainframes but also extended tape

System/370 mainframes but also extended tape

System/37.0 degress Celsius water molecule processor ..... mainframes but also

extended tape --> the NIXON tape awareness experiments of the 37th President at 37.0 degrees Celius and his bio-computer system 370 network of humanoids.

Given some background concepts , let's continue with the water molecule continuum and its message EVENT known as Watergate.

Using applied string theory .... we begin to see the GRAND UNIFIED Theory and the water molecule expression component of that theory ..... the expression component provides empirical data feedback for theorists. This atomic social science EVENT data ought enable theorists to enhance their theories.

Let's look at the information string and the LEVELS of perception provided by string theory POINTERS of the major levels of water molecule perception existence. What will string theory tell us about Nature's

data generating EVENT for mathematicians and scientists.

Level 1 information string NODE -- the large sized, visible EVENT ...Watergate and the surface veneer details of the EVENT (place, time, location, people involved, the simple model of motives, police data gathered, etc) .

This provides an accurate database .... that is needed for researchers interested in the deeper levels of REALITY that underlie a Margaret Mead atomic social anthropolgy signaling EVENT.

Level 2 information NODE ... the EXTERNAL event at the larger sized cement/concrete architecture and buildings known as WATERGATE is a pointer -----> Water molecules and logic gates inside your brain.

THINK clearly and think of ClearWater, Florida.

The water molecule has atomic/molecule mass of 18. Number 18 is now a string pointer to the next NODE (or Level).

Level 3 information NODE ---- the 18 families of the atomic table.


Elements are presented in order of increasing atomic number (number of protons). .... This is an 18-column periodic table layout, which has come to be referred to as the common or ... A group or family is a vertical column in the periodic table.


The vertical columns of the periodic table (there are 18) are called groups or families. Elements in the same group or family have similar but not identical characteristics ... Atomic size decreases from left to right across a period, but atomic mass ...

Thus we see the role of President Nixon in the water continuum DATA message for scientists ....


What is the Hierarchy Problem? An important feature of nature that puzzles scientists like myself is known as the hierarchy, meaning the vast discrepancy ...


May 10, 2006 – One of the many puzzles (a.k.a. Mysteries of Life) faced by modern theoretical physics is the so-called hierarchy problem: when one compares ...


by Andrew Zimmerman Jones - in 12,693 Google+ circles

Many physicists feel that string theory will ultimately be successful at resolving the hierarchy problem of the Standard Model of particle physics. Although it is an.

President Nixon ..... and the hierarchy of water molecule messengers VIA the DEMO at Nature's Darwinian water molecule selection site ...... the DEMO SITE and the demonstration at DEMO Party headquarters at the Watergate building.

Thus we see Darwin atomic evolution of water molecule INTELLECT via the architecture of the orchestrated behavioral event EVENT known in political science as WATERGATE.

Thus we se the SYMBOL MACHINE of nouns, verbs, commands of the periodic atomic table and the water molecule...... and Nature's system design of the Watergate event to provide CLUES to researchers about the internal architecture of Nature and the human daily events that include human molecule thoughts and behavior.

Additional, water continuum data and the Hierarchy Problem of water molecules at FermiLAB and universities was provided by President Reagan and ...


John Warnock Hinckley Jr. (born May 29, 1955) attempted to assassinate U.S. President Ronald Reagan in Washington D.C., on March 30, 1981, as the ...

Early life - Obsession with Jodie Foster - Reagan assassination attempt

John Hinckley, Jr ... water molecules in his body and brain --> water molecule decision theory ... using water molecule LOGIC GATES from the Watergate learning experience in attention and awareness.


Hinckley Springs is the most popular bottled water provider. Buy bottled water for your home and office. Discover coffee and tea selections.

Thus we see a few pieces to an interesting puzzle about periodic atomic table expressions and messages VIA the water molecule continuum on EARTH