Wisconsin 4-H

Post date: Dec 27, 2013 5:11:31 AM

Wisconsin 4-H Club

The 4-H Club of Wisconsin as an organic chemistry expression

Z-site paper 2827 by Herb Zinser

What is social chemistry?

What is a university?

What is brain engineering using symbols, equations, and brain molecule information process flowcharts?

Let's look at Nature's systems and the Nature's messages to society ...... citizens and INTELLECTUALS and their perceptions..

Let's look at Nature's transformation mapping of the organic chemistry INFORMATION space (see diagram below) to human physical biology and messaging behavior REALITY DISPLAY space on the Earth geography land surfaces ...such a REALITY DISPLAY space / time EVENT area could be a grammar school / high school / college campus with students comprised of organic molecule and their molecule social engineering thoughts.

Are their molecule social science policy thoughts in agreement with Nature's social engineering laws and limits for molecular objects ...i.e. students?


What situations are outlined by the above organic chemistry map?

Use the modern university and its government approved molecular social behavior INFLUENCE models.

The models are bio-computer instruction...brain molecule commands that are broadcast VIA television and radio OR printed in newspapers and textbooks.

Let's use a math function to map the above DOMAIN (the input starting data set comprised of the above picture) to the RANGE ( output data set of EXTERNAL reality of humans and their activities).

Above data source:

The picture symbols: C + 4H --> 4-H Club signals they ought acknowledge.

    • 4-H Youth Development UW-Extension - University of Wisconsin ...

    • www.uwex.edu/ces/4h/

    • Check out a few of our exciting opportunities... 4-H Science, Technology, Engineering & Math ·

    • 4-H Community Clubs · 4-H Arts in Wisconsin · Upham Woods ...

Community Club Central -- 4-H Youth (You theory ) Development UW-Extension ...


A 4-H Charter indicates the 4-H Club or Group is organized in accordance with objectives of the 4-H program. The University of Wisconsin-Extension, ...

The University of Wisconsin-Extension

The University of Wisconsin-Extension

The Universe .....................Extension

4-H Club or Group is organized

4-H Club or Group is organized

4-H C ...... Group is organic chemistry extension of gases in humanoid talking format

www.amazon.com › ... › Words, Language & GrammarSemantics

Rating: 4.5 - 36 reviews - $10.88 - In stock

Language in Thought and Action: Fifth Edition [S.I. Hayakawa, Alan R. Hayakawa, ... this classic work on semantics


The Theoretical Chemistry Institute (TCI) is housed within Physical Chemistry at the UW-Madison and comprises the department's theoretical chemists. Students ...

Now ...in year 2013 ..with the data events of recent years...we have a new VIEW of the source of life/social philosophy thought.

Below, the human 4H-Club parallel to the molecule --> 4 Hydrogen atoms 1 Carbon atom.

www.amazon.com › ... › Words, Language & GrammarSemantics

Language in Thought and Action: ... this classic work on BRAIN molecule ENGLISH semantics

www.amazon.com › ... › Words, Language & GrammarSemantics

Rating: 4.5 - 36 reviews - $

Language in Thought and Action: Fifth Edition [S.I. Hayakawa, Alan R. Hayakawa, ... this classic work on semantics

Thus we see pieces to a puzzle ...about human molecules and expression ..... a puzzle in Nature's system that we ought study and understand.