James Burke

Post date: Dec 28, 2013 1:06:46 AM

James Burke explains the U.S.S.Cole Arleigh BURKE-class destroyer and the Virginia TECH class destroyer

Z-sites RD paper 3081 by Herb Zinser

James Burke (science historian) AND the

Arleigh Burke-class destroyer


Connections: Narrator James Burke explains the industrial Haber-Bosch Process for the production of ammonia, to make artificial fertilisers.

James Burke (born 22 December 1936) is a British broadcaster, science historian, author, and television producer, who is known, among other things, for his documentary television series Connections (1978), and for its more philosophically oriented companion series, The Day the Universe Changed (1985), which is about the history of science and technology. The Washington Post called him "one of the most intriguing minds in the Western world".

James Burke

James Burke

James Burke

James Burke -->Burke --> Bur + ky --> Buffer key

Bio-computer SERVER .. the brain of James Buffer Key OR ...in other words

forums.digitalpoint.com › ForumsDevelopmentDatabasesMySQL

Nov 11, 2006 – I've been trying to adjust the Key Buffer size in my MySQL server to make it as efficient as possible. So I totaled up the total size of all indexes...

What information can we learn from the James Burke connections to the various types of data processing within the multifaceted dimensions of Sartre existentialism. On such TYPE is Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory of the gravity field, magnetic field, farm fields, etc.

Let's look at the BURKE connection to the

United States Naval Research Laboratory

and the

Arleigh Burke-class destroyer ..... specifically the

Arleigh Burke-class USS Cole (DDG 67)


USS Cole and two other Arleigh Burke-class vessels docked in Norfolk, Virginia. The Arleigh Burke class is among the largest destroyers built in the United ...

The USS Cole bombing was a suicide attack against the United States Navy guided-missile destroyer USS Cole (DDG-67) on 12 October 2000, while it was harbored and being refueled in the Yemen port of Aden.

The USS Cole bombing was a suicide attack

The USS Cole bombing was a suicide attack .. subset word

The USS Cole bombing was a s ide a

The USS Cole bombing was a system ideas attack --> COLE Hall univeristy idea ERRORS in oceanography class.

Cole Hall Ocean/geology class ....alphabet symbols ..

intials CHO spell Cole Hall Ocean class room.

USS Cole and two other Arleigh Burke-class vessels docked in Norfolk, Virginia

USS Cole and two other Arleigh Burke-class vessels docked in Norfolk, Virginia

Cole Hall Ocean --> CHO --> MR.CHO b100d vessels docked at Nor, Vurginia ...Norris Hall, Virginia TECH and the hydrogology engineering communication problems with Nacy ROTC graduates.

Thus we have ..... a example of ...

A Tale of Two Cities

One City of facts and information


USS Cole and two other Arleigh Burke-class vessels docked in Norfolk, Virginia. The Arleigh Burke class is among the largest destroyers built in the United ...

The Base 2 City of facts and information


USS Cole and

two other Arleigh Burke-class vessels docked in Norfolk, Virginia. The Arleigh Burke class is among the largest destroyers built in the United ...

USS Cole and

two other Arleigh Burke-class vessels docked in Norfolk, Virginia transalted form CITY ONE to CITY TWO becomes the events ....

1) U.S.S. Cole incident in Yemen --> Ye-men

2) two others are Arleigh-Burke class-room destroyers ...the school shooting destroyers

2. A) Cole Hall Ocean class (Nature's military code CHO) and the nonsense INTELLECTUAL Yes-men of Northern Illinois University

2. B) the Nor (Norris, Virginia TECH) equivalence LINK to the super-symmetry ...

parallel mirror Nor (Norfolk) Virginia

Thus we see...... U.S.S. COLE and Norfolk (NOR) Technology of DARPA and their univeristy / corporate secret society play out ..... the James Burke connection TRACE

1) ocean/water ..... U.S.S.Cole CLASS destroyer based in NOR (Norfolk)

2) ocean class ...... Cole Hall Oceangraphy (CHO) class room destroyer at identifier Nor - Northern Ill.sick noise University

3) hydrology class --> MR.CHO at location identifier Nor (Norris Hall with people FOLK to be destroyed by the Arleigh(t)-Buffer key class destroyer ......

just like computer agent 8 ...

McVeigh(t) was destroyed in the Base 16 8 data bit cover-up of the Base 16 war at HEX'Fe" = 254 = Federal building with the 168 dead ... and the oxygen atomic mass 16 atomic computer code ignored.

Thus we see 3 events with identical ... proper noun concepts, related adjectives language word stems, language word abbreviations and subset words ......

So, the question James Burke may ask ...why the cover-up?

Why the refusal to help research the mechanism in society that cause this chian-of-events.

James Burke suggests that James Clerk Maxwell equations in the eye/ opttical nerve and the electromagnetic data stream of SYMBOL LIFE (nouns, adjectives, equations and textbook formula) are engaged in a pphootn torpedo war ... in the CITY of c = 186,000 miles per second ..the veloCITY CITY contained within electromagnetic/photon waves ... and the manipulation waves approved ny the FCC.

Thus we see 2version of the U.S.S.COLE.

a) the physical ship of IRON floating on salt water int he ocean

b) the optical ship floating in EM spectrum waves with photon torpefos ... the optical U.S.S. COLE with the REAL MISSION description ......

On the morning of Thursday,

12 October 2000, USS Cole, under the command of Commander Kirk Lippold,

On the morning of Thursday,

12 Optic 20/00 vision year 20 00, USSpectrum Code lesson in repsect for the human eye , undercover command of Commander Kirk Lipp = Light parallel processing .............

Weapons in Star Trek - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


In Star Trek: Voyager, Tuvok and Kim modify a normal photon torpedo with a gravimetric ..... Captain James T. Kirk and Spock used lirpas when they fought for ...

Energy weapons - Projectile weapons - Biological, radioactive, and ...

Star Trek Captain Kirk Commands The Enterprise "Fire Photon ...

Kirk Commands

Thus we see the "Tale of 2 Cities" and the WHiTE HOUSE ....

a) the physical building in Washington, DC at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

b) the WHITE spectrum of light and it's traveling information CITY ...... the veloCITY of ideas, concepts, math equation,etc ..... a symbol HOUSE ...hence, the WHITE HOUSE with the eye/optical nerve/ and the Central nervous System 370 abstract brain symbol processor of photon graphics and alphabets.

Thus we have a brief outline of the James Burke method .... CONNECTIONs to Nature's NAVY of electromagnetic information ships about society.

Many other factors come into play ...... perhaps, someday .... some researhers may wish to

build an intergrated model of these various factors.

Let's consider another factor .... in addition to the optical ships of James (agent Burke) Clerk Maxwell.

Let's use the James Burke concept of CONNECTIONS and the Herbert Spencer concept of SEQUENCE of CO-EXISTENCES.

The USS Cole bombing was a suicide attack against the United States Navy guided-missile destroyer USS Cole (DDG-67) on 12 October 2000, while it was harbored and being refueled in the Yemen port of Aden. Seventeen American sailors were killed, and 39 were injured

Let's look at the chain-of-events caused by the incomplete reports about the U.S.S.COLE incident.

The chain-of-events ---> a sequence of co-existences ........ a process known since the year 1855 explanation by Herbert Spencer.


Herbert Spencer (27 April 1820 - 8 December 1903) was an English philosopher, biologist, anthropologist, sociologist, and prominent classical liberal political ...


Herbert Spencer, The Principles of Psychology [1855] ... Author: Herbert Spencer .... form links in the correspondence between internal and external changes.


see Herbert Spencer ..... to the minimal functions of the enforcement of contracts and external defense. ..... Remarks on Spencer's Definition of Mind as Correspondence (1878) by William James.

the enforcement of contracts ( the water molecules of EARTH oceans and the sodium chloride SALT treaty of SALT WATER with the puppet string theory physics YES-MEN mentality of the United States Navy .... Nature's contract enforcement and external defense signal in the Ye-man incident at the salt water I/O processing PORT of Aden ..... near the Computer EARTH system 370 geography surface I/O region = Input/Output --> I/O = Indian Ocean and its attached I/O PORT at the Aden.


John Arthur Thomson - 1906

... its self-balancing perturbations, that it, also, exhibits co-ordination of actions. ... successive, in correspondence with external co-existences and sequences.


John Offer - 2000 - Social Science

co-existence and sequence; and that therefore social phenomena form the ... The Saturday Review noted that Spencer had "collected a great mass of scattered ..


... and successive, in correspondence with external co-existences and sequences.‎ .... A: Herbert Spencer is the author of "The Principles of Psychology" .

in correspondence with external co-existences and sequences.‎

in correspondence with external co-e .................. and sequences.‎

in correspondence with external code existences and sequences.‎


System/370 Principles of Operation (GA22-7000-4), frequently used information ... manual (GC33-4010), command codes for various I/O devices, ... below. All comments and suggestions become the property of IBM. ... Branch and Link. BALR ...

in correspondence with external co-existences and sequences.‎

in correspondence with external co-e .................. and sequences.‎

in correspondence with external cole existences and sequences.‎


Systems Network Architecture (SNA) ---> Systems secret NAVY


The USS Cole bombing was a suicide attack against the United States Navy guided-missile destroyer USS Cole (DDG-67) on 12 October 2000, while it was ...

Attack - Investigation - Responsibility - Aftermath

Let's look at the empirical data message EVENT ..... that provides information for theortists interested in Herbert Spencer and the Grand Unified Theory of existence and Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory applications.

The sequence of co-existences as predicted by Herbert Spencer:

a) Watergate and Co --> Cold war existence with IRON Curtain year 1972

b) Water/ocean at Yemen and Co --> U.S.S.Cole exstence with solid IRON ship

c) Ocean/geolfy class YES MEN and Co --> Cole Hall with Pole Steven K. and the iron shipyards of the SOLID STATE physics project of the Solidarity movement in the POLAND subset region of ROPE theory of eu.ROPE ... the parallel to North American string theory data generating EVENTS.

d) Ocean theory of CAUSE and EFFECT in advanced hydrology ENGLISH class at Virginia TECH at Norris Hall ... with Virginia TECH Navy ROTC

USS Cole bombing

USS Cole (DDG-67) Departs.jpg

The Military Sealift Command fleet ocean tug towing USS Cole (DDG-67).






Suicide attack ...... alphabet subset letters

.........ide a --> spells idea --> Next sequence idea --> University

Aden, Yemen

USS Cole (DDG-67) (U.S. Navy) next in sequence

USA Cole Hall

12 October 2000 ...Next in sequence

......Oc ---> Ocean class on geography soli/ Land

11:18 am (UTC+3)

17 killed

39 injured

Thus we have outlinef the co-existence and sequence of events as predicted by Herbert Spencer and the DEATH of Lady Diana Spencer in Paris --> Par + IS = Parallel Information Systems.


Jul 29, 1981 - Watch Charles and Diana's wedding from 1981, including the famous kiss on the balcony of Buckingham Palace.

Born: July 1, 1961, Sandringham

Died: August 31, 1997, Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital

Height: 5' 10" (1.78 m)

Buried: September 6, 1997, Althorp

Siblings: Charles Spencer, 9th Earl Spencer, More

Parents: John Spencer, 8th Earl Spencer

Symbolic intellectual parent of British intellctual tradition of accuracy and integrity: HERBERT SPENCER .... a tradition that no longer existed in Great Britain .. in year 1997 or year 2013. ,

Thus we have outlinef the co-existence and sequence of events as predicted by Herbert Spencer and secret CODE

Paris --> Par + IS = Parallel Information Systems and the United Staes Marines at Parris Island probe

into the 11-dimensions of string theory with Sartre existentialism.

www.sahistory.org.za › timelinesThis day in History

Aug 31, 1997 - Lady Diana Spencer, simply known as Princess Diana

Marine Corps Recruiting

Depot Parris Island

Depot Parris Island

De...... Parr +is Is + land

CoDe Depot Parrallel Information Systems ---> next level --> is Island

Thus we see the levels of secret computer code used by the human bio-computes trained by the Marines to fight in

Earthly PARALLEL Universes.

The levels of existence bewteen EXTERNAL locations on the geography surface of EARTH soil / land and INTERNAL brain maps as mentioned by Herbert Spencer ..... and by others.... like S.I. Hayakawa and ...


Count Alfred Korzybski-a Polish swordsman of note who survived several duels. Trained ... the disorder arose from speech directed by the wrong hemisphere of the brain. ... S. I. Hayakawa-as acting president of San Francisco State University, he ... For Korzybski, words are only maps of reality; they are not the territory. He ...

Address: 283 Blvd De France, Parris Island, SC 29905

Hex Address: 283 Blvd coDe France --> F + ran + ce ---> HEX'F' = 15 ranfom variables code, Parrallel Island,

SC 29905

Head brain computer Address: 283 Blvd coDe France --> F + ran + ce ---> HEX'F' = 15 ranfom variables code, Parrallel Island, SCience of SC= SubConscious MIND 29905

What mechanism of Nature might help explain the above processes mentioned by Herbert Spencer.

Let's outline one possible method ..... one mechanism using Natrure's concept of covalent bonds of the water molecule and the atomic English language alphabet of 26 letters of the 26 protons of ferrous oxide IRON atom per the picture SIGNAL from Batavia, Illinois ....... with the water pond --> think back .... ponder --> Walden POND time period of 1848 and 1855 ...... Henry David Thoreau and Herbert Spencer .....

the FermiLAB water pond signal ----> Ponder --->think about ---> Pond errors ....

Picture - elvis 30.PNG


Henry David Thoreau lived at Walden Pond from July 1845 to September 1847. His experience at Walden provided the material for the book Walden, which is

Walden Pond corespondence to subset word POND within Herbert Spencer's correspondence ... betweem internal and external factors

One of several mechanism of Nature's military systems (described below) and the U.S.S. COLE data messages to enhance awareness skills.

Water VS U.S.Navy


The USS Cole bombing was a suicide attack against the United States Navy guided-missile destroyer USS Cole (DDG-67) on 12 October 2000, while it was harbored and being refueled in the Yemen port of Aden. Seventeen American sailors were killed, and 39 were injured

Let's look at the chain-of-events caused by the incomplete reports about the U.S.S.COLE incident.

The event was really EARTH, Nature, and the water molecule continuum battle VERSUS the U.S.Navy and their biased explanations of life and reality on EARTH. The Navy and their university and corporation associations were expected to understand the basics of water, the history of water, and modern molecular wars in year 2000. The U.S.S.Cole was a signal. The signal about the deeper levels of REALITY was ignored by universities .....

consequently a sequence of events occurred between October 2000 and year 2013. Let's look at the positive side ...... that the information sequence provided by the tragic events has given scientists important data about the fundamental architecture and mechanics of existence on EARTH.

Given the initial event of October 2000, let's continue our study of Nature's military expression systems VIA water molecules and their evolutionary extension .... water molecules packaged as humans ..... Natures' version of bottled water.

Humans are composed of molecules supplied by Nature's systems engineers ..... that engage in physical biology engineering, brain engineering, human behavior engineering, thought engineering, English language symbols engineering, science equations and formula, and social engineering.

These various projects of Nature are applied to experimental subsets of human. Actual testing is common science lab protocol ..... Nature uses EARTH LAB with humans and human groups.

Let's look at a chemistry molecule expression FORMAT ---> social chemistry and molecule social engineering ERROR signals.

The source of anger ....... covalent bonds in Illinois and Northern Illinois


Covalent chemical bonds involve the sharing of a pair of valence electrons by two atoms, in contrast to the transfer of electrons in ionic bonds. Such bonds lead ...


The three types of chemical bonds are Ionic bonds, Covalent bonds, and Polar covalent bonds. Chemists also recognize hydrogen bonds as a fourth form of ...

Covalent bond

A covalent bond is the chemical bond that involves the sharing of pairs of electrons between atoms. The stable balance of attractive and repulsive forces between atoms when they share electrons is known as covalent bonding.[1] For many molecules, the sharing of electrons allows each atom to attain the equivalent of a full outer shell, corresponding to a stable electronic configuration.

Covalent bonding includes many kinds of interaction, including σ-bonding, π-bonding, metal-to-metal bonding, agostic interactions, and three-center two-electron bonds

In the molecule H2, the hydrogen atoms share the two electrons via covalent bonding.[5] Covalency is greatest between atoms of similar electronegativities. Thus, covalent bonding does not necessarily require the two atoms be of the same elements, only that they be of comparable electronegativity. Although covalent bonding entails sharing of electrons, it is not necessarily delocalized.

Earth LAB site --> CH = Cole Hall


Northern Illinois University

Course Offerings

CHEM Course Descriptions

Transfer Courses

Early concepts in covalent bonding arose from this kind of image of the molecule of methane. Covalent bonding is implied in the Lewis structure by indicating electrons shared between atoms.

The term "covalence" in regard to bonding was first used in 1919 by Irving Langmuir in a Journal of the American Chemical Society article entitled "The Arrangement of Electrons in Atoms and Molecules". Langmuir wrote that "we shall denote by the term covalence the number of pairs of electrons that a given atom shares with its neighbors."[6]

The idea of covalent bonding can be traced several years before 1919 to Gilbert N. Lewis, who in 1916 described the sharing of electron pairs between atoms.[7] He introduced the Lewis notation or electron dot notation or Lewis dot structure in which valence electrons (those in the outer shell) are represented as dots around the atomic symbols. Pairs of electrons located between atoms represent covalent bonds. Multiple pairs represent multiple bonds, such as double bonds and triple bonds. An alternative form of representation, not shown here, has bond-forming electron pairs represented as solid lines.

Lewis proposed that an atom forms enough covalent bonds to form a full (or closed) outer electron shell. In the methane diagram shown here, the carbon atom has a valence of four and is therefore surrounded by eight electrons (the octet rule); four from the carbon itself and four from the hydrogens bonded to it. Each hydrogen has a valence of one and is surrounded by two electrons (a duet rule) - its own one electron plus one from the carbon. The numbers of electrons correspond to full shells in the quantum theory of the atom; the outer shell of a carbon atom is the n=2 shell which can hold eight electrons, while the outer (and only) shell of a hydrogen atom is the n=1 shell which can hold only two.

While the idea of shared electron pairs provides an effective qualitative picture of covalent bonding, quantum mechanics is needed to understand the nature of these bonds and predict the structures and properties of simple molecules. Walter Heitler and Fritz London are credited with the first successful quantum mechanical explanation of a chemical bond, specifically that of molecular hydrogen, in 1927.[8] Their work was based on the valence bond model, which assumes that a chemical bond is formed when there is good overlap between the atomic orbitals of participating atoms. These atomic orbitals are known to have specific angular relationships between each

Covalent bond

Co....... valent ...... bond

Cole valentine's day

.... molecule mass massacre


The Northern Illinois University shooting was a school shooting that took place on February 14, 2008. Steven Kazmierczak shot multiple people on the campus ...

Shooting - Perpetrator - Reaction - Earlier incident and possible ...

The incident happened at the campus's Cole Hall.

At approximately 3:05 p.m. CST, Steven Kazmierczak entered a large auditorium-style lecture hall in Cole Hall (Auditorium 101) with approximately 120 students, where an oceanography class was in session.

Thus we see the chemistry molecule expression of anger.

What chemistry equation is expressing the anger?

That requires a lot more research.

An example might be ... the H = hydrogen model ..... with the picture of the building below.

Perceive the building as a left HALL classroom and a right HALL classroom --->

the parallel equivalent at a atom/molecule LEVEL .......

left H = Hydrogen and a right H = Hydrogen.

What's this?

    • When two hydrogen atoms get close enough, the electron from each atom feels an attraction from the proton in the other atom's nucleus.

    • This attraction pulls the atoms together.

    • The electrons end up being shared by the atoms in a region around the nucleus of both atoms.

Covalent Bond in Hydrogen II

Two hydrogen atomsnear one another.


    • Hydrogen atoms are close together. The electron from each atom feels the attraction from the proton in the nucleus of the other atom.

    • This attraction pulls the atoms together and the electrons are shared by both atoms.

    • The atoms bond because there is a strong enough attraction in both directions and room for the electrons in the outer energy level of the atoms.


Let's look at the molecule SIGNAL evolution.

We started with the cement/concrete/brick building known by proper noun: Cole HALL.

This university building in DeKalb, Illinois can be theoretically seen by the UNIVERSE view of EARTH .... as EARTH LAB and a chemistry lab ... in physical chemistry and social chemistry.

The university building from the Milky WAY universe view point (like a NASA astronaut's VIEW of EARTH)........ looking at the university structure ... sees the building is comprised of 2 H --> 2 school classroom lecture HALLS.

Nature's SYMBOL PROCESSOR can equate these 2 lecture Halls to H = Hydrogen (that is ... Cole HALL is the larger scale model, the amplified version of hyfrogen atom). Thus the perception process provided by NATURE ...... Hydrogen atoms VIA the more visible, obvious .... eye/optical image of the cement/ conrete Hall model ..Cole Hall.


the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or

by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible

Covalent Bonding in Water I ---> oceanography class was in session.

What's this?

    • When two hydrogen atoms and an oxygen atom get close enough, the electron from each atom feels an attraction from the protons in the other atom's nucleus.

    • This attraction pulls the atoms together.

    • The electrons end up being shared by the atoms in a region around the nucleus of both atoms.

Covalent Bonding in Water II --> oceanography class was in session

--> the COLE Hall oceanography classroom for U.S.Navy intellectuals regarding the U.S.S.Cole of October 2000 and their university THINK TANK errors in the simple explanation.

Two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom near each other.

Hydrogen atoms and an oxygen atom are close together.

Electrons from each atom feel the attraction from the protons in the nucleus of the other atom.

This attraction pulls the atoms together and the electrons are shared by both atoms.

The atoms bond because there is a strong enough attraction in both directions and room for the electrons in the outer energy level of the atoms.

The above water molecule ..... is shown below ... in the WATER geometry using the concrete/cement model of the university campus builfing Cole Hall.

Above, we had the H and H symbols of the Hydrogen atom represented in physical FORMAT VIA the larger sized ..... cement/concrete/brick builkfing lecture HALLS ..... lecture HALL 1 and lecture HALL 2 of Cole Hall.

To complete the water molecule design configuration ... we need an O = Oxygen .... a circle or round shape near Cole Hall.

The picture below shows the O = Oxygen parallel in the round driveway /walkway in front of the COLE HALL building ( the Hydrogen Halls).

The oceanography class provides additional information about the super-symmetry physics parallel of this situation.


Introduction to Supersymmetry. 20th century physics has seen two major paradigm shifts in the way we understand Mother Nature. One is quantum mechanics, ...


Jul 30, 2012 - Supersymmetry proposes a new rule to govern the relationship

simonsfoundation.org › FeaturesSimons Science News

Nov 20, 2012 - As the elegant theory of supersymmetry ....

Thus we see Nature's information systems dispay .... with the water molecule at one size level of existence ..... AND the Nature's systems architecture with the enlarged DEMO of water moleule with attached parameters:

the cement/brick buildging inside ( H and H) and the outside round driveway (O = Oxygen)

with the additional CLUES of

- ocean class

- Cole , ocean, Navy, October 2000

- the scene at Cole Hall, while Daniel Parmenter was pronounced dead implies .....

Daniel Parmenter --> Da Parm ---> Data Parametere


Parameter definition, a constant or variable term in a function that determines the ... define a system and determine its behavior and are varied in an experiment.

- the scene at Cole Hall, while Daniel Parmenter was pronounced dead implies .....

Daniel Parameters - US Army War College --> Northern Illinois University


The Parameters staff is pleased to make available online all articles from previous years. Articles now are posted in complete volume numbers from 1971 to ...


The final quarter of our ongoing physics series with Leonard Susskind is devoted to supersymmetry, grand unification, and string theory. This course was ..

Images for cole valentine water molecule mass expression


The incident happened at the campus's Cole Hall at approximately 3:05 p.m. local ..... help explain why he chose a oceanogrphy geology class on Valentine's Day to open fire. ...


Atomic Structure. What is a Water Molecule? Oxygen and hydrogen are both non-metals.

An oxygen atom has 6 electrons in its outer shell. Oxygen is in group 6 ...

An oxygen atom has 6 electrons in its outer shell

An oxygen atom has 6 electrons in its outer shell

An oxygen atom has 6 electrons in its outer shell

An oxygen atom has 6 electrons in its outer shell --> 6 dead at .. .. killed by electron shell messenger bullets provided by the ......


The Bullet informs the public and influences policy through in-depth analysis

Thus we have some CLUES to the deeper levels of REALITY underlying the event.

We see the important relationship between different levels ...different perceptions of REALITY ..

the water molecule in a chemistry LAB glass container ..... and the super-symmetry WATER molecule architecture of the Cole HALL building and driveway ...... designed by humanoid architects that are really water molecule extensions in a dermatology skin package.

Thus we see these water molecule HUMANOIDS express the primordial water moelcule instincts in their subconscious mind that rose to a LEVEL of conscious expression and display VIA the Cole Hall architecture layout.

Now let's look at the astrophysics VIEW of the UNited States geography regions and its universities, campus buildings, Nature's SYMBOL MACHINEs that use English language alphabets and periodic atomic table symbols, college textbook information formula, humnan activity, etc .

THe astrophysics VIEW (like a NASA astronaut in a space station) sees EARTH and see the building below ...with the O = Region of Convergence (ROC) as used in signal processing analysis.


THus the SYMBOL MACHINE analysis of cement/ concrete building label:

Cole Hall and the O of the cement /concrete driveway gives ---> CHO of Virginia TECH shooting ….. thus the language software LINK

Between the 2 universities and their schemes.

Astrophysics chemistry sees symbol CO --> CO.valent social chemistry bond at new technology site ...DARPA virgin science at Virginia TECH ...and sees a MR,CHO........ Nature's Darwinianian selection of a covalent bond partner to complete the connection beween the 2 educational institutions.


About two hours after the initial shootings, Cho entered Norris Hall, which houses the Engineering Science and Mechanics ...

The Virginia Tech massacre was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia, United States. Seung-Hui Cho, a senior at Virginia Tech, shot and killed 32 people.

two separate attacks, approximately two hours apart --> data that helps describe the covalent bond of the 2 schools at 2 different levels of Sartre existential expression.

www.boundless.com › ... › Properties of Nonmetals

Types of Bonds. Ionic bonds can form between nonmetals and metals,

while covalent bonds form when electrons are shared between two nonmetals.

while covalent bonds form when electrons are shared between two

while covalent bonds form when electrons are shared between two

while covalent bonds form when electrons are shared between two

while covalent bonds form between two


Introduction to Covalent Bonding: Bonding between non-metals consists of two electrons shared between two atoms.

Using the Wave Theory, the covalent bond

Using the Wave Theory, the covalent bond

Using the Wave Theory, the covalent bond

Using the Wave Theory, the covalent bond

Using the Wave Theory, the covalent bond at the Cole Hall oceanography WAVE class and EARTH harmonics location ....wave ,,,, geo-physics and and string theory language/symbol of NODE --> NO + DE ---> Northern DeKalb.

Northern Illinois University, Cole Hall DeKalb Feb 2007 .

Virginia TECH shooting in April 2007 ........... AP = APRIL, and AP = Astro.Physics events with the Hawking EVENT HORIZON --->

transformed to ----> EVENT HORROR that rises up and displays a tragic message.

We ought try to understand the SIGNAL about existence and the conflicts among dimensions in our atomic/molecular daily lives.


11th dimension may refer to: Supergravity, a field theory that combines the principles of supersymmetry and general relativity; M-theory, a proposed "master ...

Astrophysics VIEW of EARTH and the water molecules ..... continuum: oceans, lakes, people, Navy, ocean class, hydrology,etc.

Given the outline above, we see that the architecture of existence on EARTH is very complex and compose of a wide variety of objects and formats and expressions. Thus EARTH space / time contains many physical things: people, buildings , cities, farms, forest,etc.

In addition, it now contains symbol buildings: languages for the eye/optical nerve. A college textbook in biochemistry is a symbol building with special words, data, cell process diagrams, flowcharts, etc.

Ten thousand years ago the biochemistry molecules existed in physical biology ,,,,, but did not have symbol existence.

Thus ...in the last 100 years ..the last 50 years...since 1960 ... these molecules experienced Darwinian evolution into the world of symbols, nouns, flowcharts, etc. Now, in year 2103 we can perceive ...sometimes...that a molecule as 2 identities .... especially since the biochemistry textbooks are emerging into the James Joyce data stream of consciousness ... that influences thought and behavior.

Now, the astrophysics VIEW of EARTH is "The Tale of TWO CITIES" ..... physical buildings and symbol.s buildings.

Using general concepts ...we have

1) Cole Hall ..Oceanography ---> capital letter initials ----> CHO extensions into the symbol worlds -->

George Orwell and book 1984 and Oceania and propaganda AND physics wave mechanics and EM propagation waves

The HALL event CHO occurred on Feb 14, 2007

2) The 2nd HALL event CHO occurred on April 16, 007 at Norris engineering HALL with MR.CHO with English language engineering, social engineering, and the Virginia home of the .... Constitution of the UNITED STATES engineering.

Thus we see the convergence of these different engineering systems at Norris Hall at Virginia TECH.


Hydrology is the study of the movement, distribution, and quality of water on Earth and other planets, including the hydrologic cycle, water resources and ...

Surface-water hydrology - Discharge

The Virginia Tech massacre was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007 ....

About two hours after the initial shootings, CHO entered Norris Hall, which

In other words ...

The Virginia Tech massacre was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007 ....

About two hours after the initial shootings, Cole Hall Oceanography class entered Norris Hall for the advanced hydrology class..

Thus we see a few pieces to a puzzle --->

Thus we see ..... a modern DISPLAY of sequence of co-existences --> abbreviated ...

S = sequence Co ...existence ..... Congress ought participate in the sequence of decisons ..... U.S.S Cole, Cole Hall and the Halls of Montezuma signals from Parris IS = Information Systems ISLAND.


You have a few pieces to an interesting puzzle about life and science war expression events on EARTH.

The SCIENCE WARS were officailly announced around year 1995 /1996 ...

James Burke M.A. (Oxon)

James Burke (science historian).jpg

James Burke in 2007

Connections is a ten-episode documentary television series created, written and presented by science historian James Burke. The series was produced and directed by Mick Jackson of the BBC Science & Features Department and first aired in 1978 (UK) and 1979 (USA). It took an interdisciplinary approach to the history of science and invention and demonstrated how various discoveries, scientific achievements, and historical world events were built from one another successively in an interconnected way to bring about particular aspects of modern technology. The series was noted for Burke's crisp and enthusiastic presentation (and dry humour), historical reenactments, and intricate working models.

I and the others that watched the TV show... are older and wiser. In is now year 2013. Let's show the world that we did pay attention to his message ...... by explaining the U.S.S.COLE situation and other Herb Zinser science war reports. The science war puzzles have recently appeared on the INTERNET .. .to help YOU carry on your role in the CONNECTIONS discovery process.