
Post date: Dec 28, 2013 2:12:36 AM

The super-symmetry WAR equation: CHO = Cole Hall Oceanography

Oceanography war

Z-sites RD paper 3011 by Herb Zinser

2 major tragic events provided important EARTH LAB empirical data for theorists and other researchers.

The super-symmetry model of existential physics ..... that may use symbol machines and language tools: mirrors and parallel processing ... help explain part of the Base 2 binary tragedy signal.

The important data generating events are:

Northern Illinois University shooting

The Northern Illinois University shooting was a school shooting that took place on February 14, 2008. Steven Kazmierczak shot multiple people on the campus of Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois, killing five people.

The incident happened at the campus's Cole Hall.

At approximately 3:05 p.m. CST, Steven Kazmierczak entered a large auditorium-style lecture hall in Cole Hall (Auditorium 101) with approximately 120 students, where an oceanography class was in session

Virginia Tech massacre

The Virginia Tech massacre was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia, United States. Seung-Hui Cho, a senior at Virginia Tech, shot and killed 32 people.

About two hours after the initial shootings, Cho entered Norris Hall, which houses the Engineering Science and Mechanics program among others, and chained the three main entrance doors shut.

THus we have 2 events with a some common concepts ..... that are social engineering system concepts .... social process control system with a FEEDBACK ERROR signal .... the signal format is the tragic format to get newspaper HEADLINES to get the attention of engineers and scientists who are the only ones with the educational background and INTEREST needed to understand the situation and the social process flowcharts.

Supersymmetry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


In particle physics, supersymmetry (often abbreviated SUSY) is a proposed symmetry of nature relating two basic classes of elementary particles: bosons, which ...

History - Applications - General supersymmetry

Introduction to Supersymmetry - Hitoshi Murayama


Introduction to Supersymmetry. 20th century physics has seen two major paradigm shifts in the way we understand Mother Nature. One is quantum mechanics, ...

Tale of 2 Cole events …..


www.guardian.co.uk › ScienceLife and Physics

Mar 14, 2013 – Michael Krämer Theoretical physicists are under the spell of (super-)symmetry...

Searching for supersymmetry: node --> no + de pair

supersymmetry: node --> no + de pair

No + de --> Northern Illinois , DeKalb 1st of the pair of tragic events

No + de ---> Nowway Demark --> 2nd of pair of tragedies

The important key atomic English language words ... known as

SYMBOL LIFE or the SYMBOL MACHINE codes ... are

A) Northern Cole Hall Oceanography --> English symbols

.....Nor..........C.....H....O mapped to

B) English Department analysts in atomic/molecular humanoid language schemes ....

C) DeKalb ---> Nor.................C.....H....O mapped to

......................Norris engineering CHO

Thus we see the super-symmetry ,,..... CAUSE ---> EFFECT,

The Northern Illinois intellectuals ignored the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family conflict ..... data generating EVENT ........ consequently, the Base 16 hexadecimal event of April 16 at Virginia TECH,

COMPUTER EARTH system 370 and atomic symbolic processor features:

--> The symbolic English vowel system: A E I/O U gives access to the galactic/atomic continuum computer --> vowels I/O = Input/Output. The galactic/atomic continuum computer system 370 social engineering project plan identifiers are:

Vowel A = American geographic location

Vowel E = E pluri BUS unum (the GREAT SEAL) data BUS

Vowel I = Input data stream

Vowel O = Output data pipeline

Vowel U = other sides of the multi-faceted UNIVERSAL MIND

A major galactic/atomic SYMBOLIC COMPUTER battle was with the English Department at Virginia TECH University.

The HEX battle of Base 16 took place on April 16,2007.

Virginia TECH (VT) University was responsible for the SYMBOL MACHINE computer VT universe --> VTOC = Volume Table Of Contents of various EARTH data storage versions...modeled after the IBM 3380 disk storage memory device.

We see super-symmetry theory and Darwinian selection of the CHOSEN ONE equation with

MR.CHO <---------> Cole Hall Oceanography class ......

a signal to the Pentagon and the U.S.Navy to think twice about the U.S.S.COLE incomplete explanation given to citizen thinkers in America.

Thus the super-symmetry pair of EVENTS had an orgin singularity event that is unresolved at the deeper levels of REALITY given the levels of knowledge in college math and science textbooks.


The USS Cole bombing was a suicide attack against the United States Navy guided-missile destroyer USS Cole (DDG-67) on 12 October 2000, while it was ...

Attack - Investigation - Responsibility - Aftermath

Picture of Ocean in year 2000 --> now go to ocean class for advanced education in year 2007.

U.S. S COLE --> October 2000 with Fe = Ferrrous oxide IRON ATOM ship .. destroyer

The U.S.Navy IRON destroyer ship travels thru the EARTH's magnetic field via NORTH POLE magnetic field data processing systems of Nature.

The Navy ship of tons of IRON weight interacts with the North Pole magnetic field and Nature creates a magnetic version of the U.S.S.Cole destroyer ..... that exists in the magnetic field (see the Polish physics project: Solidarity MOVEMENT, Poland IRON shipyards, Earth magnetic field POLES with bio-physics POLES as Nature's magnetic field language interface translators ..........

Hence, the Earth POLE bio-physics messenger of POLE heritage needed by Nature's Darwinian selection process: Steven K. This choice maximized the information content of Nature's messaging EVENT in DeKalb, Illinois .... which is near the Fe = Ferrrous oxide IRON atomic humanoids with iron HEME group Fe() ions that work at the Fe site = FermiLAB.

String theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


In classical string theory the number of dimensions is not fixed ... One such theory is the 11-dimensional M-theory, which ...

Superstring theory - M-theory - Introduction to M-theory - History of string theory

M-theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


In theoretical physics, M-theory is an extension of string theory in which 11 dimensions are identified. Proponents believe that the 11-dimensional theory

It appears ... the reason these various institutions (Navy, FermiLAB, Northern Illinois Uinversity,etc) will not exchanges ideas on these questions ........ and help explain these tragedies...... is that ..... they live in some of the 11-dimensions ..... but do NOT recognize the existence of the remaing dimensions..

Let's repeat this. Sartre existentialism can be partitioned into a partitoned data set (PDS) with members that belong to the PDS. Some people can use their mind and science books to explore different concepts ... other people use their abilities in another way.

In my case, the older and wiser I got ..... plus some learning experiences .... eventually allowed me to get a glimpse of a piece of all 11 dimensions ..... a liitle bit of this ...... a liitle bit if that ...the source being college textbooks, some televsion shows, my work experience, some CLUES in Star TREK novell, etc. After years of input data, my sub-conscious MIND was able to sort it out and present to my conscious mind with some simple, common sense models /explanations BASED on existing math and science data found in high school textbooks and basic college textbooks.

Oh! The SKU11 dimensions trick ...

....................11 dimensions of human puppets of string theory physics ......

M-theory and puppets = Muppets string theory television show in 1980.

Finally, another super-symmtery WAR event .....

www.npr.org › NewsScienceSpace

Sep 10, 2008 – The Superconducting Super Collider, located near the small town of Waxahachie, Texas, was going to hurl subatomic particles down a 54-mile ...


The Superconducting Super Collider (SSC) (also nicknamed the Desertron) was a particle accelerator complex under construction in the vicinity of Waxahachie, Texas, ...

Waxahachie Super Collider .......physics project in Texas

Waxahachie Super Collider .... Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family

Wa Co ..... physics alphabet subset letters =

Waco, Texas social anthrology Super Collider


The Waco siege, also known as the Waco massacre, was a siege of a ..... Over the next several months, Janet Reno's reason for approving the final gas attack ...

David Koresh - Branch Davidians - Category:Waco siege


Attorney General Janet Reno's Opening Statement Before The Crime Subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee and the National Security International .


Jump to: navigation, search. Renormalization group equation may refer to: Beta-function · Callan–Symanzik equation · Exact renormalization group equation

Applied physics ... evolution and adaptation of concepts to ----> atomic social science LEGAL experiments in TEXAS


Jump to: navigation, search. Renormalization group equation may refer to: Beta-function · Callan–Symanzik equation · Exact renormalization group equationv

Elementary theory

Elementary grammar school theory

In more technical terms, let us assume that we have a theory described by a certain function


of the state variables and a certain set of coupling constants


. This function may be a partition function, an action, a Hamiltonian, etc. It must contain the whole description of the physics of the system.

Now we consider a certain blocking transformation of the state variables

\{s_i\}\to \{\tilde s_i\}
\tilde s_i

, the number of must be lower than the number of

\tilde s_i

. Now let us try to rewrite the function only in terms of the . If this is achievable by a certain change in the parameters,

\{J_k\}\to \{\tilde J_k\}

, then the theory is said to be renormalizable.

Let symbol J be applied to the Department of J (justice) with Janet Reno.

Is she normal?

Is she the sum of symbols Reno with Normal atomic English language thoughts.

Reno, Nevada ....quantum state of Nevada .....and the STATE of MIND of Janet.

What is her position on only gambling with Fermi-Dirac statistics agent ... the Fermi-director with probability = 1 ---> one of Pier Oddone ......


ignoring the AGENT for the other part of Nature's EARTHLY projects with ....

Bose-Einstein statistics and

OM = Oxygen Molecules and the

Virgo Cluster astronomy, and

Max Planck TIME , etc.

Thus we see 2 examples to help theorists understand atomic bio-physics life and daily activity expressions of atomic humanoids on EARTH within the context of Nature's system projects.