The Big Mac

Post date: Dec 27, 2013 4:21:17 AM

The Big Mac is well known in the bio-computer world of the digestive data processing system.

IBM computer programmers and systems engineers ROUTINE at lunch is to use their automobile DRIVER subroutine to get a BIG Mac macro subroutine hamburger with a COKE. Then they are able to RETURN to work with the CODE key.

What are Nature's bio-computer data processing words?

COKE --> Co + ke --> Code Key using the carbonated beverage CO2 level 2 molecule code with atomic molecular mass 44.

Lunch --> Lu = Logical Unit

Return Code --> they RETURN from lunch with the CODE of the COKE beverage indsie them ..... thus the biology system INTERNALS Return Code.

Those that bring lunch to work ...may drink an RC cola to fill-fill their system Return Code needs.

These Watson double-helix humanoid entities that work at Tom Watson Labs ..... are part of Nature's Base Pair WATSON project of year 1953 thru year 1957. Did the Base 2 Watson's exist? Cavendish Labs remains silent in year 2013.