Atomic farms

Post date: Dec 26, 2013 11:51:09 PM

Botany FARM WAR news

The BOTANY agriculture war comes home to farmers .... as the Wisconsin farm industry neglects to study the death of Base 16 hexadecimal HEX'FF'A member Matt Anderson AND the death of Rod Nilsestuen. Nilsestuen.

Jul 22, 2010 – Rod Nilsestuen, state DATCP head, drowns in Lake Superior ... of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, Rod Nilsestuen, drowned while ...

Let's look at the SECRETs of the Secretary of Agriculture of Wisconsin and other states ... as the head of various secret societies and organizations of the farm community, the farm industry industry, and universities. The universities have ag departments, BOTANY, and genetic manipulation departments . To understand the various factors involved we use cross-correlation math concepts ...such as used in LaCrosse, Wisconsin agriculture region.

This gives us various clues about Nature's Ni = Nitrogen Cycle WAR with Nilsestuen's ERROR policies AND Nilsestuen's failure to explain farmer Terry Nicholas situation. Thus, the SUPERIOR thinker Rod Nilsestuen lost his life at Lake Superior ....a reminder to those farmers that are alive that the words: MOTHER SUPERIOR has a primary definition that refers to the geography /land of Mother Earth, Mother Nature, and Lake Superior of the Great Lakes .... and secondary definitions are religious or family social psychology words. .

In addition .... periodic atomic table bio-physics humanoid agent Ni = Nitrogen / Oxygen LUNG beathing life form of Nilsestuen refused to help undertsand the various issues and their solutions. He had the INTELLECTUAL resources of the entire state of Wisconsin and their university system at his disposal ..... and nothing .... except BULL-explantions of REALITY.

Another NITROGEN CYCLE farm messenger..... also, had the atomic bio-physics identifier Ni = Nicholas.

Nichols is one of three men convicted in the Oklahoma City Bombing ... He enrolled at Central Michigan University, but had difficulty adjusting to college life, and ...

Early years - Adulthood - Anti-government views - The bombing

He enrolled at Central Michigan University

He enrolled at Central Michigan University

He enrolled at Central Mic........ Univers..

He enrolled at Central atoMIC universe ........ Darwinian selection of agents that are assigned to the periodic atomic table for the modern Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family expression projects of Nature ...

that amplify INTERNAL atomic social science thougths to LARGE sized ..... EXTERNAL display format using humanoids and their activities .... on the geography DISPLAY surface of EARTH.

Terry Nichols

Terry Nichols

black and white photograph of a white male in his mid 30s, with thinning black hair, thick eyebrows, wearing very large, thick glasses with square frames

Nichols is one of three men convicted in the Oklahoma City Bombing


Terry Lynn Nichols April 1, 1955 (age 57) Lapeer, Michigan, U.S.

Terry Lynn Nichols (born April 1, 1955) is a convicted accomplice in the Oklahoma City bombing. Prior to his incarceration, he held a variety of short-term jobs, working as a farmer, grain elevator manager, real estate salesman and ranch hand

The tragic event SIGNAL of 168 dead --> atomic mass 16 oxygen...atomic number 8.

Thus we have the geography STATE of O = Oklahoma with the

human biology STATE of Existence = O = Oxygen ....... and strangely ..... no one in the entire PLANET EARTH recognizes that possibity ...of an important SIGNAL.

The EVENT -->

The Oklahoma City bombing was a terrorist bomb attack on the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City on April 19. 1995. The Oklahoma blast claimed 168 lives.

On September 30, 1994, Nichols bought forty 50-pound (23 kg) bags of ammonium nitrate from Mid-Kansas Coop in McPherson, Kansas, this would be enough to fertilize 4.25 acres of farmland at a rate of 160 pounds of nitrogen per acre; an amount commonly used for corn {2000 pounds of AN divided by (160 lb/acre divided by 0.34 lb N/lb AN) equals 4.25 acres}. Nichols bought an additional 50-pound (23 kg) bag on October 18, 1994.[ McVeigh approached Fortier and asked him to assist with the bombing project, but he refused.

McVeigh's original plan had been to detonate the bomb at 11:00 am CST, but at dawn on April 19, 1995, he decided instead to destroy the building at 9:00 am CST. As he drove toward the Murrah Federal Building in the Ryder truck.....

Thus we see the CLUES that are ignored ..... hencem the incomplete explanation of thre tragic EVENT.

Oxygen atom signal of 16 and 8.


Nitrogen atomic signal from the QUANTUM atoMIC STATE of MIChigan (represented by the geography State of Michigan with Mr. Nicholas).

Probability densities for the electron of a hydrogen atom in different quantum states. In the mathematical formulation of quantum mechanics, pure quantum states ...

Conceptual description - Formalism in quantum physics - See also - Notes

by TJ Zielinski - 2005 - Cited by 4 - Related articles Information • Textbooks • Media • Resources. 1880 Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 82 No. 12 December 2005 • JCE LivTexts: ...

File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat studying atomic systems, including, for example discussion of high resolution spectroscopy, laser trapping and cooling and preparation of quantum states of ions ... › JOSA BVolume 28Issue 12

by ZC Shi - 2011 - Cited by 3 - Related articles Dec 1, 2011 – In this paper, we first demonstrate how to realize quantum state transferring (QST) from one atom to another based on quantum Zeno dynamics.

In addition .... the SOLAR SYSTEM phtosynthesis WAR signal was sent to farm thinkers VIA the message display at Oklahoma City.

The Oklahoma City bombing was a terrorist bomb attack on the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995. It would remain the most destructive act of terrorism on American soil until the September 11, 2001 attacks. The Oklahoma blast claimed 168 lives

At 9:02 am CST, the Ryder truck, containing in excess of 4,800 pounds (2,200 kg)[65] of ammonium nitrate fertilizer, nitromethane, and diesel fuel mixture, detonated in front of the north side of the nine-story Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building.

Oklahoma City bombing

Oklahoma Car..bomb


Oklahoma Carbohydrates battle

Now it has been known since year 1600 ..."HOW the WORLD WORKS".

William Shakespeare - All the world's a stage (from As You Like It 2/7) ... And all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances; ...

Thus in year 1995, we have the Oklahoma musical stage with player McVeigh(t). Thus we have the 1995 THEATER of WAR stage ... we ask ... who or what process is the DIRECTOR of these tragic performances. Who or what processes programmed the bio-computer brain of Timothy McVeigh(t) --> agent 8 = eight?

Humans are subsets embedded within the multi-faceted dimensions of Nature's Sartre existential expressions. Thus ..... we look at the event from the BIG PICTURE gestalt view.

The picture above ..... looks like a photon of white spectrum of light ...... .with different levels of thought.

Thus the physical Federal building ...... reminds us of the electromagnetic spectrum and English language words. ....symbols and concepts ..... .in essence the white light ... symbolic building.

Thus the building above represents 2 buildings ...the cement /concrete building shown AND the white light spectrum with WORD and EQUATION symbolic buildings. › ... › Words, Language & GrammarSemantics

Rating: 4.5 - 36 reviews - $10.88 - In stock

Language in Thought and Action: Fifth Edition [S.I. Hayakawa, Alan R. Hayakawa, Robert ... definition" and the need to recognize different levels of abstraction.

File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View David N Chung, Language Arts, VHS, PYLUSD ... LEVELS OF ABSTRACTIONS ... “Most writing contains a range of abstraction levels, but successful professional ... of thought deals in the realm of abstraction,

The widely held impression about our human words and thoughts is that they are ... the way Hayakawa describes the relations between abstractions: the ladder of ... the different levels of abstraction is that they are many-to-one relations, as is .

Thus we see the bombing of the Federal Building created a message building ..... a sophisticated message about optics and light ...and the human ability to see WORD concepts ... levels of thought while READING newpsapers or science books using the white spectrum (sunlight or light bulbs).

the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible

by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible

by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible

by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible

Thus the VISIBLE damaged, destroyed Federal Building with white cement/ concrete FLOORS and LEVELS exposed ....... relates to the Senator Hayakawa abstraction ladder.

What is Nature's abstract Solar System WAR equation?

Thus the above equation ...and the message to Federal systems and the awareness problems.

Nature's carbohydrates system message ---> FEDERAL systems analysts ...

Carbohydrates --> word subset symbols ..... car + bo --> Car / truck bomb signal

CO2 --> Carbon dioxide for CO2 --> City of Oo (Oklahoma) H2O --> water signal for Oklahoma City fire department

solar energy --> sol --> message left at Fort Hood SOL Read Center (Soldier Readiness Center photon battle).

Perhaps, some analysts may be interested in these systems of Nature and their interaction human society. The tragic signals are considered Nature's social process control system FEEDBACK error signals ...for us to study. What is Nature's social engineering system trying to tell us?

Timothy McVeigh(t) was just a player in this Shakespeare performance. What really happened ...was the cover-up of the above BOTANY equation war on EARTH.

Thus we see the world wide CARBOHYDRATES war ....expressed by using the programmed 2-legged human messenger vehicle who uses a 4-wheeled motor vehicle CAR with a BOmb + HY = Highway ROAD.

Let's look a the United States English dictionary WORD equation:

Carbohydrate --> Car + bo + hy + dr + ate ....... and the year 1995 translation into nasty REALITY.

Car bo=bomb + highway /STREET + driver --> ate /FED building with a cafeteria /lunch rooms.

Thus we have the equation of the OKlahoma Bombing ...... never mentioned at the Franz Kafka ...TRIAL. The empirical data of the EVENT seems to mathematically relate to the synthesis EQUATION components.

McVeigh's original plan had been to detonate the bomb at 11:00 am CST, but at dawn on April 19, 1995, he decided instead to destroy the building at 9:00 am CST.[60] As he drove toward the Murrah Federal Building in the Ryder truck,

destroy the building at 9 destroy the building at 9 destroy the building at 9

This website is an overview of the history, mythology, and current scientific knowledge of the planets, moons and other objects in our solar system. Each page ...

Planets for Kids - Jupiter - Tour of the solar system - Saturn

The Nine Planets Solar System Tour --> Oklahoma City TOUR

This website is an overview of the history, mythology, and current scientific knowledge of the plan

current scientific knowledge of the plan

current scientific knowledge of the plan

Thus we see Nature's military farmer VETRANS ..... Veterinarians getting killed in accidents ..... as farmers continue their support of cities and city BULL-story explanations of the NATURE of REALITY.

Thus Wisconsin agriculture military VETRANS die .... because farmers LIE .. to the BIG EAR of Earth.

In Jefferson County .... one VET from the Lake Mills area got killed in an motor vehicle accident.

Near Hubbleton. Wisconsin a medical doctor or dentist .... had a lawn mower accident.

Thus we see the pattern of Wisconsin human brain computer ERRORS.

The bio-computer brain of Matt Anderson and the above gentlemen were programmed with bio-computer instructions that has ERRORS ... consequently the bio-computer ABEND --> human accident caused by a brain instrcution programming BUG. Very much like a copper-wire computer system with a software program problem.

What is so complicated about understanding these basic concepts of existence and parallels in years 2013?

We are not asking for technical DETAILS ...just existence philosophy.

Does the SUN shine in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin during the day time.

Can a farmer count up to number BASE 16? The city people can only count their ten fingers.

Thus ...we see FARM messages that are ignored ... by the funny farmers and fantasy farmers.

The above outlines SERIOUS matters ... processes of NATURE and Nature's interaction with humans that need to be understood.