Potassium WAR

Post date: Dec 28, 2013 1:56:59 AM

The 2 potassium isotopes WAR regions of years 1939 and 1941.

Z-sites paper 3010 by Herb Zinser

The periodic atomic table has many formats of expressions. One such FORMAT are atomic humans with an atomic brain symbolic computer that expresses messages on behalf of the atomic table of life and thought and feelings. Humans are thus considered as representatives or messengers or business LAB partners working with the atomic/astrophysics continuum, its life, and the thought formats within it.

The human is composed of atoms.

Humans have thoughts.

Thoughts must have an origin.

Therefore atoms are the origin of thought.

Therefore some political protests, crimes, shootings, wars, etc. by humans.....are really atomic protests of the Margaret Mead atomic families VIA the human vehicle/ the human atomic feelings expressor/ the human atomic messenger.

Let's look at such an atomic social science expression ....WORLD WAR 2.

The periodic atomic table key element is the potassium atom.


Each Potassium atom consists of 19 Protons in the nucleus and 19 electrons orbiting it. The most common form of Potassium also has 20 neutrons in the nucleus .


Jul 17, 2011 – Potassium is very important in the human body. ... Potassium is very important in cellular biochemical reactions and energy metabolism; ..

Thus we see the information flow ....

potassium atoms --> INTERNAL human biology ----> EXTERNAL human DISPLAY actions


Name: Potassium Symbol: K Atomic Number: 19. Atomic Mass: 39

Potassium Symbol: K Atomic Number: 19. Atomic Mass: 39

Potassium Symbol: K Atomic Number: 19. Atomic Mass: 39

Potassium Atomic Number: 19. Atomic Mass: 39

Potassium Atomic Number: 19. Atomic Mass: 39

Potassium Number: 19. Mass: 39

Potassium Number: 19. Mass: 39

Potassium 19 39

Potassium 19 39


This is a timeline of events that stretched over the period of World War II. For events preceding September 1, 1939, see the timeline of events preceding World ...

September 1939 - October 1939 - November 1939 - December 1939

September 1939 - October 1939 - November 1939 - December 1939

September 1939 - October 1939 - November 1939 - December 1939

September potassium clock 1939 -

October potassium clock 1939 -


Jun 13, 2001 – The potassium-argon method can be used on rocks as young as a few... Another important atomic clock used for dating purposes is based on ...

The potassium-argon method can be used....

The potassium-argon method can be used

The potassium-argument on method can be used

The potassium-argument on method can be used

November potassium argument in Europe 1939 -

December 1939 .... postassium electron SHELL transformation TO ARTILLARY SHELLS AND potassium military BULLET SHELLS to attack humans with potasssium metabolism INTELLECTUAL errors

Images for potassium electron shells

Images for potassium electron shells

Images for potassium electron shells

Potassium atom message displays VIA larger sized potassium aggregates named humanoids ..that express Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family .... social anthropology disputes.

Images for potassium electron shell..... -sites pappersocial policy conflicts

Images for INTERNAL potassium electron shell ... humanoid carriers ..

for potassium BULLET shells

answers.yahoo.com › All CategoriesScience & MathematicsChemistry

Oct 24, 2007 – Potassium has two main isotopes, potassium-39 and potassium-41.

Potassium has two main isotopes, potassium-39 and potassium-41.

Potassium has two main isotopes, potassium-39 and potassium-41.

Potassium has two main isotopes, potassium war 1939 Europe / Atlantic Ocean salt and the potassium War 1941 Asia/Pacific Ocean salt.


World War II (1939-1945) was the largest armed conflict in human history. ... The weak response of the European democracies

Potassium war region ....... atomic number 19 isotopes 39 gives war identifier number .... year 1939.


World War II began officially for the United States on December 7, 1941, when Japan--after several years of aggressive expansionism in Asia-

Potassium war region ....... atomic number 19 isotopes 41 gives war identifier number .... year 1941.

www.webelements.com › Potassium

Although Potassium only has two stable isotopes (K-39 and K-41), the long-lived ...This table shows information about naturally occuring isotopes, their atomic ..

www.webelements.com › Potassium

Although Potassium only has two stable isotopes (K-39 and K-41), the long-lived ...This table shows information about naturally occuring isotopes, their atomic ..

has two stable isotopes (K-39 and K-41)

has two stab isotopes (K-39 and K-41)

has World War two ..... two stab isotopes (Kill - 1939 and Kill -1941)

Fort Hood, Killeen, Texas and the Pentagon and DARPA ought study history someday .... at the Soldier READ CENTER with a physics and /or bio-chemistry textbook .. such as those used by Major Hasan while a science student at Virginia TECH.

What is the isotope's charge for potassium 39 - WikiAnswe

What is the isotope's military charge for

potassium 39 in year 1939?

wiki.answers.com › ... › Elements and CompoundsMetal and Alloys

This is essentially the weight of one atom. What charge do isotopes have? maybe .

How does potassium -39 differ from potassium -41?

How does potassium -39 differ from potassium -41?

How does potassium -39 differ from potassium -41?

How does potassium -39 differ from potassium -41?

Potassium 39 --> 1939 isotopes(t) 39

..........................................pest ... human potassium problems

....................................Budapest ...and Europe

............... cellulose tree Bud and human pest with axes and saws that cut Nature's mathematical decision trees in violation of the SOCIAL CONTRACT with Nature as outlined by John Locke and others .....such as Henry David thoreau .......


Walden Pond is the famous work that came from Henry David Thoreau's experiment of living simply.

Potassium 39 --> 1939 isotopes(t) 39

..........................................pest ... human potassium problems

....................................Budapest ...and Europe

............... cellulose tree Bud --> Asia BUDDY /friend ...treason by the tree BUD humanoid agents .. the Buddhist religion and their followers that have violated the BOTANY laws of Nature in the geography region of Asia.

Hence, the periodic atomic table MILITARY ORDERS to the potassium atom isotopes to ATTACK the human potassium FORMATS for violation of the fundamental atomic social science LIMIT laws.

Thus we see a few pieces to the atomic, bio-physics HISTORY secet of universities.