Bion & Epitaphium Bionis

  • Acel, Zsolt. 'Der Orpheus des Epitaphios Bionos in den Werken von Vergil und Ovid.' AAntHung 47, 2007, 349-68.
  • Allen, Don C. ‘Three Poems on Eros.’ In: Bernd Effe (ed.). Theokrit und die griechische Bukolik. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1986 (Wege der Forschung 580), 346-367. Originally published 1956.
  • Alpers, Paul. What is Pastoral? Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996. xiv, 429 pp. J.W. Halporn, BMCR 1997.12.15 || R.L. Hunter, CR 47, 1997, 320-2 || R. Faber, Phoenix 54, 2000.
  • Arland, W. Nachtheokritische Bukolik bis an die Schwelle der lateinischen Bukolik. Leipzig.
  • Bakouros, Vasileios K. Oi oraioi nekroi. Epitaphios Adonidos, Epitafios Thrinos.’ Athina: Esoptron, 2001. 168 pp. Parnassos 42, 2000, 391-2.
  • Barigazzi, Adelmo. 'Sull'epitafio di Bione.’ Maia 19, 1967, 363-9.
  • Baudy, Gerhard J. ‘Hirtenmythos und Hirtenlied. Zu den rituellen Aspekten der bukolischen Dichtung.’ Poetica 25, 1993, 282-318.
  • Beckby, Hermann. Die griechischen Bukoliker. Theokrit, Moschos, Bion. Text, Übersetzung & Kommentar. Meisenheim am Glan: Hain, 1979 (Beiträge zur klassischen Philologie 49). 601 pp. Frederick Griffiths, CPh 72, 1977, 360-1 || M.A. Schwartz, RBPh 55, 1977, 588 || Julia Kerschensteiner, Gnomon 51, 1979, 599-601.
  • Bermúdez Valpuesta, Macario. ‘El Papiro Rainer (Vindobonensis 29.801) y su relación con Bión de Esmirna.’ Habis 21, 1990, 41-7 [summary in English].
  • Bernsdorff, Hans. 'The Idea of Bucolic in the Imitators of Theocritus, 3rd-1st century BC.' In: Marco Fantuzzi and Theodore Papanghelis (edd.). Brill's Companion to Greek and Latin Pastoral. Leiden: Brill, 2006 (Brill's Companions in Classical Studies), 167-208.
  • Bianchi, Ugo. ‘Repetita mortis imago e rituale di vita inestinguibile. Il caso di Adonis.’ In: Filologia e forme letterarie. Studi offerti a Francesco della Corte. Urbino: Ed. Quattro Venti, 1987, I.121-136.
  • Blakeney, E.H. The festival of Adonis (Theocritus XV), with Bion's Lament for Adonis. Text & translation. London: Scholartis Press, 1933. 37 pp. G&R 3, 1933, 64.
  • Boella, U. ‘Adnotatiunculae.’ RSC 27, 1979, 321-8.
  • Campbell, Malcolm. Index verborum in Moschum et Bionem. Hildesheim: Olms, 1987 (Alpha-Omega, Reihe A, Band 89). vi, 96 pp.
  • Casadio, Valerio. ‘Catull. III 1 ss.’ MCr 21/22, 1986/87, 337-8.
  • Castello, G. (trans.) 'Bione, La morte di Adone.' MC 1940, 245-8.
  • Cazzaniga, Ignazio. ‘La tradizione poetica ellenistica nella favola ovidiana di Giacinto. Euforione, Bione, Nicandro, schol. Nic. Th. 585.’ PP 13, 1958, 149-65.
  • Cazzaniga, Ignazio. ‘I versi 112-113 dell'epitafio di Bione.’ In: Studi linguistici in onore di V. Pisani. Brescia: Paideia Ed., 1969, 221-30.
  • Chamberlin, H.H. Last flowers. A translation of Moschus and Bion. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1937. v, 81 pp. TLS 1937, 577 || Murphy, CW 31, 1937, 30 || Dunkel, CPh 1939, 92 || Smiley, CJ 36, 1941, 304 || E.S. Forster, CR 51, 1937, 222.
  • Chambry, E. (tr., ann.). Les bucoliques grecs. Théocrite, Moschos, Bion. Paris 1931. 247 pp.
  • Cytowska, M. ‘De auctoris anonymi saec. XVII tragoedia de Christi passione.’ Meander 19, 1964, 463-6.
  • Czapla, Beate. 'Die Entstehung von Kuss und roter Rose: die Transformation eines Mythos durch Johannes Secundus und andere.' In: Eckart Schäfer (ed.). Johannes Secundus und die römische Liebeslyrik. Tübingen: Narr, 2004 (NeoLatina 5), 225-38.
  • Czapla, Beate. ‘Der Kuß des geflügelten Eros. Figurationen des Liebesgottes in Moschos 1 und Bion Aposp. 13 Gow als hellenistische Kontrafakturen des “glukupikron amachanon herpeton”.’ In: M. Annette Harder, Remco F. Regtuit & Gerry C. Wakker (edd.). Beyond the Canon. Leuven: Peeters, 2006 (Hellenistica Groningana 11), 61-82.
  • Dartung, J.A. Die Bukoliker. Theokrit, Bion und Moschus. Ed. & tr. Leipzig 1858.
  • Di Nino, Margherita Maria. ‘Le “verità nascoste”: consapevole appartenenza a un genere, autoinvestitura e bugie metapoetiche in [Mosco] III.’ Philologus 153, 2009, 86-108.
  • Dihle, Albrecht. ‘Theocritus and Bucolic Poetry.’ In: A History of Greek Literature, from Homer to the Hellenistic Period. Transl. C. Krojzl. London & New York 1994, 272-80.
  • Edmonds, John M. Greek Bucolic Poets (Theocritus, Bion, Moschus). Edited with a translation. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 1912 (Loeb Classical library).
  • Edmonds, John M. Some Greek Poems of Love and Beauty translated into English verse. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1937. iv, 69 pp. E.S. Forster, CR 51, 1937, 222.
  • Effe, Bernd (ed.). Theokrit und die griechische Bukolik. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1986 (Wege der Forschung 580). vi, 464 pp. Cresci, Maia 39, 1987, 262-3 || F. Vian, REG 100, 1987, 171-2 || Jakob, Arcadia 23, 1988, 176-7 || I.-M. Weiss, QUCC 60, 1989, 152-4.
  • Effe, Bernd. ‘Die Homoerotik in der griechischen Bukolik.’ In: Theo Stemmler (ed.). Homoerotische Lyrik. Sechstes Kolloquium der Forschungsstelle für europäische Literatur des Mittelalters. Tübingen: Narr, 1992, 55-67. I. Gurndin, MLatJb 31, 1996, 118-20.
  • Effe, Bernd & Gerhard Binder. Die antike Bukolik. Eine Einführung. München & Zürich 1989.
  • Effe, Bernd & Gerhard Binder. Antike Hirtendichtung. Eine Einführung. 2. überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. Düsseldorf: Artemis & Winkler, 2001. 240 pp. Georg Graf von Vries, Gymnasium 111, 2004, 576-7.
  • Estevez, V.A. ‘“Apôleto kalos Adônis.” A description of Bion’s refrain.’ Maia 33, 1981, 35-42.
  • Fantuzzi, Marco. ‘Bion. Adon. epitaph. 25.’ MCr 13/14, 1978/79, 361-2.
  • Fantuzzi, Marco. ‘Eros e Muse. Bione, fr. 9 Gow.’ MD 4, 1980, 183-6. Reprinted as: ‘Eros und die Musen. Bion Fr. 9 Gow.’ In: Bernd Effe (ed.). Theokrit und die griechische Bukolik. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1986 (Wege der Forschung 580).
  • Fantuzzi, Marco. ‘La contaminazione dei generi letterari nella letteratura greca ellenistica. Rifiuto del sistema o evoluzione di un sistema?’ Lingua e Stile 15, 1980, 433-50.
  • Fantuzzi, Marco. ‘Bionis Adonis Epitaphium. Contesto culturale e tipologia testuale.’ Philologus 125, 1981, 95-108.
  • Fantuzzi, Marco. ‘Bion fr. 10 Gow.’ MCr 15-17, 1980-82, 159-60.
  • Fantuzzi, Marco. Bionis Smyrnaei Adonidis Epitaphium. Testo critico e commento. Liverpool: Cairns, 1985 (Arca 18). 165 pp. Bonnet, LEC 55, 1987, 103 || G. Tarditi, Aevum 61,1987, 252-4 || R. Matthews, CR 38, 1988 217-9 || G. Arnott, JHS 108, 1988, 234-5 || Gasti, Athenaeum 65, 1988, 645-7 || Benediktson, CW 82, 1988/89, 208-9 || Katayama, JCS 36, 1988, 96-8 || U. Treu, Eirene 27, 1990, 125-6 || O. Vox, QUCC 60, 1989, 139-45.
  • Fantuzzi, Marco. ‘Caducità dell'uomo et eternità della natura. Variazioni di un motivo letterario.’ QUCC 55, 1987, 101-10.
  • Fantuzzi, Marco. ‘On the metre of Anacreont. 19W.’ CQ 44, 1994, 540-2.
  • Fantuzzi, Marco. ‘Bion.’ Der Neue Pauly 2, 1997, 691-2.
  • Fantuzzi, Marco. ‘Imitazione teocritea e innovazioni nella poesia “bucolica” post-teocritea.’ In: Giuseppe Ramires (ed.). Teocrito nella storia della poesia bucolica. Atti del convegno nazionale Milazzo 7-8 novembre 1998. Associazione Italiana di Cultura Classica, Delegazione “Manara Valgimigli” Milazzo. Milano: SPES Editrice, 1999, 61-84.
  • Fantuzzi, Marco. ‘Teocrito e il genere bucolico.’ In: Marco Fantuzzi & Richard Hunter. Muse e modelli. La poesia ellenistica da Allessandro Magno ad Augusto. Roma & Bari: Laterza, 2002, 177-262. André Hurst, MH 59, 2002, 255 || Guillermo Galán Vioque, Emerita 71, 2003, 360-2 || Karin Volk, CR 53, 2003, 28-9 || William A. Beck, BMCR 2003.01.01.
  • Fantuzzi, Marco. 'Amore pastorale e amore elegiaco, tra Grecia e Roma .' In: Luigi Belloni, Lia de Finis & Gabriella Moretti (edd.). L'officina ellenistica. Poesia dotta e popolare in Grecia e a Roma. Trento: Università degli studi di Trento, Dipartimento di Scienze filologiche e storiche, 2003 (Labirinti 69), 169-98.
  • Fantuzzi, Marco. ‘Pastoral love and “elegiac” love, from Greece to Rome.’ LICS 2.3, 2003, 11 pp.
  • Fantuzzi, Marco & Theodore Papanghelis (edd.). Brill’s Companion to Greek and Latin Pastoral. Leiden: Brill, 2006 (Brill's Companions in Classical Studies).
  • Fountoulakis, Andreas. 'The colours of desire and death. Colour terms in Bion's Epitaph on Adonis.' In: Liza Cleland, Karen Stears & Glenys Davies (edd.). Colour in the Ancient Mediterranean World. Oxford: Hedges / Hadrian Books, 2004 (BAR International Series 1267), 110-16.
  • Gaertner, Jan Felix. ‘[Mosch.] 3.88 und Pindars Geburtsort.’ AAntHung 41, 2001, 263-6.
  • Gallavotti, Carlo. 'Il papiro bucolico viennese e la poesia di Bione.' RFIC 1941, 233-58.
  • Gallavotti, Carlo. Theocritus quique feruntur bucolici Graeci. Recensuit C.G. Roma: Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato, 1946 (Scriptores Graeci e Latini consilio Academiae Lynceorum editi). lxx, 331 pp. 2nd edn 1955. lxxv, 331 pp. 3rd edn 1993. 383 pp. 1st edition: A. Colonna, Paideia 2, 1947, 224-8 || A. Tovar, AFC 4, 1947-49, 15-89 || W.C. Helmbold, CPh 1949, 46-58 || 2nd edition: G. Tarditi, PP 10, 1955, 157 || 3rd edition: Frederick Williams, CR 46, 1996, 154-5 || Sarah B. Pomeroy, CR 46, 1996, 154-5 || Jose Guillermo Montes Cala, Emerita 44, 1996, 375-7 || Maria Grazia Albiani, Eikasmos 6, 1995, 390-405.
  • Gallavotti, Carlo. ‘Bione di Smirne e il suo Epitafio.’ BPEC 16, 1968, 65-75.
  • Gallazzi, Claudio. ‘Un papiro falso con un frammento di Bione.’ ZPE 34, 1979, 55-8.
  • García Teijeiro, Manuel & María Teresa Molinos Tejada. Bucólicos griegos. Introducción, traducciones y notas. Madrid: Gredos, 1986 (Biblioteca clásica Gredos 95). 372 pp.
  • Gelzer, Thomas. ‘Bemerkungen zum Adonidos Epitaphios des Bion von Smyrna.’ Hyperboreus 8, 2002, 256-66.
  • Giangrande, Giuseppe. 'Cinco notas filológicas.' Myrtia 17, 2002, 127-42.
  • Gigante Lanzara, Valeria. ‘Bione di Flossa: esiti e percorsi di un canone poetico.’ PP 64 No. 372, 2010, 161-73.
  • Goff, Barbara. Citizen Bacchae. Women’s Ritual Practice in Ancient Greece. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2004. 413 pp.
  • Goto, Shinobu. ‘Aphrodite's lament: Bion's Epitaphium Adonidis vv. 42-61’ [in Japanese w. English summary]. JCS 57, 2009, 30-40.
  • Gow, Andrew S.F. 'Bucolica.' CR 41, 1927, 166-9.
  • Haber, J. Pastoral and the poetics of self-contradiction. Cambridge: CUP, 1994. xiv, 218 pp.
  • Hallard, J.H. Theocritus, Bion and Moschus. Translated with an introduction on Greek bucolic poetry. 4th edition. London: Routledge, 1924. 220 pp. J.W. Duff, CR 1926, 32.
  • Harrison, T.P., Jr. & H.J. Leon. The Pastoral Elegy: An Anthology. Edited with notes by T.P.H. English translation by H.J.L. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1939. 312 pp. Ernout, RPh 1941, 187.
  • Himmelmann, Nikolaus. Über Hirten-Genre in der antiken Kunst. Opladen 1980 (Abhandlungen der rheinisch-westfälischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 65). 174 pp., 80 pls. Bazant, LF 104, 1981, 70-1 || Fink, RQA 76, 1981, 111-16 || Geyer, Arcadia 17, 1982, 302-7 || Recio, RAC 58, 1982, 420-5 || Sichtermann, Gymnasium 89, 1982, 159-61 || Paul-Zinserling, DLZ 106, 1985, 740-3
  • Holden, Anthony. Greek Pastoral Poetry: Theocritus, Bion, Moschus, the Pattern Poems. Translated with introduction and notes. Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1974 (Penguin Classics L294). 249 pp. G. Lawall, CW 69,1976, 347-8.
  • Hopkinson, Neil. A Hellenistic Anthology. Cambridge: CUP, 1988 (CGLC). xiv, 288 pp. D. Donnet, AC 58, 1989, 281-4 || G.O. Hutchinson, JHS 109, 1989, 236-7 || L. Lehnus, Maia 41, 1989, 79-80 || I.A. Rutherford, G&R 36, 1989, 99 || D. Vessey, CR 39, 1989, 184-5 || J. Clack, CW 83, 1989/90, 243 || D. Donnet, LEC 58, 1990, 287-8 || H. White, SicGymn 44, 1991, 323-30 || W.H. Mineur, Mnemosyne 45, 1992, 115-8.
  • Hordern, James H. 'Cyclopea. Philoxenus, Theocritus, Callimachus, Bion.' CQ 54, 2004, 285-92.
  • Hunter, Richard L. ‘Bion and Theocritus. A Note on “Lament for Adonis” v. 55.’ MD 32, 1994, 165-8.
  • Jackson, Steven B. ‘Callimachus’ pupils and Adonis.’ MH 55, 1998, 9-13.
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  • Kegel-Brinkgreve, E. The Echoing Woods. Bucolic and Pastoral from Theocritus to Wordsworth. Amsterdam 1990. 625 pp.
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  • Knaack, Georg. 'Bion (6).' RE 3.1, 1897, 481-2.
  • Lambert, E.Z. The Pastoral Elegy from Theocritus to Milton. A Critical Study. Diss. Yale University, New Haven, 1969. 331 pp. Summary: DA 31, 1970, 1233A.
  • Legrand, Philippe-Ernest. Bucoliques grecs. Texte et traduction. Tome I: Théocrite. Tome II: Pseudo-Théocrite, Moschos, Bion, divers. Paris: Presses universitaires de France / Les Belles Lettres, 1925-1927 (Collection des universités de France). xxxiv, 221 & xiv, 284 pp. 3rd edn. 1946; 4th 1953. Vol. 1: Taccone, BFC 33, 1-4 || A.S.F. Gow, CR 1926, 173 || JHS 1926, 275 || S.R., RA 24, 309 || Ath 4, 115 || Hubaux, BMB 1927, 18-21 || S.R., RA 1926, 2.3.9 || A.R., RF 1926, 257 -- Vol. 2: Hubaux, BMB 1927, 191 || A.S.F. Gow, CR 41, 1927, 240 || Morel, PhW 1928, 481-9 || Reinach, RA 27, 1928, 219 || Taccone, BFC 35, 1928, 81 || Oguse, RCr 1930, 210-13 || Renauld, RU 1929, 151 & 1930, 56.
  • Maas, Paul. ‘Bion, Lament for Adonis 93.’ CR 4, 1954, 11. Reprinted in: Kleine Schriften. München 1973, 97.
  • Maas, Paul. ‘Nêpiachoisa.’ Glotta 38, 1959/60, 308-9.
  • Maleuvre, Jean-Yves. ‘Chant funèbre en l'honneur de Virgile.’ Paideia 48, 1993, 241-6.
  • Manakidou, Flora P. ‘Bemerkungen über die Beziehung zwischen Dichtung und bildender Kunst. Bions Klage um Adonis und Theokrits 15. Idyll.’ Prometheus 20, 1994, 104-18.
  • Manakidou, Flora P. ‘Eros drapetes: paratiriseis pano sti fysi tou erotos stin hellenistiki poiisi [Eros drapetes: remarks on the nature of eros in Hellenistic poetry].’ Sêmeio (Cyprus) 2, 1994, 234-47.
  • Manakidou, Flora P. ‘Epitaphios Adonidos and Epitaphios Bionis: Remarks on their Generic Form and their Content.’ MD 37, 1997, 27-58.
  • Matthews, Richard J.H. ‘The Lament for Adonis. Questions of Authorship.’ Antichthon 24, 1990, 32-52.
  • Matthews, Richard J.H. ‘A sylloge of minor bucolics.’ Antichthon 28, 1994, 25-51.
  • Meillier, Claude. ‘Structure numérique de l'Epitaphios Bionos.’ SCO 33, 1983, 29-37.
  • Meineke, August. Theocritus, Bion, Moschus. Berlin 1856.
  • Miller, Marion Mills. The Greek Idylls. Translations in verse of Theocritus, Bion, and Moschus. Lexington, KY: The Maxwelton Company, 1926.
  • Molinos Tejada, María Teresa. 'Superstición, magia y mántica populares en los bucólicos.' Minerva 14, 2000, 49-60.
  • Montes Cala, José Guillermo. ‘Bión y la poética de Eros (a propósito del fr. 10 Gow).’ Habis 25, 1994, 87-90 [summary in English].
  • Montes Cala, José Guillermo. ‘Los exempla mitológicos en la bucólica griega.’ In: Juan Antonio López Férez (ed.). Mitos en la literatura griega helenística e imperial. Madrid: Ediciones Clásicas, 2003 (Estudios de Filología Griega 8), 55-77. Federico Condello, Eikasmos 15, 2004, 542-50 || Luis Miguel Pino Campos, Fortunatae 15, 2004, 221-4 || J.M. Jacques, LEC 72, 2004, 360 || Stephen M. Trzaskoma, CR 57, 2007, 365-7 || Christophe Cusset, REA 108, 2006.
  • Müller, Hans-Peter. 'Der tote König Jojakim und der Gott Adonis.' In: Jörg Gebauer, Eva Grabow, Frank Jünger & Dieter Metzler (edd.). Bildergeschichte: Festschrift Klaus Stähler. Möhnesee: Bibliopolis, 2004, 363-71.
  • Mumprecht, Vroni. Epitaphios Bionos. Text, Übersetzung und Kommentar. Zürich: Juris-Verlag, 1964 (diss. Bern). 149 pp. Jasper Griffin, CR 16, 1966, 233-4 || Adelmo Barigazzi, Maia 19, 1967, 289-92 & 363-9. || Carlo Gallavotti, BPEC 16, 1968, 65-75.
  • Palumbo Stracca, Bruna Maria. ‘Note esegetiche e testuali all'Adonis di Bione.’ RCCM 49, 2007, 249-66.
  • Palumbo Stracca, Bruna Maria. ‘Bione, Epitafio di Adone (XL Gallavotti): testo e traduzione.’ RCCM 50, 2008, 303-8.
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  • Paschalis, Michael. ‘“Glukeron stoma.” Erotic Homer in the Lament for Bion.’ MD 34, 1995, 179-85.
  • Paschalis, Michael. ‘Virgil’s Sixth Eclogue and the Lament for Bion.’ AJPh 116, 1995, 617-21.
  • Paschalis, Michael. ‘Virgil’s Arethusa (Ecl. 10.1-10) and the Bucolic Tradition.’ In: J.-T. Papademetriou (ed.). Acta of the First Panhellenic and International Conference on Ancient Greek Literature (23-26 May 1994). Athens 1997, 713-26.
  • Pérez López, Manuel. Lexicon Poetarum Bucolicorum Graecorum Minorum. 2 vols. Amsterdam: Hakkert, 1994 (Classical and Byzantine Monographs 28). xix, 418 pp.
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  • Robinson, David Moore. The Greek Bucolic Triad [Theocritus, Bion and Moschus]. Their lives, works and influence.
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  • Santiago Torre, R. ‘Marguerite Yourcenar and Bion of Smyrna: An intertextual study.’ Littérature 131, 2003, 59-76.
  • Schmid, W. ‘Antike Motive im Epicedion des Eobanus Hessus auf den Tod Dürers. Über eine humanistische Motivkontamination unter anderen aus dem Epitaphios Bionos.’ In: R.B. Palmer & R. Hamerton-Kelly (edd.). Philomathes. Studies and Essays in the Humanities in Memory of Philip Merlan. The Hague: Nijhoff, 1971, 508-21. E. Asmis, CW 66, 1972, 179-80 || A. Rist, Phoenix 26, 1972, 322.
  • Simms, R.R. ‘A Date with Adonis.’ Antichthon 31, 1997, 45-53.
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