Hellaby Community Gardening Group

Development of Land Inside Hall Gates 2019

November 2019

In November2019 the Parish Council received a grant to develop the patch of land at the end of the car park. The gardening group were asked to take on the project. We decided that it would be best to have raised beds with perennial plants to keep down future work.

January 2020

Work started in January 2020. We asked Barry Webb to make the raised beds for us and we covered the land with a membrane. Due to very wet weather in February nothing else got done.

February 2020

At the end of February we orderd compost and top soil to fill the beds and bought plants that would provide some winter colour. We were getting on well and then came the "Lock Down."

Work had to completely stop when the Garden Centres and Building Suppliers closed.

July 2020

Finally in July garden centres and builders merchants began to re-open so we were able to fill the raised beds and have chippings delivered to complete the work.