Skip & Community litter pick
Post date: Sept 7th Aug, 2021 10:00 AM
Community Skip - Saturday??? TBC
Our resident litter pickers have impressed our local Councillors so much that they have provided funding for a community skip to be used by local residents. A big thank you to the resident litter picker group and the local Councillors. A litter pick will go on along side this too. Hope to see many of you there.
Details of the day
Date - Saturday 258th April 2020
Time - 09:30 - 12:00 or until full
Location - Hellaby Centenary Hall
Refreshments will be served from 9am to 11am - feel free to come along and have a coffee, a bun and a chat.
What can be skipped
No Tyres, TV's, Computer Monitors, No Asbestos, Gas Bottles, no batteries of any kind, Fluorescent Tubes, no Fridges or Freezers and no Food Waste