May Morning 2019
Photo courtesy of Lawrence Kelly.
This Year the Black family kindly invited us to a May Morning breakfast following dancing outside of the Anchor Pub in Jericho. Eynesham Morris were also invited, so it seemed fitting that we celebrate the life of Michael Black.
In the 1970s Michael, as a burgeoning Oxford Sculptor, was asked to re-sculpt the stone the heads which surround the Sheldonian Theatre. He successfully completed this work in 1973 and Micheal, being a keen follower of Headington Quarry Morris Dancers asked if the accomplishment could be celebrated on May morning. Michael fashioned large polysyrene heads for a special dance composed for the occasion. He also made a large plaster Ox for the same occasion.
In 2013 upon a 'significant brithday' both the Ox and the Heads were again in attendance and the 'Head Dance' was again performed.
So it was that we and Eynesham Morris Dancers were able to honour Michael's interesting life on May morning in Jericho and for possibly the final time these artifacts were used in our May Morning Celebrations.
Will Partridge.
The polystyrene Heads, resting on the Plaster Ox.
(Photo courtesy of Will Partridge).