Previous events

Big Build Fun Day 2014

After the huge success of our fun day last year we are holding our second Build Build family fun day on 22nd March 2014. The day will be packed with fun activities such as Games, Children's Tombola

Raffle, Craft Table, Face Painting, Cakes, Hot dogs and much more! Plus our special guest Bob the Builder will be dropping in to say hello to everyone!

Please come along and support us in our fundraising efforts and join in with the fun.


Saturday 22nd March from 12pm-2:30pm


Loddon Hall, Twyford

How much:

Entry is free! so please come along and support us.

What is the BIG BUILD?

The BIG BUILD fundraising project aims to raise enough money to replace or significantly refurbish our preschool prefabricated building, which is situated on the site of Polehampton Infant School.

The committee at Happy Hours introduced the challenge to the local community by holding the first building themed Family Fun Day in 2013 which kick started the fundraising.

Family Fun Day - Saturday 21st March 2015

After the huge success of our last two fun days (which have jointly raised over £3500 pounds!) we are holding our third BIG BUILD family fun day on 21st March 2015. The day will be packed with fun activities such as Games, Children's Tombola, Raffle, Craft Table, Face Painting, Cakes, Hot dogs and much more! Plus our special guest Bob the Builder will be dropping in to say hello to everyone! Please come along and support us in our fundraising efforts and join in with the fun.

Entry is free! so please come along and support us.

What is the BIG BUILD?

The BIG BUILD fundraising project aims to raise enough money to replace or significantly refurbish our preschool prefabricated building, which is situated on the site of Polehampton Infant School.

The committee at Happy Hours introduced the challenge to the local community by holding the first building themed Family Fun Day in 2013 which kick started the fundraising efforts. Since then the project has raised over £3500 .

“Raising the enormous amount of money required to rebuild happy hours is a daunting task but after the successes of our previous events the team feel inspired and hope that Bob’s words will carry with us into the future… Can we build it? Yes we can!”

Ruth Beale - Chair, Happy Hours Committee