VIDEO start

Just a test (a test for now). Test drawing by hand (not a joke). To the music... I'm looking for a position to install the camera. The first option seems okay... At least the movement of the tip of the pen is clearly visible.

A4 paper, gel pen. Real time - 5 min.

A4 paper, mechanical pencil. Real time - 8 min.

Simple and without a name. Another test. Gel pen. Black.

A4 paper, mechanical pencil. Real time - 16 min. You can see a scan of the finished drawing

A4 paper, gel pen + mechanical pencil. Real time - 23 min. you can see a scan of the finished drawing

A4 paper, mechanical pencil. Real time - 12 min. You can see a scan of the  finished drawing

I apologize for the hands. Not very similar to the hands of an artist? Well, what are there...

Briefly about what you actually see. The first video is a drawing with a gel pen. No topic, just what's in your hand. The hand is not warmed up. Naturally, the drawing is far from perfect.

The second video shows a drawing with a PARKER pencil. By the way (without advertising), I recommend this particular pencil. It has many advantages, but the main ones are its hard nose.

Yes! What is important is the music. She turns graphics into a full-fledged show. I no longer see the opportunity to show drawing techniques without musical accompaniment.