Anti-Squat Living With A Short-Stay Contract
Moved To Arnhem
In september 2016 I moved to Arnhem due to lack of housing and rented an anti-squat short stay at Camelot in a former UWV building. This building had been renovated and the studios were new and furnished (they were very luxurious). I could rent for a maximum of 6 months and after that I had to move. Within the complex I could immediately move to another studio and to another complex only if I paid a deposit again. The old deposit I would get back months later after the rent period was finished.
Shortstay The New AntikraakÂ
At the beginning of 2017 the contract expired and I did not immediately get my deposit back as I kept complaining in the building about the smoking and noise in the complex (it was a non-smoking complex). Normally I get my deposit back within 6 weeks. Unfortunately this took months and so I had to use the Wegloophuis. Later I drew a house in Eindhoven, but yes due to lack of money I had to use the Food Bank through WijEindhoven.
View From My Shortstay Studio
The pictures give an impression of the anti-squat short stay on the outside and the view from the building. A shortstay contract is a contract that is less than a year. It is mostly for foreigners working in The Netherlands for a short period. As it is for foreigners the studios are good looking and are furnished. I was the first one living in my studio and had a contract for 6 months.