Why I Call Myself A Digital Nomad

Big Data eCourse

Together with Laudius and another teacher I made a Big Data eCourse in Dutch about what Big Data is, how to analyze Big Data and Privacy & Ethics in Big Data research. With the code: GUISELAINE 10 percent discount (Affiliate).


Definition Of Nomad

When I Google Nomad, I get the following definition:

'A Nomad is a member of a community of people who live in different locations, moving from one place to another'.

Modern Nomads

These days more and more people are starting their life as a nomad. There are lots of names for the nomad lifestyle like: digital nomad, nomad, urban nomad, location independent professionals, 'schrijfnomade', etc. Most nomads are working travelers that have chosen to not have a house, a traditional career, but a life of freedom. Each digital nomad defines the term different and is looking for their own freedom. I love to travel and never had the chance to travel for a long period and also was looking for a save home (2013). Still looking for that latter. I love to work on short projects and different projects at the same time so this can also be seen als Modern Nomad.

Why The Nomad Lifestyle

Everybody has their own reason to start that lifestyle. For me it was the quest and freedom that pushed me in taking that lifestyle. I first started my own company to have the freedom to work whenever I wanted and on projects I like. And with having my own working hours came the freedom to be location independent and travel the world. And with the freedom came detachment from stuff. I started selling my stuff and move into a smaller place in Holland. I became with the nomad lifestyle a Minimalist. I own a few furniture, all my cloths can fit in a bag pack and there is still room left in it. With cleaning out my stuff I experienced new freedom in my head to think and  befree. Even my administration is fully digitalized, no maps anymore. 

New Nomad Style

With COVID-19 the lifestyle of a nomad is a bit difficult, because I have to travel different. Hygiene is the most important at the moment and not spreading the virus. But I can still live the lifestyle by keeping a small place and minimalize my stuff more and more to the essentials that I need. And also earning the money and working on my debts, for me it is my student debt, to be freer in my travels when restrictions are lifted and having the home I dream off.

Working From Everywhere

And to answer the question in the title Why I call myself a digital nomad, because I travel a lot, even in Holland I travel a lot and I work from project to project on data-analysis, data-cleaning, data-visualization and WordPress website (I don't do WordPress anymore). So even my work is nomadic and I love that, being able to work with different people and different project all year round. My digital nomad is in my work and not anymore in my living style.