Helpdesk Employee

Big Data eCourse

Together with Laudius and another teacher I made a Big Data eCourse in Dutch about what Big Data is, how to analyze Big Data and Privacy & Ethics in Big Data research. With the code: GUISELAINE 10 percent discount (Affiliate).


Introduction To Bol.Com

My first encounter with was, when I ordered books online. A while later I saw that was looking for people to join the email team they were starting. I started the conversation with them. After completing the call training successfully I started answering emails from bol customers.

The Work

I was ‘eerstelijns’ and therefore had questions such as ‘Wat is mijn paswoord?' I hardly come across this question these days, because I can request my password automatically most of the time. Another frequently asked question was ‘Waar blijft mijn boek?'

The Workload & RSI

For most questions I could choose the answer to the email from a decision tree. Often I had to adjust the answer a little bit. The questions poured in, and the team grew. Break rules  and a target for answering email per hour were introduced and strictly followed to combat and prevent RSI. By product of all these was that the answering time of emails was shorten. 

A Mix Of Calling And Answering Emails

Despite my phone training, I thought it was enough when I had to combine answering the phone and email. I understand that this combination can prevent RSI, but I prefer not to answer the phone. This why when I was asked if I wanted want to renew my contract, I said no. I received my official letter of resignation and started looking for my next student job. Hereby I said goodbye for the second time to Nieuwegein, where the bol customer service was housed at that time. The first time I met Nieuwegein was when I signed my contract to rent a studio in Zeist.