2022 Morioka International Haiku Contest

I had the pleasure of judging the fourth Morioka International Haiku Contest with Toshio Kimura in the autumn of 2022. Results were announced 20 November 2022 in Morioka, Japan (see four selected event photos below). Visit the Morioka website for more information or see the results online (PDF), with images of the English text shown below. See also contest results for 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2023.

Prize Winners and Poems from Haiku Submissions     English Section
盛岡国際俳句大会 事前投句英語部門        受賞作品一覧


Judges: Michael Dylan Welch, Toshio Kimura

Japanese Translation: Toshio Kimura

選者:マイケル・ディラン・ウェルチ、木村 聡雄

邦訳:木村 聡雄



Grand Prize 最優秀作


Selected by Michael Dylan Welch マイケル・ディラン・ウェルチ選

Sasha A. Palmer   アメリカ


shooting star 流れ星

the brush of your sleeve あなたの袖が

against mine 私の袖に

This subtle and quiet poem might take place at a beach by the ocean, but it could be anywhere. We often see shooting stars as part of the Perseid meteor shower, making this a summer season word in the northern hemisphere. The brush of a sleeve brings intimacy to the poem’s setting. We are not told if this sleeve belongs to a friend or a lover, or perhaps a child in our care, but that personal connection seems to ask, did you see that? In that touch, the moment becomes shared. And now the poem shares that moment with you and me as readers. —Michael Dylan Welch





Special Selections 特選


Cezar S. Ciobîcă   ルーマニア


summer’s end 夏過ぎて

a skipping stone left 水切り石残る

on my bro’s grave 兄弟の墓

The most affecting word in this poem is the word “bro,” a vernacular and familiar term for a close friend or buddy, not necessarily an actual brother. These friends skipped stones together, if not that summer, then perhaps in previous summers. But they can no longer do so together. In addition to indicating the shared passion or pastime of skipping stones in nature, the poem’s use of “bro” indicates friendship, affection, and longing. —Michael Dylan Welch




Goran Gatalica   クロアチア


lifting fog—         湧き立つ霧―

the mustangs 野生馬たちの

at full gallop 全力疾走


This poem transforms the quietness of fog into bustling energy. We don’t know where this is happening, but the horses surely gallop excitedly because the fog is lifting. This act of celebration indicates a change of mood if not a change of season, and this energy extends us as observers. Because each of us interpret aspects of haiku in our own way, we can imagine many different locations, maybe the barren moors of Scotland or rolling North American foothills. —Michael Dylan Welch




Baisali Chatterjee Dutt   インド


rain-drenched laundry 雨に濡れた洗濯物

I carry the monsoon モンスーンを

inside 家に取り込む




I accidentally got caught in the rain while I was hanging my laundry to dry. . . . This work is based on one frame of everyday life. Monsoon refers to the seasonal winds of summer and winter, and can also refer to rain during the summer rainy season. In the author’s imagination, drippings from wet laundry become drops of monsoon rain, and the seasonal wind that brought the rain still lurks inside the damp clothes after they are brought into the house. —Toshio Kimura


Neal Whitman   アメリカ


the jazz station ジャズラジオ局

cuts in and out 聞こえては消え

blue Monday 憂鬱な月曜




Some relatively small radio stations specialize in music such as jazz. For example, you may have experienced difficulty in receiving broadcasts due to radio wave conditions while driving or commuting by car. Everyone might feel a little blue when it comes to Mondays. The week has just begun, but I’m still feeling uneasy and my favorite jazz sounds are hoarse and choppy. —Toshio Kimura


Benjamin Blasi   スイス


sunlit shore 日の当たる岸

the weight of the spring sea 春の海の重さ

that knows no border 国境を知らず




On a long-awaited spring day, I’m standing on a sunny beach looking out to sea. If you place yourself in this tranquility, not only you but also the sea and waves will seem to be somehow relaxed and languid. The endless ocean has no boundaries. However, on the ocean’s other side, disputes over borders still continue. With the spring sea in front of me, I can feel the futility of fighting. —Toshio Kimura

Honourable Mentions         選外佳作


Li Xiao   ロシア


winter sun . . . 冬日和...

choosing peaches 桃を選ぶ

for a pregnant daughter 懐妊した娘に


Alvin B. Cruz                                                    フィリピン


the stillness 止まったままの

of her rocking chair                                      彼女の揺り椅子

parting clouds                                                ちぎれ雲


Nina Kovačić                                                    クロアチア


autumn rain                                                    秋の雨

the river pours its color                              川はその色を

into the sea                                                    海へと注ぐ


Srinivasa Rao Sambangi                              インド


forget-me-nots                                             忘れな草

the garden mower                                      庭の草刈り人

put to rest                                                       ひと休み


Alvin B. Cruz                                                    フィリピン


apple blossoms                                             りんごの花

she gets a second                                        彼女は別の医者の

opinion                                                             意見も


Kyla Gruta                                                         フィリピン


bronze medalist                                            銅メダリスト//喜しそう

happier than                                                  銀の選手より

the one with silver                                       喜しそう


Eduard Tara                 ルーマニア


daisy petals                                                    ヒナギクの花びら

peace war peace                                          平和 戦争 平和

war peace                                                       戦争 平和


Stoianka Boianova                                        ブルガリア


autumn fog                                                     秋の霧

a mountain without peaks                       山頂見えぬ山

in the distance                                              遠く


Neal Whitman                                                アメリカ


the wave                                                         波は

returns to the sea                                        海へと帰りゆく

no regrets                                                       未練なく


Anthony Q. Rabang                                       フィリピン


on the churchyard                                       教会墓地

kneeling . . .                                                    ひざまずけば…

pigeons join me                                            鳩もともに


Ash Evan Lippert             アメリカ


thunder                                                           雷鳴

deep in the roses                                         薔薇の奥には

a wild scent of rainbows                            虹の野の香り


Rob Scott                  オーストラリア


winter doldrums                                           冬の憂鬱

the wind                                                          風が

reads my mind                                              わが心読む