
Photo of Michael Dylan Welch by Jim Swift, at Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary, Delta, British Columbia, 2003.

I love Kodachrome 64! Well, I used to, until film cameras went the way of vinyl records, except that vinyl has been making a comeback. Now I shoot digitally, but I sure miss using my old Nikon F2 (I now use a Nikon D90 digital camera and my smartphone). My photographs have appeared in photography books, on magazine covers, and in calendars (as the sole photographer). When I lived in the San Francisco area, I served as a photography judge for the Northern California Council of Camera Clubs. I was also an active member of the Peninsula Camera Club, at the Master level, and edited the club’s monthly newsletter. See my short article, “Why I Take Photographs,” published in the club newsletter in 1998. I enjoy shooting mostly travel and scenic photographs, as well as abstracts and blurred lights, and have photographed throughout Europe as well as in Canada, the United States, and Japan. Most of my early photographs were in the 35mm slide format, practically all of which (out of about 20,000) I haven’t had scanned, so I don’t have my best (early) photographs in digital format yet. More recently, I’ve been shooting a lot more family, people, and event photographs, especially haiku events. The following are a few photography links and sample pictures. Not much for now, but just wait until I get a scanner!       +

Three favourite quotations from Ansel Adams:

Photo Links

Selected Photo Albums

The following online photo albums were first created mostly in Picasa, which was acquired by Google and migrated to Google Photos. Most albums predate that acquisition (2014). To view these albums, visit the Google Photos links provided here. Selected photos appear to the side of album links.




VCBF Haiku Banners (19 photos)

English Haiku Banners (76 photos)

Japanese Haiku Banners (92 photos)


Haiku Northwest

Haiku Northwest / Port Townsend Joint Haiku Meetings

Haiku Society of America Quarterly Meetings

Seabeck Haiku Getaway

Faces and Name Badges from Seabeck 2012 (78 photos)

Part 1, October 10–11, 2013 (394 photos)

Part 2, October 12–13, 2013 (574 photos)

Faces and Name Badges from Seabeck 2013 (74 photos)

Day 1: 1 October 2015 (135 photos)

Day 2: 2 October 2015 (180 photos)

Day 3: 3 October 2015 (212 photos)

Day 4: 4 October 2015 (191 photos)

Day 1: 26 October 2017 (63 photos)

Day 2: 27October 2017 (155 photos)

Day 3: 28 October 2017 (261 photos)

Day 4: 29 October 2017 (140 photos)

Day 1: 25 Oct 2018 (26 photos)

Day 2: 26 Oct 2018 (133 photos)

Day 3: 27 Oct 2018 (270 photos)

Day 4: 28 Oct 2018 (78 photos)

Day 1: 28 October 2021 (80 photos)

Day 2: 29 October 2021 (62 photos)

Day 3: 30 October 2021 (123 photos)

Day 4: 31 October 2021 (108 photos)

Day 1: 27 October 2022 (45 photos)

Day 2: 28 October 2022 (90 photos)

Day 3: 29 October 2022 (145 photos)

Day 4: 30 October 2022 (89 photos)

Day 1: 26 October 2023 (73 photos)

Day 2: 27 October 2023 (175 photos)

Day 3: 28 October 2023 (168 photos)

Day 4: 29 October 2023 (186 photos)

Day 5: 30 October 2023 (108 photos) (touring with Jeff Hoagland)

Day 1: 24 October 2024 (109 photos)

Day 2: 25 October 2024 (118 photos)

Day 3: 26 October 2024 (180 photos, with group photos/video)

Day 4: 27 October 2024 (171 photos)


Gabriola Haiku Weekend


Haiku Weekend, 2023, Oregon Coast

Haiku North America 2009, Ottawa, Ontario

Haiku North America 2011, Seattle, Washington


Haiku North America, 2015, Schenectady, New York

Haiku North America, 2017, Santa Fe, New Mexico

Haiku North America, 2023, Cincinnati, Ohio

Tanka Sunday / Tanka Monday


Redmond Association of Spokenword (RASP)

Poets in the Park

Other Photos



International Community School Senior Trip, May 2024 (1016 photos)

Selected Photographs