A bird

First published in Solitary Plover #23, Winter 2016, page 4, the journal of the Friends of Lorine Niedecker. Also published in Afagando a Face de Lorca [Stroking Lorca’s Face], edited by Francisco José Craveiro de Carvalho, Lajes do Pico, Portugal: Companhia das Ilhas [Island Company], 2020, pages 178 (English) and 179 (Portuguese translation by the editor). Originally written in April 2008 in a Hedgebrook workshop with Anne Waldman on Whidbey Island. Listen to a recording of me reading this poem at the Seattle Central Library in November of 2010 (my reading starts at around the 9:00 mark) as part of the 2010 Jack Straw Writers Program.       +       +       +       +

a bird

on the sill

at the window

of the house

where we live

in the country

still at war

shakes its wings

and the world

the whole world


um pássaro

no parapeito

da janela

da casa 

onde vivemos

no país

ainda em guerra

sacode as asas

e o mundo

o mundo inteiro
