
The tracer-methodical group within the Applied Geoscience Dept. at the University of Göttingen (Germany) specializes in the use of (combined) hydraulic, artificial tracer and heat exchange tests, alongside with natural tracer information, and with hydraulic tomography (where applicable), for the various purposes of georeservoir development, characterization, engineering, and production/injection monitoring.

Performance and lifetime of georeservoirs under specific utilizations (geothermal, CCS, hydrocarbon extraction, underground-cavern storage, waste disposal, etc) are controlled by their hydrogeologic characteristics; to measure these, tracer tests are indispensable. Inter-well tracer tests enable to measure fluid residence time distributions (from which flow-storage repartitions can be derived), fluid-rock interfaces and heat exchange areas at reservoir scale. Additionally, single-well tracer tests aid in assessing the performance of reservoir development and stimulation measures (matrix treatments, fracturing where applicable), and in the monitoring of mid- and long-term reservoir behavior.

Looking for :

exploration or operating wells in fractured-/porous/tight reservoirs where stimulation and/or hydraulic tests (injection-flowback/production, accompanied by fluid sampling) are being planned; multi-well sites where hydraulic tomography is of interest, and technically-feasible

Providing :

single-/inter-well tracer test design+dimensioning+execution (depending on infrastructure already available for hydraulic tests), to measure fluid turnover and heat exchange within candidate georeservoirs, and monitor fracture/matrix behavior