
2019-02-27, added full-resolution figures to SGW-2019-Epilogue (pdf, 2.4 MB)

advanced courses, until 2016: Dr. N. Vouillamoz (details)

advanced courses, as of 2016: Dr. N. Vouillamoz (details+)

basic courses: Dr. J. Ghergut (see below)

along with this module: SEMINAR B, and further reading

advanced courses: September 3 – 7, 2018

(room NB-317, Goldschmidtstr. 3, Göttingen; provisional schedule; further details TBA)

[ Lernziele / Kompetenzen ] The student shall comprehend ‘a georeservoir’ as any part of the deeper subsurface accessible to human intervention (drilling, forced-gradient flow, mineral dissolution, permeability enhancement, …) for establishing some well-defined form of either storage or turnover of fluids, solutes, and/or energy; with hydrocarbon and geothermal reservoirs (conventional or unconventional), the geological environment of short-, mid- and long-term storage caverns, or of CCS formations as the most familiar examples.

Maintaining a prescribed georeservoir condition or process over its desired ‘lifetime’ is often accompanied by some other, possibly hazardous processes (contamination of groundwater resources, induced seismicity, air pollution, …), whose attempted mitigation, in turn, raises the costs and impedes the economic viability of the original endeavor.

The geoscientist’s expertise therein (with hydrogeology as a clue ‘asset’) will be highly valued by all shareholders: government and regulatory bodies, companies in the georeservoir business – and, last not least, the general public.

The geoscientist, however, will often face the dilemma “how not to play the devil’s advocate”, when georeservoir design and operation practices ascertained as non-hazardous happen to be extremely unpopular. Coupled thermal-hydraulic-mechanical-chemical (THMC) processes will be seen to play an essential role at each instance: reservoir genesis and evolution in geological times, towards a palette of economically interesting ‘georeservoir plays’ (course 1), reservoir response to physical or chemical gradients imposed at varying space and time scales (courses 2, 3, 4), economic value and viability of various options for reservoir design, development and engineering, and their environmental sustainability (courses 1, 3, 4).

[ Prüfungsanforderungen ] quantitative description and evaluation of georeservoir flow and transport processes, and of basic HM couplings; qualitative description and evaluation of coupled THMC processes; lifetime definition and calculation for a number of georeservoir paradigms; comparative evaluation of various georeservoir plays; principles of georeservoir engineering; understanding of georeservoir-related hazards, approaches to their quantification and mitigation.

[ teachers / lecturers ] J. Ghergut (in charge with M.HEG.320), Naomi Vouillamoz, S. L. Philipp, B. Wiegand;

with T. Agemar, G. Buntebarth, R. Hu, R. Jung, G. Zimmermann as guest lecturers
