prostioare diverse

update 2016ff: amtlich-sortierte

Liste ( mit Pflichtangaben etc.; älterer Auszug unten, redundant aber ggf. mit Volltext-pdf dabei

miscellanea (2011-2016)

[2016] Petrothermal and aquifer-based EGS in the Northern-German Sedimentary Basin, investigated by conservative tracers during single-well injection-flowback and production tests. Geothermics, 63: 225-241.

[2015] Planar and non-planar frac structures, seen by conservative/reactive tracers during injection-flowback and production. DGMK-Tagungsberichte (ISSN: 1433-9013), Vol. 2015-1 (ISBN 978-3-941721-55-2), 567-574.

[2015] Hydraulic, thermal and tracer tests at wellbore and reservoir scale. In: Final Report of Geothermal Energy and High-Performance Drilling Collaborative Research Program (gebo). Schriftenreihe des Energie-Forschungszentrums Niedersachsen, Band 30-1, Cuvillier-Verlag Göttingen (ISBN: 978-3-7369-9080-7), 203-225.

Wünschelrute, Steine klopfen – und dann? (dt.) ingenieurspiegel 2011-4 (pdf, 140KB);

Mit beiden sieht man besser (dt.) ingenieurspiegel 2012-4 (pdf, 136KB);

A piece of geothermal art in the Südheide (pdf, 1.2 MB);

Can Peclet nos depend on tracer species? (pdf, 704KB);

Remarks on 'heat exchange area' as a target parameter for SWIW tests (pdf, 804KB);

Matching tracer species to georeservoir type (pdf, 900KB);

CCS site characterization by SW and IW tracer tests (pdf, 433KB);

SW tests: incomplete analysis (pdf, 895KB);

Using tracer reactivity to overcome some dilemmata of single-well tracer test inversion (pdf, 1 MB);

Merging single-well and inter-well tracer tests into one forced-gradient dipole test, at the Heletz site within the MUSTANG project (pdf, 2 MB);

Tracer-based quantification of individual frac discharge in single-well multiple-frac backflow: sensitivity study (pdf, 1 MB);

Some insights gained from tracer tests in geothermal reservoirs in Southern Germany (pdf, 601KB);

Short-term fluid, heat, and solute transport in deep georeservoirs likely to become EGS: some challenges to ICDP hydrogeologists who might like using artificial tracers (pdf, 850KB);

Geothermal Art in the N-German Sedimentary Basin: Grafting EGS with Aquifers (pdf, 900KB);
