M.Sc., Ph.D. projects

abgeschlossene Doktorarbeit:

Karmakar S. (2016) Single-well tracer push-pull method development for subsurface process characterization. Ph. D. Thesis, University of Göttingen

(Betreuer: Ghergut, Sauter, Oehlmann)

abgeschlossene und laufende Masterarbeiten mit Bezug

zum BMWi-Vorhaben “TRENDS” (FKZ 0325515)

Mr. Alexander Bedoya González (2018, M. Sc. Thesis in prep.) HFF spill patterns related to fault reactivation during unconventional reservoir development and operation: scoping simulations, and implications for fluid monitoring system design in the overburden → tracergestützte Aussagen zum Verhalten von Störungszonen im Umfeld unkonventionell-erschlossener Gasfelder

Karmakar S., Ghergut J., Sauter M. (2016) Early-flowback tracer signals for fracture characterization in an EGS developed in deep crystalline and sedimentary formations: a parametric study. Geothermics, 63: 242-252.

Karmakar S., Ghergut J., Sauter M. (2015) EGS in sedimentary basins: sensitivity of early-flowback tracer signals to induced-fracture parameters. Energy Procedia, 76: 223-229.

Karmakar S., Ghergut J., Sauter M. (2015) Early-flowback tracer signals reflecting induced-fracture parameters. DGMK Proceedings (ISSN: 1433-9013), Vol. 2015-1 (ISBN: 978-3-941721-55-2), pp. 407-414.

Dewi D.S., Enomayo A.O., Ghergut J., Karmakar S., Sauter M., Wagner B. (2016) Tracer tests for characterizing Malm geothermal reservoirs within the German BMWi project TRENDS: a feasibility study. Energy Procedia, 97: 218-225.

Naqvi A. H., Ghergut J., Behrens H., Sauter M., Schmidt S. (2018) Parametric study on tracer tests with kinetic exchange processes for georeservoir characterization. Procs. 43rd Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University (Stanford, CA, Feb. 12-14, 2018), SGP-TR-213: paper#179 (7pp.)

Mohandas Surekha S., Ghergut J., Khaleefah N., Sauter M. (2018) Fluid temperature sensitivity to hydraulic aperture and thermal width values of major vertical fractures in forced-gradient flow. DGMK Proceedings (ISSN: 1433-9013), Vol. 2018-1 (ISBN: 978-3-941721-86-9), pp. 601-609 (pdf, 1022 KB)

SoSe18A, pending: Hydraulically induced stress changes in a Malm geothermal reservoir operated by a well triplet or quadruplet (analytical estimations, and implications for a fourth well's placing at the Sauerlach site in the S-German Molasse basin)

SoSe18B, pending: Predicting stress changes induced by fluid circulation in a hydrothermal reservoir to be operated by six wells (implications as to Malm reservoir design for the large-scale geothermal plant at Munich-Schäftlarnstr.)