Useful Links for Teachers
camscanner (turns your device into a scanner)
Vernier Video Physics (only for iOS)
Vernier Graphical Analysis (for iPad)
Theodolite (measure angles and distances using iPhone)
Teaching Physics for the First Time (highly recommended for new teachers)
Bob Morse Electrostatics Activities (Poor Man's "Teaching about Electrostatics")
Ranking Task Exercises in Physics
E&M TIPERS (Tasks Inspired by Physics Education Research)
Physics, The Human Adventure (the history of physics, in one accessible volume)
Knight Jones Field College Physics
Etkina Van Heuvelen Gentile College Physics
OpenStax College Physics (free)
OERCommons (Open Source educational resources, like OpenStax book listed above)
Keep a search on for used textbooks at ABEBooks
Get a Pearson textbook on your iPad, or view it on the web! Request Pearson eText access
College Board
create your AP Professional Login
Electronics Parts cheap
a site with some of Robert Morse's electrostatics activities
Bob Morse's Benjamin Franklin is My Lab Partner project
Neon Bulbs (from Jameco) (fun for electrostatics - Charge flows from "high to glow")
CASTLE Kits (and download curriculum for free)
Wonder Power or Force Field Magnets
Arbor Scientific (lots of fun stuff)
Sci-Supply (inexpensive physics equipment, including $10 genecons)
Online Homework
UTexas Quest (not free, but a great deal)
Andes Physics Tutor (unique, and Free)
LON-CAPA (free, but not for the faint of heart when it comes to technology)
Web Portals for Physics Teaching Ideas - Search by activity, assessment, labs or lesson plans
Federal Resources for Educational Excellence: Physics
TI SmartView Software (calculator emulator)
Video Analysis
Video in Logger Pro (software from, very reasonably priced)
VideoPoint (Pasco's Video Analysis product)
Interactive Learning Toolkit (ConcepTests)
Smarter Every Day
Minute Physics
Sixty Symbols
Flipping Physics
Physics-related X (formerly Twitter)
@fnoschese (Frank Noschese also follow his blog)
@kellyoshea (Kelly O'Shea also has a great blog)
@BadAstronomer (Phil Plait also has an excellent blog)
@rjallain (Rhett Allain has another blog you need to read)
@phyzman (Dean Baird blogs too)
Useful sites
American Association of Physics Teachers
eMentor free help for inexperienced physics teachers
comPADRE (resources for physics and astronomy education)
Physics Front (subset of comPADRE for pre-college teachers)
Cutnell and Johnson Interactive Learning Ware
Team Eclipse (PBL)
NASA eClips (short educational videos for free)
Adopt-a-Physicist (promote physics-related careers)
ProblemAttic (free, build tests, quizzes, from published tests like the NY Regents' test)
Astrophysics Science Project Integrating Research and Education
Sounds Amazing, U Salford
UBC Simulations and Animations
Favorite Software
Inkscape (free!)
Planbook is really useful and very reasonably priced.
This is just cool
Feynman lecture (Character of Physical Law)
Internet Archive (download copyright-free movies, music, other resources)