FHS National Science Bowl
FHS won the 2023 Arkansas Regionals at UALR!
And in 2022, 2020, 2019, 2017, and 2016!!
Former Science Bowl Team members have gone on to study science, computer science, engineering, math, and business at colleges including (in no particular order): the University of Arkansas; the University of Central Arkansas; the University of California, Berkeley; Northwestern University; the University of Chicago; Harvard University; Yale University; the University of Pennsylvania; Brigham Young University; Georgia Tech University; Cornell University; Stanford University (and others!).
Useful Links
Rules Science Bowl Timer Webpage (unofficial)
Arkansas Regional Matt's Buzzers (grants to buy buzzers!)
National Finals Conventional Online Buzzer Application (if you don't have physical buzzers)
Resources for Energy Questions (read about the recent research of these 17 labs)
Ames National Lab Idaho National Lab National Renewable Energy Lab
Argonne National Lab Lawrence Berkely National Lab Pacific Northwest National Lab SLAC National Accelerator Lab
Los Alamos National Lab Lawrence Livermore National Lab Oak Ridge National Lab Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Lab
Brookhaven National Lab Princeton Plasma Physics Lab Sandia National Lab
Fermi National Accelerator Lab National Energy Technology Lab Savannah River National Lab