Método de desenvolvimento de campanha de marketing através do marketing de base de dados

Método de desenvolvimento de campanha de marketing através do marketing de base de dados

Belfo, Fernando

In Proceedings of the 14th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI'2019), held on 19-22 June 2019 in Coimbra, Portugal. IEEE Publishing, pp. 1-8. doi: 10.23919/CISTI.2019.8760892.


Abstract: Organizations continue to strive to strengthen relationships with their customers and to attract new customers to their products or services. The implementation of marketing campaigns remains extremely important in this context. However, in an increasingly globalized, complex and more reliant on new information technology, organizations need to find ways to be more efficient in their marketing initiatives. The article presents a method for developing a marketing campaign that is based on the principles of database marketing. The method has ten steps and begins by characterizing the organization appropriately, identifying opportunities that can be realized through the exploitation of internal or external data of the organization and that can support a database suitable for marketing campaigns to launch.

Keywords: segment marketing; internet marketing; database marketing; marketing campaign; marketing 1:1.